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Officers Meeting Minutes July 11, 2011
MONDAY   July 11, 2011
1900 hours

MEMBERS PRESENT: Chief Cox, DC Don Lee,  2nd AC Royce Knowles; Capt Guidice; Capt John Jones,  ISO McManus, Capt Rowland, Lt Morris, Lt Barnes; Eng B. Knowles, Eng. R. Stepp, Cptn Gordon, Eng. McKenna III
Called to order:  19:00  hours
Approval of minutes:  The June Officer meeting minutes were read. Motion to approve made by:  DC Lee, seconded by 2nd AC Knowles.
Citizens Comments: none
Budget Issues: 2011 being closed out. AC Don Lee put together a presentation re: the training facility for the storage container. Has been approved.  July 1 – new fiscal yr.
Career Staff /  Personnel: Checklist of performance evaluation done.  Steve Morris has been busy. Matrix being done to see who did what.  Leaves Kevin McManus to be evaluated – R. Knowles to do.  D. Barnes done by Trevor Reid. Goal achieved.
Cadet program: Katy Wilcox & Tim Joseph – finished cadet program in academy a month ago. New program in August. $700 per person:  recommended – that cadet division to pay half, Town to pay other half.  Training committee to meet in 2 wks. DC Lee : This dept has a strong history of supporting training. Capt. Jones – should be supported. Dave Martin – investing $ wisely – putting enthusiasm back into dept.
CD motion to support attendance;  2nd by 2nd AC chief.
Volunteer recruitment & retention, sign up at town green, pamphlet,  sign on marquis on Old Hartford Rd,  sign to come near Company 2.
Blue Light issue – individual responded to call w / blue lights – lost permit for 30 days.
Training: No LAH $ this year.  Members interested in taking Fire I (January 2012) – to see if they can handle – Cptn Giudice suggested to give them exposure to situation , w/ gear  to see if they can physically handle it.  Will continue to develop citizen program.
July calendar posted.  Live burns: 7/30 Mill St across from S&S,  3-4 burn morning – open to public w/ foam demo in afternoon.
Barn – on Rt 85 – near greenhouses – scheduled for 1st wk of Sept. (after labor day)\
House across from Sunset Vista on Lebanon Ave – to be determined.
Drill on Sunday 7/17 – hazmat – should be done in 4 hrs.
Ems drills & fire drills will be not scheduled for same nights.
E.Hampton signed up for Schuster Pk.
Up to date on computer.
Another presentation going to BOS will be flash over $52,000 replacement, and AFG grant could include a SCA maze – to be applied for.287,000
EMS – gear quote going for Morning Pride. Jared Szuba being recommended as the EMS administrator position.  Chief officers will sit down with him.
ISO McManus – American Ambulance sold bariatric bus,  700—900 lb stretcher – mesh system.  IAMRESPONDING going to be primary tool for KX. Baltic used for call points. Avg 30-35 users per mth, 15 on ems side. Many people are not using it. ? does radio car need to do it? Town decision.
Fire Police – 328 air conditioner down, brake alarm,
Safety – Rowland – physical list same as before:  haven’t gotten anything back from individual physician
Capt. Gordon – bottles out for hydro – should be back tomorrow. Drills :  rope – to be set up in fall. Whole rope class – basic thru next yr ending w/ confined space, : repelling, trench rescue, etc.   AC Lee – suggested meeting w/ Chief McKenna, Gordon, Knowles, Guidice – go come up w/ list of schedule.
Company 1 – P. Giudice:  quote for RIT bag -.  Duty officer SOP redone. To be copied for review. ET 2 headsets are in.  Marcus to install other stuff.  Lettering of truck to be ordered. Could be paid for w/ old BOND ?
Capt Jones – 2 grade stakes around hydrant in front of Jacks – keep an eye out. To be replaced when hydrant is replaced. 10x12 plate there – deteriorated.
Chief Officers
2nd AC Knowles – NFIRS ok.  Driver training drill on Sunday 7/10 went well. To set up a second drill. Tanker – constructing cabinet upstairs for radios. Last week at dryer fire – Rob Brown showed up again w/ generic gear. He has not had physicals – may be barred from Salem calls also. Mutual aid – POV’s driven out of town, which is only allowed for RIT calls. W/ ambulance on mutual aid call – we normally send rescue as back up protection.  It will be followed up on w/ other towns to allow for our members safety.
DC Lee – all 3 ordinances – rapid access, water supply / hydrant, nuisance fire alarms passed.  No time frame for implementation. Grace period.
Hose testing Wed. 7/13 in back parking lot. 
Chief – red stox box must be kept charged out side rescue. 628 missing I call – Itek.
Ct Fire Chiefs Assoc. – safer recruitment grant, shy of 800M to be dispersed to all vol. Fire depts. – meeting to be held to determine marketing issues. Strategic planning meeting still on going.
Lincoln Lake Lodge events – next one scheduled for Sept.
Gregg Schuster had new baby.
President Martin: need tanker driver for water at NE Handtub league at Zagray Farms. Also need tanker for Hebron 12-4. Friday will have guests arriving all hours for LLL. Old fire house proposal went before BOS. They agreed to concept of giving a formal proposal, w/ lease agreement.  Jenny Contois, Norm Gustafson, other people interested in committee.
LLL event – outside promoters – use Schuster Pk for overflow – not needed till after 4:00 p.m. 
Training 12/8- Hebron Fair,  following week – convention parade.
Motion to adjourn – DC Lee,  2nd AC Knowles.