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Officers Meeting 02/15/13
February 15, 2013
1900 hours
MEMBERS PRESENT: Chief Cox, DC Lee, 1st AC McKenna, 2nd AC Giudice, Capt. Papp, Capt. Morris, Capt. Babineau, ISO Joseph
Called to order:  1900 hours – RESCHEDULED DUE TO WINTERSTORM
Addition to Agenda: none
Approval of minutes:  The January 7, 2013 Officer’s meeting minutes were read.   Motion to approve made by 2AC Giudice, seconded by DC Lee
Corrections noted: pg. 1 – Public Service -remove
Citizens Comments: NONE
Budget Issues: Discussion on 2014 budget process, current FY13, ambulance staffing incentives.
Discussion of Heavy Rescue refurbish through lease purchase. Discussion of PPE gear (CROG bid list)
Career Staff / Personnel:   Monday is holiday- no career staffing until Tuesday 2/19
Union negotiations- still on going. Per Diem work- please fill out necessary application.
Appointment of ambulance engineers: Letters requesting these positions were read.
Approved by Chief Officers: Ambulance 528 – Jared Szuba
                                               Ambulance 628 – Joshua King
Discussion of Special Equipment Engineer: Alex Howard has assumed this position.
Alex Howard is also engineer on Service 128 – he will fulfill both duties.
Approved by Chief Officers
Training: (1st AC McKenna) February posted. Sunday drill at Schuster Park postponed due to snow amount on ground. On-Line training for 2013 is up & running. Discussion on EMS protocols and MCI document. Discussion of pump/2Q training and CIRMA class @ BAHS. Supplemental EMS refresher bill submitted for payment.
T. Cormier is proceeding with ambulance and service driver training qualifications.
Captains: ISO Joseph- all must wear reflective vests when operating on street/highway.
Capt.Papp- discussion on fire gear inventory/engineer meeting/status of hydro-ram/job descriptions.
Capt. Morris- discussion on life jackets/LED needed on R-128 (light tower issue); also discussion on boat operator qualification/state license.
Capt. Babineau- discussion on open R2 scheduling/protocol training frequency/documentation of lift assist only/
Chief Officers:
2nd AC Giudice: - discussion on Cadet Rules and regulations/advisors are off to good start/there has been a noticeable improvement in EMS response over last month.
1st AC McKenna:  - nothing to report
DC Lee   - want to thank everyone for emergency winter storm staffing. Discussion on school security (active shooter) committee and emergency response. Letter from EHFD Chief Voelker read- appreciation for RIT response during snowstorm.
Chief Cox -  thanks to all for the work during winter storm and mention of maternity in ambulance at Backus Hospital. Update on KX-putting together an RFP for merging with another entity as an expanded regional dispatch center.
President Martin:   nothing to report
Motion to adjourn @1955 hours
Motion by, 1AC McKenna, 2nd by DC Lee
 Respectfully submitted,
Walt Cox