Monday, March 7, 2011 20:00 hrs
MEMBERS PRESENT: Chief Walt Cox, DC Don Lee, 2nd AC. Royce Knowles Capt. Paul Giudice, Capt. John. Jones, Capt. M. Gordon, Lt. Dave Barnes, Lt. S. Morris, Eng. R Morris
Called to order 7:57 pm
Approval of minutes: The February Officers meeting minutes were read. Motion to approve: DC Lee, 2nd by 2nd AC Knowles
Citizens Comments: none
Budget Issues: FD went before BOF at 6:30 pm tonight. Maggie Cosgrove presented big issues: fuel & vehicles. FY 2011 identified a meter need. Being reviewed. Class on gas meter to be scheduled.
Career Staff / Personnel: Paul Guidice interviewed for part-time position. G.Schuster signed off. He is also working on performance appraisal SOP #22. (eval of vol. Officers) Signed by DC D.Lee & 2nd AC R.Knowles tonight. To be posted.
- S. Morris – has proposed fire lt positions : 2 lt / 1 fire cptn or 2 captn (1 company 1/1cptn co.2) w/ fire lt’s. Recommend LT’s get car #’s. (like Hebron / E.Hampton) ex: 428a, 428b. Could be good for morale, career growth.
Training: Ct Fire Officers meeting 4/1-4/4. 13 attendees. J Jones, R.Knowles, P Guidice & chief will use private vehicles. Cptn Guidice – presented an apparatus flow chart for driver training. ?? ET 4 ??- could this become a training piece? Or a blocker but driver would have to be p.o. trained in case piece is pulled for subsequent call. Should be placed between h.t or serv. 2
McManus is having issues w/ on line training. In April there will be a single 54 class (fire police).
Also course for trailer safety coming. Posted list
Captain’s Reports: Safety Committee - absent
Fire Police: Capt. J. Jones nothing to report.
Company 1 :. Capt. Giudice – SOP #016 revised – vehicle response per call. Fire div. people met – told to keep apparatus clean. Should be mentioned to membership and career staff. ET2 charging problem fixed.. Radio thing still exists. RIT meeting – rescue 128 recommend for residential, ladder one for commercial & r.128. (we will be responding into Yantic for commercial , industrial, multi-story ) Need an air supply bag for ladder. $930 w/$90 credit.
Svc 2 winch can be modified to stay w/ piece. (needs further discussion)
EMS : Lt Reid – (Lt. Barnes for Lt.R.): r2 only calls want r 1 to follow out door. 3rd tone is automatically hit for paid staff. ?? medical only tone for call on highway. Should include a fire truck for safety. Ambulance can stage on fire calls.
Iamresponding – if in station please sign in as on duty. Log in about an hour before shift.
Rescue : Capt. Gordon – eng Fitzgerald on temp. duty
Chief – Util.128 had new brakes put on, res.128 repaired. We will continue to go out for flooding that lists name, # inches of water, impact to equipment, all info needed for federal insurance reimbursement funding. If not toned – just who went.
Chief Officers:
1st AC McKenna – absent
2nd AC Knowles -. Call log & NFIRS getting better. Oxygen supplier not working out well for turn over. A.Standish & A. Ewings helped today on pumping water calls. Thanks.
Cadets now getting alpha pagers – developed policy for school to know they are not have pager in school and what the consequences would be. Motion to accept: DC Lee, seconded 2nd AC Knowles. Bylaws for cadets being revised. ?? – what are parameters of rules of cadets becoming EMT’s. Recommend plan for advancement: age – 16? Time in service – 1 yr or more? Reimbursement for classes – drop out? – should parents reimburse town? Call restrictions? Can they make a legal crew? Can we limit # of major classes? Emailed Fred Potter for guidance.
DC Lee – “hook them when they are young!” – nothing further to add.
Chief –. 800’ large diameter hose coming in for testing. Double jacketed cloth hose. Training, car fire, use on front line piece. State level – fire service has alternate proposal to where fire training will go.
President Martin: annual awards night due by Wed 3/9. working with advisors for by laws- to be brought forward to seniors on thurs. ?? – when will burn bldg christening be? Would like to plan . Meeting room needs to spruced up – ideas to be presented thurs. night. Measurements on old fire house taken so presentation can be made for CHVFD to take possession of old fire house. Old federal to be worked on soon. 7/16 hand pumper muster.
Officers meeting adjourned @ 21:00hrs.
Motion made by 2nd AC Knowles, seconded by DC Lee
Respectfully submitted,
Jean Walsh