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Monthly Officers Meeting 3/5/12
March 5, 2012
1900 hours

MEMBERS PRESENT:   DC Don Lee,1AC McKenna,  2AC Royce Knowles, Capt. Giudice, Capt. Steve Joseph, Capt. Dave Barnes, Capt Dan Rowland; Eng Babineau, Lt. R. Stepp, Eng. Becky Knowles, Lt Cwikla, ,Eng. R. Berkman, Lt. S. Morris, B Warga,  Pres.D Martin, Eng Gil Olsen
Chief Cox absent- attending Proposed FY13 Budget at BOF meeting
Called to order:  1900 hours
Addition to Agenda: none
Approval of minutes:  The February Officer meeting minutes were read.   Motion to approve made to accept by 2nd AC Knowles, 2nd by DC Lee:
Citizens Comments:  none
Budget Issues:  FY 13 Budget – Company 1 & 2 have been combined.  Increases due to contract services.  KX dispatch now included in our budget. Consolidations of depts.
Chief has been working hard to get increases in budget:  $5000 fuel comp proposed : reduced to $2500.  Ambulance shift  stipend :  line has been cut.  Selectmen wants to wait until after task force makes report.
CIP-$ 75,000 for hydraulic rescue tool system is still in FY13 capitol budget. Flash-over simulator trainer for Schuster Park has been deferred to FY14. April 2, 3 public hearings.  Recommend as many of you attend.
Current FY12 budget at 80% expended.
Career Staff / Personnel:  re: report of erratic driving with blue light response-gathering information.  Blue Light Permit Directive – members shall display authorized emergency responder  (company or dept.) ID plate on (POV) vehicle.
Training:  1st AC McKenna – on line testing in Beta phase. Minor glitches. Should be up by Thursday.  UP for March, w/ tentative April schedule posted as well.
5 people going to Emmitsburg-NFA
Trying to keep the Thursday training schedule.
Rope classes going on – well attended.  3/18 added.
EMS drill – taught by Rick Stepp.  re: paramedic interfacing.
Intent to move forward w/ rental of driving simulator from Enfield FD – for 3 sessions (24 drivers) – quote coming
FP to have 4 FD certification training 4/1/12.
3/22/12 – CIRMA training at BAHS – for driving requirements.
Rescue – Capt. Joseph –rope on hand does not fit pulley’s properly. Need bigger shives or new pulleys w/ wider throat.  To be reviewed. Told to get pricing.
Fire Police – Capt. Jones ––Service 328 in service but brake indicator on again. Discussion: Blue Light installed on S-328.  . Fire Police personnel going to class in April.
Safety – Capt. Rowland –. Hot responses – drivers need to exercise discretion. Cold responses are indicated thru EMD.  Hot  is not determined. Reminder: seat belts must be worn. Vests are getting better.  July1 – order vests for all.  Vehicle backing up teams starting to work.
Fire – Capt.  P. Giudice:-  ;Revised radio comm. policy. To be reviewed.
Vol. Fire Lt position – policy for review. Need to meet to fill 2nd position.
Last month org chart – still in review.
Gear wash installed. Tide needs to be ordered.
Rig issue :  can water be supplied on each apparatus? DC Lee ok’d.
Last yr – question re: the purchase of bail out kits came up.  Status? – dead for this year.
Eng. Berkman – proposal to increase communication to drivers of vehicles:  critical problems:
   Ex : service lights & sirens.  Recommendation : problem should be written on windshield, or pouch on steering wheel.   2nd issue : issues could be listed on board outside radio room. Engineers to maintain the list of issues. Blue forms for operators to communicate back to engineers.   To be reviewed. Clipboards for little things.
EMS – Captain Barnes – still rolling w/o crews.  Kevin McManus sent over note re: dispatching as an FYI. Chief’s recommendation is to go back to R1 for all psych/etoh calls. If call warrants it commercial paramedic is called by CHVFD.  McKenna / Knowles / Lee support Chief’s policy.  American Ambulance will be started – we will go ensure well being of pt – turned over for transport.
 Station gear has been ordered.
LY Adam Pierce put together a mentor program. It should still go forward. Tabled for review by Officers.
Lock on EMS door due to missing goods. EPI pens & gloves biggest ticket. Recommend:  key fob access only. Limited access. 
B.Knowles : if pd staff is in bldg – what is #of tones before people should respond?  If there is not a duty crew assigned pd staff is supposed to respond.   :  inconsistencies w/ IAMRESPONDING – glitches being worked out.
Colchester EMR course requirements – submitted by cadet advisors & A.Babineau. Motion to accept -2AC Knowles, 2nd 1ACMcKenna.l
2/24/12 incident:  medical alarm response from Troop K  – officers dispatched.  Considerable delay. Police found pt down. – gathering information- why it wasn’t given to KX dispatch.  It went to state police but not to Colchester dispatch.
Recommendation : email Kevin McManus for dispatch of info.
Chief Officers:
2nd AC Knowles –Service 1 going to get door lettered.  Ask about ET2.  A628 had bad tires / replaced. ET3 fuel tank issue.  Cadet parent meeting went well. Water flow issue over weekend caused damage to pad under dumpster. OEM policy states all call should be cold unless otherwise told to go hot. 
1st AC McKenna – Extreme weather condition rife for brush fires. DEP should come in for a class.  Captain Giudice to look into.
DC Lee  ET4 qualifications for LAH blocker vehicle – motion  to accept qualifications (FP vehicle is primary. This should be used only as a back up).McKenna / Knowles. Policy to be reviewed.
Tag Sale on green _ CBA  6/10,  6/24 rain date.  Asking for our appearance. Could us kiosk for recruitment & retention.
3/24 – AARP.   3/7 – NLCC monthly meeting.
Bonding issue – still in flux.
Utility 128 has turbo issues.  ET128 out – rot , rust, exhaust system, fuel system, tank needs to be removed for rust condition.
President Martin :.BOS meeting re: company’s concern re task force. Will be meeting to discuss charges.  Lease on old fire house – question on plowing / mowing. 2nd draft now has stringent environmental language.  Could bankrupt fire company w/ water & sewer issue.

Motion to adjourn – 20:30 hrs. Motion by 2AC Knowles ; 2nd by 1AC McKenna.
Respectfully submitted, Jean Walsh