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Officers Meeting Minutes 8/6/2012
August  6, 2012
1900 hours

MEMBERS PRESENT: Chief Cox, DC Lee,, 1AC McKenna, 2AC Knowles, Capt. Giudice, Capt. Jones, Capt. Barnes, R. Stepp,  Lt. Cwikla, Eng.Knowles, Lt Morris, Lt O’Connor, Lt Cwikla, Eng. Olsen, Lt Stepp, Eng Babineau
Called to order:  1905 hours
Addition to Agenda: none
Approval of minutes:  The July Officer’s meeting minutes were read.   Motion to approve made to approve by AC2 Knowles. accept AC1 McKenna.
Citizens Comments: 2 letters re: life star patient on S.Main St. – complementary. And Hebron – assistance by one of our members.
Anita P – P&R re: car wash : said thank you for letting P&R do it. Was here whole time in June but was made aware of some feedback re: town agencies / water issues. Cpt Jones – kids hiding behind bunker gear / spraying with water. Told to stop.  Only issue : we are only town bldg w/o a janitor – would like agency to clean up after. Dave Martin – if this event was held in any other town bldg – it would have paid staff. Here we are asking volunteers to assist w/ an event benefiting another town agency. Chief – will assign a point of contact to open up , etc – Anita does supervise – she moved stuff out of way, squeegied, put all tools away, cleaned floor. Cptn Guidice – should have a paid staff in house for every event.
Dave Martin – non-response of EMT during hrs we normally expect crews to being here prior to part time staff being here. What is issue re: volunteer staffing?
Budget Issues:   Apparatus – heavy rescue: waiting on hubs and other parts – PO signed today. Hope to have vehicle by end of next week.
RFP – purchase of hydraulic rescue tool – drawn up – went to Selectman and Finance Director. Waiting for legal boiler plate language, then it can get posted in paper – 3 wk opening.
Pursuing other financial avenues for restoration of chassis. Committee needs to meet.
Hose testing – put 1017 ft out of service.Lost 5: lengths of Angus hose, 4 lengths 1 ¾, 2 ½, . Have ordered 5 dble jacketed pony lengths for ea. Apparatus (due in 3 wks). Have proposals for 1 ¾ & 2” hose.
Ambulance – having issues: brakes, Lt OConnor – has anyone reached out to manufacturer re recurring issues.A628 rumbling / vibrations getting worse. Chief has. Many repairs under warranty.
Company 2 – working w/ water dept to get filtration system.
Roof issue – will go to facilities again.

Career Staff / Personnel:  :Chief out Thur & Fri, DC Lee out Wed.
One disciplinary issue taken care of.
Interview w/ person – wants to submit letter
Training:  August is traditionally off mth. All opportunities will be posted. Budget will be distributed for 5 FF1, etc – we have used 3 FF1, and 5 advanced.  Have 2 more FF 1. Fire now expended.
EMT – recerts
Got permission for Recruitment & Retention grant – costs for training, personal vehicles, per diem. $90,000 submission by Frid 8/10/12.
Rescue – Capt. Joseph –. absent
Fire Police – Capt. Jones ––nothing to report
Safety – Capt. Rowland  -  vacation.
Fire – Capt. P. Giudice:-  Hebron Fair coming up – requested gator : 9/6-9/8. Want engine Thur,Fri,Sat, & Sun also. Requested ambulance all  4 days. Will try Thur / Fri. Sign up lists to be posted. DC Lee : issues - Tying up 6 people on gator , 2 people on engine. How much $$ has Hebron Lions sent to the Company?
It was questioned – if we cannot cover our own town – how can we cover other town? Conversation needs to be had.
Job descriptions – any movement? Couple of concerns : line re Marshall – OUT; Core is not mandated – change to preferred;  EMT “preferred” not mandatory for Rescue Cptn; ET LT must be qualified on one engine tank. MUST be added.
Motion made by DC Lee to approve : Rescue Cptn, EMS cptn, fire lt, fire cpnt as amended at this meeting: 2nd AC2 Knowles
2nd LT position not posted yet – to  be posted by tomorrow 8/7/12.
EMS – Captain Barnes –. A628 had door latch problem – fixed today. A528 in Cromwell – hopefully to be back soon. At EMS schedule has Cadet list allowing them to ride as observers. Not all are certified. (shots). Once they are certified as EMR’s – state says they are ok to perform. Call restriction could be modified – they are allowed to fill crew. Lead Tech can make call re: shielding cadets from the more graphic calls. G.Olsen – if we have frull crew - & lead tech doesn’t feel cadet is needed – this is not the type where their presence can be omitted. Need HIPAA trained, etc  - the entire class has gone through all the training under new membership. Restrictions have been made on the TYPE of call. A.Babineau – in state guideline – re cadet – parents all signed they have restrictions (suicide/ETOH/psych). Cpn Jones – full crew – lead tech refuses cadet based on cadet status – undermines lead tech authority.
B.Knowles – cadets considered students – covered under tech cards. Conditions of ambulances are not being cleaned / put back into top condition at beginning of next shifts.
O2 bottles changing can be done by cadets. (part of class covered). Not allowed to R1 unless w/ someone of higher grade. (see attached copy of agreement).
A.Howard – fire cadets ask before they ride. Should be the same attitude.
Security cameras going up soon. Interior & exterior locations.
Chief Officers:
2nd AC Knowles: R2 schedule – 9 people not doing any ride time but they got comp $.. Only option is to NOT re-cert. Not fair to others that are riding.  Letters from EMS cptn to go out.
1st AC McKenna:  training committee will be reviewing all members who do not meet training requirements. The requirements are being reviewed, as well as other avenues for people to meet the requirements. Intending to revamp category system. Info sent out, and it is posted for those close.
DC Lee   nothing to report
Chief Cox: Cougar season, BA football season coming up. Fund raising events. 57 Fest 9/22, rain 9/23;
President Martin:.Thursday quarterly membership mtg – host of people coming off probation, and 7 new member candidates. Hebron Fair schedule posted. All those who signed up – please stick to it.
Motion to adjourn – 19:23 hours
 Motion by Chief Cox, 2nd by 2AC Knowles.

Respectfully submitted,
Jean Walsh