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Officers Meeting Minutes 2/9/12
February 6, 2012
1900 hours

MEMBERS PRESENT:  Chief Cox, DC Don Lee, 2AC Royce Knowles, Capt. Giudice, Capt. Steve Joseph, Capt. Dave Barnes, Capt Dan Rowland; ISO K. McManus, Eng Babineau, Lt. R. Stepp, Eng. Becky Knowles, Lt Cwikla,
Called to order:  1900 hours
Addition to Agenda: Chief Officers will be going into Executive Session for possible action on Fire Lt. Position. Motion to approve DC Lee: 2nd  by 2AC Knowles
Approval of minutes:  The January Officer meeting minutes were read.   Motion to approve made to accept by 2nd AC Knowles, 2nd by DC Lee with corrections to minutes as follows:

Citizens Comments:  Capt. Jones home sick.  (see comments from Deb Marvin in EMS).
Budget Issues:  This fiscal year running near full expenditure. Bunker gear replacement – meetings w/ Capt Giudice & 3 chiefs.  NFPA Stds – 10 yr & older structural FF stock must be removed from line. Gear to be ordered. Updated inventory on Firehouse. 2002 went to Millennia. Interior vs. exterior gear – different std USAR gear is not interior grade. Some members have interior gear – willing to give it up for exterior gear.

Proposed FY2013 increase in following: officer stipends ,  ambulance shift staffing,  prot. clothing, med supplies, AED & 1st aid kits;  fire equipment,  travel, prof membership , service contracts   vehicle maintenance,  equipment /repair .  Internet service at Company 2.
Budget meetings for public info 6:30 pm 2/15/ @ Bacon Café – discussion on bonding proposal.  Possible procurement of apparatus & road improvement. CIP $75,000-hydraulic tool system &  $53,000 for flash- over replacement ..
Career Staff / Personnel: Captain Barnes is doing well after medical issue.  Fire Lt position to be interviewed. DC Lee scheduled to return to full duty status 2/1312/. FF Papp has shoulder separation. FF K. Erickson sick.
Workers comp has been using Concentra – establishing a preferred network to include Marl. Clinic .
Fundraiser for Chris Lee 2/25/12. Tickets available.
Training:  1st AC McKenna –absent.
Feb training posted.  EMS., mthly meeting, Fire, Rescue – monthly Thursday schedule. 
Dept. is receiving CIRMA risk management award – education & training  -also developed official SOP and Operation Safe Arrival – March 22 presentation at BAHS.
Schuster Park – floor welded,  hand rails this weekend, need to start getting water main into ground before we start training in earnest. Wayne Rioux got material donated – for around water main.  We have to pay trucking costs from Jewett City (6 loads - $1000) – have been generating revenue for use of facility.  Developed fee schedule - $ generated is barely covering costs but is covering - # of consumables used, etc. Group in November – structural burn – burn operation and site control officer – 18 interior officer – will require 2 burn master  & site officer.
EMR class for cadets in July / August . Want to sit w/ parents re: waivers, 60 hr requirements,  15 yr old restriction for riding – state says 15. Town says :_____.   # of hrs need to ride to get EMR. Only 14 yr olds can join if they will be 15 by end of class.
Crew only if lead tech is on board and if they are certified. OIC has discretion to determine if scene is too intense for cadet.  Roster to be available by EOM.
Info from that meeting should be posted for all to see. Draft of rules to be reviewed  / approved by officers. Hwy calls – cadets must stay in ambulance.
EMS: – still getting ambulance crew issues, and lack of cleanliness of ambulances. Pins on extinguishers left open. Should have blue tag pin. EMS round table issue meeting Sun. 2/6 – minutes to be posted soon.  Gmail acct for EMS postings. Gil Olsen will manage.
Shifts affected by school attendance.  2nd AC Knowles suggested day time filling of shifts should be open to perform. Not restricted to evening. 6-12,  noon – 5.
New BP machines came in. Training coming. Printing capability – not recommended. Different cuffs for different size pts. Print history, set intervals. Spec adapters available for cords.
Deb Marvin – general comments : Truck proposal – is there an R1 vehicle in there? Capitol vehicle replacement plan should include an R1 plan.  Recommends a 4 person vehicle. Or a vehicle that can carry more people which will allow crews to bring more people to learn at each scene – potentially less serious  situation.. 
Rescue – Capt. Joseph –ropes & knots classes posted . Ice water rescue 2/19 8:00 in E. Hampton. Inventory being done. A. Howard offered to assist w/ boats.
Fire Police – Capt. Jones ––out sick
Safety – Capt. Rowland –...physical exam list posted. Yellow = DUE. Health & Safety committee mtg summary posted. SCBA hrs posted – some have 0.
ET128 back in svc after weekend issue.  Electrical boxes written up.
Fire – Capt.  P. Giudice:-  ice in walls of company 2 from flashing. July 2011 org charts now ready for approval.  Knowles – would have to grandfather people in. Jan. of next yr would change Engineer / Lt status of a few people. Current bylaws need adjustment, which could effect this org chart. Post DRAFT for feedback for potential approval in March. Bylaw committee recognizes Company does not have authority to change or dictate ranks , etc.  Pres. Martin concurs.
Communications SOP needs updating - - take out car #’s.  Should the New London MAYDAY reference be included. – yes.
Gear wash will be here Wed. 2/11 to be set up.
Decals for ET2 put temp decals – need permanent. Service-128 passenger needs decal.  $365.00  - will try to include in an insurance claim.
EMS gear – may be used for EMS gear. In good condition. YES.,  maybe get EMS station uniform pants.  Chief wants quotes, #’s, etc.  who would get what. Buy 3 sets of USAR gear.  Will have Green helmet w/ green vests. Helmets should be blue.
DC Lee – we keep changing uniform types. Tens of thousands of $$  piled around station. Gear standard requirement to be issued and enforced.
NL County Fire Chiefs – FAST teams – want to see what we do / requirements needed to be accepted.

Chief Officers:
2nd AC Knowles – a few members w/ blue lights and yellow plate. Getting some complaints from citizens of  members using cell phones. Should be in SOP and directives. Concern raised: if we are training town employees to be “heart safe” – we should have all of our people certified in heart safe. We would have to train members in accordance w / the health care provider standards.
Will encourage all members to get certified. List of people to be compiled.
1st AC McKenna –.absent
DC Lee   no report
Chief –.NLCFC – 3/7/12 7:00 pm.
Talking to press – all goes to Chief officers. ON line training should  be up soon. Links up for FEMA.   IAMRESPONDING monitor up at company 2. People are becoming more compliant.
Thanks to Adam Pierce – teaching CPR to town employees,  Gil Olsen, Lauren Kupper, and Toby Cormier assisted.
President Martin :. Got draft for lease of old firehouse.  Will be requesting it go forward to Board of Selectman.  Task force request – 2 issues  raised by Rosemary Coyle: #4, & #5 – review & recommend charges, job descriptions, etc – too intrusive for citizens off street.  BOS voted to approve concept of task force but leaving 11 charges to next meeting.  Then selection process to begin.  # of FD members changed to 3.
Motion to go into Executive Session. 2032 hours.
Came out of Executive Session : 2115 hours
Steve Morris interviewed and appointed to Fire Lt. Position by Chief Officers

Motion to adjourn – 21:20 hrs. Motion by 2AC Knowles ; 2nd by  DC Lee.
Respectfully submitted, Jean Walsh