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Officers Meeting 11/7/11
November 7, 2011
1900 hours

MEMBERS PRESENT:  Chief Cox, ,1AC Ken McKenna, 2AC Royce Knowles,  Capt. Giudice, Capt. John Jones, Capt. Marty Gordon, Lt Barnes, Eng Babineau, Eng. R. Stepp
Called to order:  1900 hours
Approval of minutes:  The October Officer meeting minutes were read. Motion to approve made by:        1st AC McKenna, seconded by 2nd AC Knowles.
Citizens Comments: Bill Clark – service 1  hose reel sandblasted / repainted.  Booster reel, handles, hitch in process of being repainted. Chief – we appreciate work done.  
Budget Issues: We received notice from state for nerve agent anecdote. NO funding. We must wait for them to expire. SAFER Recruitment & Retention checks to come out near thanksgiving for those who trained.
Career Staff / Personnel:  Don Lee on vacation – to go out for surgery upon return, through December?.
Drew Lyons put in letter to be engineer on Service 128.   1st AC motioned to appoint, 2nd AC Knowles
FF Chris McDowell began 11/5 in part- time position.
Rick Stepp submitted application for EMT per diem, app. went through, and he will be put in rotation as available.
R.Knowles – cadets cannot perform any EMS duties. Must be EMR/EMT. We currently have no cadets w/ that training.
Training: AC McKenna – .on-line training shut down for 2011. Report has not been entered into system. Calendar for November posted, December is full.  November is lighter – have live fire training opportunities for members, as well as hazmat. Next month a list of  # of hours per discipline will be posted, as well as amount of hrs. taken.
Want to thank Capt Giudice for E.Haddam FD live burn on Sat. 11/5/11.
Working on document re: hands on training at consumer union site. Will be included n 2012 training year. Can get 2 hr requirement at track.  Sandy Brown – “ can training include or be acceptable for other training vs. doubling requirement?”  Also: making apparatus driving a required refresher class every year.
EMS – re-cert class this past weekend. Still waiting for grades for some people. CPR class on Saturday – a real save on Sunday!  T.Reid (by RK)  local EMS plan nearly complete,  EMS uniform being reviewed. Last protocol drills this Saturday.  Fred Potter will work w/ us to set up class for protocols.
- Recently a tech was assaulted at West Rd. pick up. Since then the CSP stated they will ride on all psych calls w/ pick-ups at that location.
- D. Rowland recommended getting a little “Heart Saves” stickers for ambulance.
Rescue – Capt. Gordon – Rescue 128 going to a lot of training, but it has to go back into service – packs, gas cans, equipment , etc not being put back in service. Vests come & go – may need to be replaced.
Fire Police – Capt. Jones – Ser. 328 – dropped a lot of cones & signage over past storms. Recommend when they are dropped at scenes a note should be made so we can go back and pick them up. Training – had a mutual aid session w/ Hebron fire Police – wants to add more.
Safety – Capt. Rowland –. Every thing fine. Trucks set for winter. SCBA in good shape. ET128 air horn fixed. Ser 128 damaged  in storm – tree fell on it. At a body shop now – 2-3 weeks out.
Fire Company 1 – Capt.  P. Giudice: ET 2 going to Marcus for headset and  Knox box installed.  Jess McMinn submitted an informal resignation as Safety Officer, turned in all his gear. Chief wanted to thank past Chief McMinn for his many yrs. of service to this organization.
Have  people for this Sunday training live fire( Marlb./Salem/GLFD)  Plainfield, Manchester, etc have contacted him to schedule live fires. Live CHFD fire next Thursday.  Hydrant at Schuster Park is not repaired yet.

Chief Officers
2nd AC Knowles – ET 2 at Co1 for use/training. People use it on weekends for training / refresher. Tax Abatement all set to be reviewed. Schuster Park – access must be from Mill Hill.   Cadets looking to become EMT’s / MRT’s – guidelines re-written for approval.  Thank you from union / Nick – raised $2800 for breast cancer awareness.  R-2 recently going to re-tones.  Want to put back in place a requirement that all EMT’s must do 1 or 2 shifts a month. Cross-trained people must participate.  Chief asked that notifications go out and this requirement be enforced.
1st AC McKenna – help w/ Saturday night at EOC for storm, was appreciated.  Want to thank all members who helped. All calls covered. Safety – leaves on ground – be careful.
EMS Backus trauma alert has changed their criteria. (see posted list of changes)
DC Lee – on vacation – no report
Chief –all help appreciated during storm.  Lions club provided meals. Tomorrow 11/8/11 local election – Bacon Academy, Town Hall, Abundant Life church.  Friday 11/11/11 is Veterans Day. No scheduled full-time staff for Friday/Saturday.   Frosty Fair 11/12 (sat)
President Martin:  - voting – encourage all to go 6:00 am – 8:00 pm. Company meeting Thursday 11/10/11. Many items on agenda for votes. Friday evening set up for frosty fair. After auxiliary assistance during Storm Irene they are asking for help setting up w/ event.
Motion to adjourn – 7:35 pm motioned. by 2AC Knowles, 2nd by 1AC McKenna
Respectfully submitted, Jean Walsh