June 11, 2012
1900 hours
MEMBERS PRESENT: Chief Cox DC Lee, 2AC Knowles, Capt. Giudice, Capt. Jones, Capt. Barnes, Capt. Joseph, SO Captain Rowland, Lt. R. Stepp, Lt. Cwikla, Eng.Knowles, Eng Gil Olsen, Lt. Tucker, Lt. Morris, Eng. Babineau, Eng. Rioux, Eng. O’Connor, , Eng. Berkman
Called to order: 1900 hours
Addition to Agenda: none
Approval of minutes: The May Officer meeting minutes were read. Motion to approve made to accept by DC Lee, AC Knowles.
Citizens Comments: none
Budget Issues: .20 days left for FY 2012. Caution: 46390 -biggest overage. Tomorrow is vote for budget. Stipend removed from the budget, as well as weekly 4 hours of janitorial services.
Career Staff / Personnel: Last Thurs. DCF gave training on mandatory reporting re: minors, specifically cadet program. Chief’s directive: voting of members / officers – suspended until 1/1/13 until formatted structure of cadet dept is reviewed. Current officers shall remain in place till then.
Trevor Reid getting married this Sat. 6/1Giudice, and McDowell will not be working the p/t shift.
Chiefs to present award to civilians who assisted and rendered care to patient (MVA):
Working environment re: membership meeting to happen
Safer R/R grant training funds distributed.
Training: 1st AC McKenna –.absent. Recruitment & Retention Leadership course thru Mystic FD – 6/30/12 . Glastonbury FD F.O. 1 certification in fall (Sept. tbd). Hebron FD offering Managing Large Scale Disaster (Homeland Security -state wide disaster course) - 7/10/12.
Membership ?? – daytime drills put on calendar – on Tues / Thur, why not on Tues / Wed, etc – ?? shift differential issue.
Residential brush pile burn : Reservoir Rd 100’ x 10’x 10’ piles. 6/16, or 6/23.
6/23 to be scheduled. 8-8:30
Signal 54 class coming up. Refresher for FP and anyone else who is interested. 2 yr cert.
Apparatus – ET328 issue: problem w/ parts being ordered. Promised for this Friday.
528 parking brake issue. To go back to Nutmeg
628 step up to be addressed after 528 is back
Rescue 128 – engine brake problem engaging.
Rescue – Capt. Joseph –.nothing
Fire Police – Capt. Jones –– nothing to report
Safety – Capt. Rowland - .-recent safety meeting: vehicle backing movement guide. Needs to be practiced. Dirty gloves found in ambulances and service truck. Vehicles should be cleaned at end of run. Especially on weekends. Telephone at Company 2 – answering machine needs to re-programmed re: 911.
Current application -. for ff assistance – tracker system for scba’s. EMS protective clothing, etc. Must be approved by BOS for 5% cost share.
Fire – Capt. P. Giudice:- Lt position – revised last month. DC Lee motioned to approve. 2AC Knowles 2nd. Accept as is.
In moving job description how are they taken from bylaws? Must wait for all job descriptions to be revised . President Martin reluctant until there is a document in place to address these. Recommend an informal meeting to see what needs to be done by dept. to account for this. July meeting proposed. Red 3 ring binder lists all apparatus w/ issues. Redundant system – can be discontinued. Dry erase board is working.
EMS – Captain Barnes –.Tag Sale on green. went well. All EMS members have been given uniforms last week.
Mentor program discussed. Revised: Adam Pierce – every new member coming in will be assigned a mentor based on personality & schedule. Mentor will be the new member’s “go to “ person.
SOP 002 – concerning “lead tech” program. To be taken out completely. (must do med patch).Added new verbiage re EMR vs MRT. Lastly – FFQ – make lead tech look like a guideline. NO longer “must get 5” – now listed as recommendations. Lt’s check just like drivers calls. Sit down check off list between EMS Lt & newbie. Eval form will stay w/ trainee. Signature LT, and Mentor will go in file to next step.
List on back to identify items in ambulance. Would like a vote on the mentor program, and the omission of the LT info out of SOP 002.: DC Lee – . Good time to clean it up further. Should be a General Operating Guideline, not SOP..
Discussion on Mentor program: DC motion to approve “SOG EMS Mentor Program” – removal of all division reference and minor changes.
FFQ – should be reviewed and voted / commented on next meeting.
Chief Officers:
2nd AC Knowles Fuel comp ready – going to town hall. Annemarie Cwikla trying to get regulator numbers for update. Pager #’s being updated.
1st AC McKenna absent
.DC Lee . Nothing to report
Chief Cox: Thank everyone for tag sale on green. Passed out File for Life, reflective number apps. 2 members interested. Gator being requested for OpSail.
Rich Grocki – re: dispatch locations consolidations. 6/20 meeting w/ state DESPP at Salem FD.
Thanks to those who participated in grave site visitations on Memorial Day..
President Martin :. Thanks to all those who covered details for Memorial Day. Thanks to Chief & Captain Giudice for getting kiosk to tag sale on green. 6/30 recruitment & retention seminar
Fri. 6/29 – benefit to re-elect Linda Orange at Art Standish’s house.
Motion to adjourn – 1943 hours
Motion by Chief Cox, 2nd by 2nd AC Knowles.
Respectfully submitted,
Jean Walsh