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officers meeting 10/11/11
TUESDAY:  October 11, 2011
1900 hours

MEMBERS PRESENT:  Chief Cox, DC Don Lee, 1AC McKenna,  Capt. Giudice; Capt. John Jones, Capt. Gordon,  Lt Steve Morris, Lt Barnes;  Lt Cwikla, Eng Babineau
2AC Knowles on vacation.
Called to order:  1900 hours
Approval of minutes:  The August Officer meeting minutes were read. Sept. meeting postponed due to Tropical Storm Irene. Motion to approve made by:  DC Lee, seconded by 1st AC McKenna.
Citizens Comments: none.  Chief Cox read letter re: Colchester Commons – thanks for use of generator. Letter in file – donation of $100
Budget Issues: ET 3 went out for repair - pump transfer problem done. ET1 pump, shaft etc. $17,320
Last month roof repairs completed, no evident problems. Next – replace ceiling tiles.
Doors replaced at Company 1 & 2.  All others will be repainted.
Purchased large diameter hose. All pumps tested / passed.  ET3 to go to E.Hampton for followup testing by First Line.
Hose Testing completed.
Career Staff / Personnel:  unauthorized emails about membership evaluation are not permitted.
PT hiring position is still in progress. Kevin Dalton’s father- in- law passed away – our thoughts go out to him.
Keith Erickson resigned engineer’s position from Service 128:  motion to accept DC Lee.
DC Lee – instructor of year award- congratulations.
Training: AC McKenna – on line training will be going off in November. Members will have a final all day training opportunity on 11/19/11 to complete mandatory requirements. Confusion re: hazmat hr. requirements. If Fire Police or EMS member only – need 4 hrs only, if FF – require 8 hrs.
EMT re-cert at EOM 10/27 –30, in house, taught by A. Babineau – compensation? -  Proposal for certification courses – instructors could be compensated. “Payment for CHFD instructors” – they could be recognized as vendors. This could be an operational policy. Proposal to be reviewed. No action taken.
Condition of our airway equipment is in dis-repair. Prices to come.
One member signed up for refresher cert is in cat-4 – should pay fee up front – to be reimbursed if pass. Member expressed financial hardship. Discussion:  have not given waiver to anyone to date. Member given multiple opportunities to come to snuff w/ requirements, his responses are minimal, Recommendation: DENIAL of funds for re-certification. Chief Officer to notify Rich Harmon.
Sgt Patruzzi – offering car seat technician certification – anyone interested getting involved w/ it – contact Chief Cox.
EMS –Chief / DC Lee presented – EMS appreciation week – Stop & Shop gift cards distributed.    Oct – Dec shift point issue:   incentive intended to fill holes, generate excitement.
Photo ID’s necessary. (If you have patient contact). Lanyards available
Rescue – Capt. Gordon – tried to start up ROPE training – will be put on hold till next year. - HURST tools demo’d – refurbished rescue? – Maybe spring.
ISO McManus –. Absent
Fire Police – Capt. Jones – Service 328 AC unit at garage. E.Hutchins certified fire police officer as of next week. Mike Rider also to be coming in. Mr.Ford should be going inactive.
Safety – Capt. Rowland –. Breathing apparatus – 5 yr part change – ¾ thru. Fire Prevention week now.
Fire Company 1 – Capt.  P. Giudice:  fire gear cleaning products – current repair company quote for new injection of system $550 start up costs.  Most likely we would have to purchase solutions from them told to get price quote to Jean Walsh.  DC Lee – motioned to order it to furnish & install system. Seconded: McKenna
Company 2 well water softener – goes to Company 2 repairs. Tank, head – donated. Brine tank $78, softener $      - quote to be reviewed.
Chief Officers
2nd AC Knowles – on vacation – see notes: R3 form – recommends change to new form.
Accept R3 out of date.
Paperwork – NFIRS incomplete – many officers due.  Call log incomplete. Accountability sheet – OIC needs to be signed.
Housekeeping – station cleanliness.   ? RIT team respond to out of town calls in POV’s? – Ok – not habitual. What about non-RIT team members?  Quals – truck quals – should be fair.
1st AC McKenna – nothing more
DC Lee – last month has been very busy.  Rt. 85 burn at Fedus property resulted in donation to fire company. Responses still need to be filled. We have been getting lean. Give thought to next budget yr.
Chief – bonding opportunity – concerns replacement of tanker, Engine Tank, Heavy rescue refurb with hydraulic tool system replacement- Approx. 1.5 million.
Wants to thank for Hebron Harvest Fair participation.
Fire Prevention Week – open house Sunday 10/16.
Area officers 10/19  6:30 pm.  Local elections coming up 11/8. Auxiliary members and took all day to clean up kitchen.  57 Fest thanks to all the helped.
Fiber optics connection to HQ – to do site survey 10/13 for internet access.  VOIP phone system to come.
Antidote kits may be taken off vehicles-will not be funded by state.. Staffing for ambulance: paid per call – strategic plan committee – community survey out – 11 questions – on town web-site/ EMS captain reviewing other like organizations / will look at what fire police do to cover shifts, etc /
President Martin: absent
Motion to adjourn – 8:05 pm motioned. by AC McKenna, 2nd by DC Lee
Respectfully submitted, Jean Walsh