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Monthly Officers Meeting Minutes 5/7/12
May 7, 2012
1900 hours

MEMBERS PRESENT: Chief Cox DC Lee, 1AC McKenna, 2AC Knowles, Capt. Giudice, Capt. Jones, Capt.  Barnes,  Capt. Joseph Lt. R. Stepp,  Lt. Cwikla, Eng. Becky Knowles, Eng Gil Olsen,   Lt. Tucker, Lt. Morris
Called to order:  1900 hours
Addition to Agenda: none
Approval of minutes:  The April Officer meeting minutes were read.   Motion to approve made to accept by DC Lee, 1st AC McKenna.
Citizens Comments:  Is anything being done re: fire on South Main St / participation of category 4 firefighter on scene.  To be followed up on.
Budget Issues:   fiscal yr 7 wks left. Any purchase has to be approved prior to being ordered. Tomorrow is voting on budget issues/ bonding issues.
Career Staff / Personnel:  Chief reinstated personnel re: blue light violation – 30 day suspension over. New member recently suspended for a seat belt violation.
Training:  1st AC McKenna – hazmat drill week ago Sunday. Good turn out. Taught by Rick Berkman – good job.  Training thru eom April entered in system except on line.  Posted thru  May.  More daytime training to be posted. Wed 23rd/ 24th  morning day – mock car crash at Bacon Academy – training hours available.
1st live burn for interior ff – 5/20 (Sunday) – at Schuster Pk.
Cart unstable – needs to be secured in hazmat trailer.
Emittsburg  weekend – 5 total – 2 classes – positive thing. Networking – we can go down any state weekend – check to see if any classes are of interest – if room available – you can be accommodated.
Rescue – Capt. Joseph –. have to verify jake brake – still out of service (module for engine brake).
ET and heavy rescue committees are in- available if bonding question goes thru.
Fire Police – Capt. Jones –– Sat. Ct FP here – 86 from around state. Lt. Tucker was elected VP of FP Assoc. – vendor in bays.   Have been times when FP left alone on Rt 2 / RT 11 – recommend leaving an ET as a blocker.  POV’s sent home if coverage is given.
Safety – Capt. Rowland  - .- absent. Physicals posted .  Some people 5-6 yrs over due. Recommend pulling them off line until they come into compliance. Several members are not wearing vests on highway.
Fire – Capt.  P. Giudice:- Company 2 issues .  Revised LT for job description per notes from last month. Still need to meet re: 2nd position.  
EMS – Captain Barnes –A- 528 went to Marcus radios,A628  is still having problems w/ radios in center of town. KX not picking it up. Hand set in back also.
ET 3 – converting brake system, R 128 has problem w/ battery,  AFG grant for scba-maze trailer – turned down; FP&S grant – smoke detector program grant submitted– kids under 14 and senior citizens.
CIRMA award to be given this month.
Request for EMS River Road Race. Sign up sheet . Will take brush equipment off – set up for EMS
Burn opportunity – 48 River Rd – brush piles. Can include cadets – maybe by eom June. Lots of poison ivy.
Memorial day parade .  Cleaning supplies may be needed.
Chief Officers:
2nd AC Knowles           – paperwork not being filled out – green sheets.  If OIC does not fill out – they will not get credit. Yellow must be signed by OIC, must match green sheet. Town hall reviewing paperwork. 8 calls not filled out.  Arrow sticks on all time w/o direction.
1st AC McKenna                - last Sunday held driving course at Consumer Union. Invited Enfield. Pretty impressed. Went to NY w/ Bill Clark – got best antique fire truck. 5/15 – 5/22 vacation
.DC Lee   .great job at S. Main St. – fire police awesome job. Good communication. Have signed agreement w/ water dept for easement at Schuster Park – hydrants.  Waiting for Mylar maps from Jess McMinn sometime after 5/20.  State wide planning committee: County coordinators meeting – appointed     for task force ‘/ strike team for emergency. Looking for tanker involvement, mutual aid from Tolland County. Station 10 Hebron scheduled as rally point for this region.
Chief Cox:  5/16 at Lyme FD for regional meeting.
CPR teachers, AED’s,  becoming a heart safe environment.
President Martin :. Wayne Rioux – valedictorian for FFII congrats. Encourage everyone to vote.
5/3 public hearing – lease on old fire house – 5/17 town meeting to discuss. Drill scheduled – can it be ;moved to 19:30 so the lease can be voted on?
Motion to adjourn –  7:35 pm.
 Motion by  2nd by 1AC McKenna, 2nd by 2nd AC Knowles.

Respectfully submitted, Jean Walsh