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Monthly Officers Meeting 7/8/12
July 9, 2012
1900 hours

MEMBERS PRESENT: Chief Cox, DC Lee,, 1AC McKenna, 2AC Knowles, Capt. Giudice, Capt. Jones, Capt. Barnes, Capt. Joseph, SO Captain Rowland, Lt. R. Stepp,  Lt. Cwikla, Eng.Knowles, Eng. Babineau.
Called to order:  1900 hours
Addition to Agenda: none
Approval of minutes:  The June Officer’s meeting minutes were read.   Motion to approve made to approve by AC2 Knowles., accept DC Lee.
Citizens Comments: Letter read: 7/3/12 transport. Thanking CHVFD for service: G.Schuster. Heart Safe community thank you.
Budget Issues:   .FY 2013 – thank everyone for voting, and officer structure in Dept.  Cuts: - reduced, kept fuel comp increase; 
Heavy rescue needs full brake conversion after RIT call in Columbia. Est. : $ 6-8,000. Lease purchase option being looked into. Have to present to BOF / BOS. ET bonding request substantiated with failure at recent fire. ET-328Taken out today for re-testing. Worked ok.  Found a beaver dam at Rt.16 (Babcock Pond) which could have caused problem. ET-328 Portable monitor gauge snapped off. Back.
Ladder 128 – issues
528 – will go to Nutmeg for antifreeze, & brakes.
RFP for hydraulic tools.
Career Staff / Personnel:  : Chief on vacation 7/14-28. Can be reached. Local union began negotiations. Close call report filed on Friday 7/7.  re: body fluids in ambulance.  EMS captain & AC Knowles to look into. Letter of resignation received.
Training:  1st AC McKenna –. Will encumber $ for mandatory training: 60 EMT re-certs at 20 @ yr,  5 new EMTS / yr 3750, 10 FFI or FFII - $6500, cadet EMR class $3000  ($16,200). Intend to be stricter on what classes can be taken / who can take them. ?? Should FD employees have their training come out of this line?
Live burn – 7/13 or 20th, hazmat 7/29, 7-28-30.  All members in cat. 2 : requirement to have ½ training : Gosselin, R.Gustafson.
Statewide exercise for Hurricane training event. EOC to be open.
Rescue – Capt. Joseph –.rescue still down.
Fire Police – Capt. Jones –– Svc 3 back in svc – w/ bumper back in tact. A few members out: J.Dudato – shoulder surgery; P.Borkewicz – home from surgery; A.Cwickla – became a grandmother; Capt.Jones son doing well from cancer surgery.
Safety – Capt. Rowland  -  absent.
Fire – Capt. P. Giudice:- Company 2 roof issue?? Leak in from wall. 3 ceiling fans – 1 off. Packets of job descriptions – pre-made formats (cptn/,lts).
(Kevin – hwy, p&r, optns director)
EMS – Captain Barnes –.Amb- 528 low pressure alarm going off, self fixed for a while – going again. ?? are oxy. Pressures coming out correctly from regulators? ?15 l/ sec.?
Over past month – vehicles being parked at ½ tank, not stocked, messy, Sharps container had a bloody t-shirt over needles – caused a problem.  Have noticed – staff in building – call goes out – people do not respond. If in training – they still must respond. Member should still get training point (DC Lee). Consensus: agreed.  McKenna?? – State classes??
Chief Officers:
2nd AC Knowles: thank everyone for paper mill fire help.  Everyone was uninjured!    Knob on pkg. brake has note – not always on.      Cadets NOT allowed to be here alone.  4 here today – door closed. Water will be supplied again but we have to find a way to lock it up. 6th month reviews needed. 
Hebron wanted to know why they weren’t called for Levy Rd :  never went to 2nd alarm.
1st AC McKenna:  thanks for voters.
.DC Lee   Tues. 7/17 hose testing here.(07:30) Need parking lot to be swept 7/16, and people can use for training hours.  Need hands on deck to help re-pack hose.
 Wed 7/18 Haddam FD – to review Schuster Park – they have recvd. a parcel of property –here to get ideas (18:00)
Thurs. 7/13 – statewide disaster mtg. – w/ Chief Cox. Met w/ Tolland Chief Lorenzetti re: water supply at Company 2. Activated this disaster plan – most recently at mill fire.  16 depts. engaged. No community left  w/o assets due to moving around.  Hebron 7/10 –
Made motion to post position for fire LT for company 2 – stand for 10 days – meet to assign. 2nd 1AC McKenna
Policy / directive: mandatory reporting for handling bullying / harassment – duties of every officer to follow. Appointed or elected officer must adhere. Should go toJ.Knapp for a writable PDF.
Chief Cox: will begin to bag ice for calls. FD has applied for Fed Asst. FF grant $75,000 ppe gear for fire / ems personnel, and fire accountability system.  On vacation 7/14-7/28. State Hurricanes Exercise 7/28-7/31.
President Martin:. Car wash for P&R – not fair for our members to work another agencies event.
Pig Roast 7/28
Motion to adjourn – 19:53 hours
 Motion by Chief Cox, 2nd by 2AC Knowles.

Respectfully submitted,
Jean Walsh