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Officer's Meeting Minutes 12/14/12
December 14, 2012
1900 hours
MEMBERS PRESENT: Chief Cox, DC Lee, 1AC McKenna, 2nd AC Knowles, Capt. Jones, Capt. Barnes, Lt O’Connor, Capt Gordon; Lt Morris, Capt Joseph, Lt Morris
Called to order:  Moment of silence for Sandy Hook victims today 1910 hours –
Addition to Agenda: none
Approval of minutes:  The November Officer’s meeting minutes were read.   Motion to approve made to approve by 1st AC McKenna, motion to accept 2AC Knowles.
CORRECTION : 2nd pg – Lt Lee on vacation,  not absent
Citizens Comments:  none
Public Service: NONE
Budget Issues:  ½ thru yr – need to watch expenditures. Hydraulic tools – went out to bid, went before Bd of Selectman to present 2 low bidders & evaluation w/ recommendation to award to TNT rescue tools.  Unanimously approved. 1st Selectman signed approval to purchase , PO forwarded today. Equipment due end of Jan. 2013
Plan on old tools – possible donation to a needy town. We would need to have them refurbished before we sold them, est $4-5000.
Career Staff / Personnel:   Chief Mancini – Fire Chiefs – memo: offer to provide personnel to assist w/ coverage  to Sandy Hook. EOY career staff will be taking days off. Union negotiations on going.
Training:  1AC McKenna –.several attempts to go to 226 Upton Rd installing solar panels to see process. Any training opportunity will be posted. (largest photo-voltaic system in area) .  Chief asked for energy audit of by lighting. It will be included in new budget.
All training completed thru eom Nov has been entered in on line system. Spoke w/ members that are below the required amount .
Various trainings posted:  1/3 – driver training  (ex)
If anyone has changed their discipline or added EMS ,etc let 1AC McKenna know so he can get all training scheduled
Re-cert coming up in January.
Some people expressed interest in going to Emittsberg.(3/17)  2/23 annual awards night,
Rescue – Capt. Joseph –
Fire Police – Capt. Jones –absent – did mention highway policy of releasing apparatus on highways. Chief cautioned releasing apparatus too early (hazmat conditions)
Safety  – Capt. Rowland  -absent – some issues w/ heads up displays / ISI masks – some replaced NC.
ET 228 – generator going back into ET1, along w/ brakes so vehicle w/ light tower was needed here. ET1-Hydraulic door was broken, sent out to Shipman’s. Due in a few wks. Extensive damage done to tool – no damage report was done. Lt O’Connor reported tool has been like that for a long time – found that way.
Fire Capt. P. Giudice: - absent – report via 1AC McKenna – copies of last 4 job descriptions – chief officer’s job descriptions developed by town that can’t be ignored / sb incorporated into these.
2 mths ago made some language corrections – expecting retyped version for signature by officers
EMS – Capt Barnes –.NY day road race. Crew w/ service no ambulance. Knox box in ambulance hooked to radios?    R1 crews on scene – not getting vitals – working on that.
Gator being worked on. (xxx Toys)
Cadets still no go on psych calls until further notice. Up to crew to protect cadets.
?? re: clothing w/ our name on it. Should it say cadet? Chief doesn’t mind what they are wearing.  DC Lee – has no issue.

Chief Officers:
2nd AC Knowles: - - do not wash personal cars in the back – builds up ice.  Do not use high beams on scene – makes backing up difficult.
R. Gustafson has issues w/ NFIRS
1st AC McKenna:  did ship out 2 care pkgs to F. Rodriguez
DC Lee   - security cameras are being installed (70% complete)m, all members have been notified, letter handed out at monthly meeting, posted outside radio rm, meets state statutes.  1/1/13 should be fully functional.
Lt. O’Connor – questioning monitoring of inside wgt room – sweating, changing, etc
DC Lee – reminded of bathroom, and locker area near by.
Chief Cox
Strategic Plan available
Rescue brakes replaced
Light tower has rack out
Water filtration system work at company 2
Blankets issued – missing 4 again. They need to come back.
Fast approaching 2013 – blue light permits, and dmv record release, and radio private radio releases need to be signed.
State police regional dispatch moving to Coventry. Hebron is leaving KN 6/2013  (100,000 loss) causing a fiscal crisis. KX looking into resolution – relocation or moving to another site. Funding allocated to regional dispatch based on # of accts / tax districts -  being reviewed. Requested KX to put out an RFP for services. Safety , redundancy, cost   should be addressed. Some CEO’s have a different priority. Legislative body of state looking into.
Officer reviews due before next officer’s meeting in January
: -.
President Martin:  - absent
Motion to adjourn 19:35 hours
Motion by, 2 AC Knowles 2nd by 1AC McKenna
Respectfully submitted,
Jean Walsh