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Officers Meeting June 6, 2011
Monday, June 6, 2011 
1900 hours
MEMBERS PRESENT: Chief Cox, DC Don Lee, 1st AC Ken McKenna, 2nd AC. Royce Knowles, Capt. Paul Giudice, Capt. John. Jones, Capt. M. Gordon, Eng S. .Brown, Eng. J Babineau,    K. McKenna III, A. Cwikla, ISO McManus, Capt. D. Rowland, Lt. D.Barnes, Cptn T. Reid, Eng. B Knowles, Lt. S. Morris
Called to order 1905 hours.
Approval of minutes: The May Officers meeting minutes were read. Motion to approved: by      1st Don Lee – seconded by AC  K. McKenna.
Citizens Comments: none
Budget Issues: 3.5 wks left.  Looking at moving $ for training needs at Schuster Pk.  
Career Staff / Personnel:  Chief has completed evaluations for career staff. Performance reviews for volunteer staff.  Cptn Guidice will email form to fill out. AC will evaluate DCs; DC will evaluate Cptns/  Cptns will evaluate LTs/ LTs will evaluate engineers
Per Diem – remaining 3  8 hr slots left:  midnight to 8 am.  .  Contact Jean or Chief for availability.
FF Rob Brown email from Chief Cox: re: CHVFD gear. W/o gear he cannot respond to calls or training, as well as up to date physical. SCBA he has is non-compliant.
Eng 128 position open :  Eng S. Brown will step down due to other responsibilities. Resignation accepted . 1st by AC Lee, seconded by DC McKenna.  Interested party : Steven Joseph.  Accepted: DC Lee to appoint, seconded 1st AC K McKenna
Training:  .1st AC McKenna –  training calendar full thru July. August is a slow month – on individual drills scheduled. All divisions have been training. EMR bridge class for EMR that would like to become EMT’s, to be posted in radio room. (no cost to members)  In July: Weth. FD has lots of foam they would like to drill at Schuster pk grassy area. – no environmental issues on grass.
7/10 trailer driving class.   (CT  -  for online IS courses)
Equipment needed: generator ($2000), storage box, locked ($), temperature system, fixed ($),  railings ($)
DMV inspector for class D, Q test Sat. 6/12/11
Desk top in bay:  NL county , use of UHF & low band radios – May Day procedures info.  LUNAR – location, unit, name, assignment, requirements. Chief Scan from Norwich – can lecture on time-risk mgmt, etc.
June fire schools this week. Car pooling encouraged. Can be reimbursed.
6/23-25 – Chiefs show at Big E.
Company 1 :. Capt. Giudice –  any action on SOP’s for duty officer and RIT? – no further conversation on duty officer.  Needs to get updated  & re-presented.  RIT – changed wording, added de-fib info.;
May Day sop – urgent messages types: Routine, mayday, urgent.  Need to work on standard for county. ; use as draft – put on own letterhead.
Pile of stuff from utility room growing.  Electronic gear, town surplus,  box lights,
- went thru portables – bad mics, etc.  bad batteries, chargers, etc.
- mutual aid calls – alpha page should include type of call but it is not capable unless manually added by dispatcher.
Lt radio car issue – Lt. Morris – assign fire lt’s and ems lt’s cars;  4 – 5 28 a,  ems 628 a.  We have a radio authorization policy. No issue w/ radio ID.   AC Lee “I see no need for more car #’s”, chief –“ I don’t have a problem w/ it”,  Knowles & McKenna – fine either way. Will run thru year and see how it goes. January may start w/ new #’s if approved at EOY.
Policy on use of radio – if person buys their own radio – w/ o authorization they will be doing it illegally. Must have authorization. Special event responder should have specific call ID. ** NEW POLICY TO BE DEVELOPED ***
EMS : Capt. Reid –  EMS is looking to restructure. Jarod Szuba – doing QA.  Harrington Ct is increasing frequency.  Complaints questioning if the calls are non-emergent.  Same Charge Nurse.
Opportunities to get out in public: Country Place this Sat. 11-2 pm, looking for a truck, Tag Sale on Green,  CES Fun Day.
Safety:  K.McManus – incident  5/23/11 (see Fire Police info) – copy of report attached.
              J.McMinn - nothing
Rescue : Capt. Gordon –  PFD vests to be ordered. Extrication drill – thanks for all the help. Reliable Auto needs a thank you. He provided 8 cars. Send him a patch, letter, fruit basked.
Fire Police – Capt. Jones –  Signal 54 class;  round table Sund 6/d,  Lebanon & Salem attended. Had wires down on Norwich Ave – road shut down near Bacon Academy.  Driver drove right by staff – vehicle stopped by K.McManus , arrested for being on cell phone.
Health & Safety – Captain Rowland – burn scenario went well.  Heat running 225 degrees, max.
Will try to get 3 heat sensors 4,6 8’ levels, and maybe outside burn room. 3 Vikings need new huds, 2 lenses, ($800 )  (check Comm Plus PO for $$) 2 out for repairs, 3 other units w/ problems (may need to go back for repair. #31 training unit is missing.
- physicals still due. List is out.
Chief Officers:
1st AC McKenna –  recruitment & retention.
2nd AC Knowles -. Wed. 6/8 will be working on arrow for back of                , fuel comp will not be distributed unless NFIRs and charts are entered.
DC Lee –  positive feedback, & suggestions to better experience at  Schuster Pk. – thanks to all past weekend participants.
Chief – DC Lee & Chief sat w/ Sup Loiselle re: college level courses and EMT curriculum.  Wed. 6/8:  6-8 re teenage usage.
Org chart from state level – DOPS will be folded into DEM.
New law : unauthorized taking of pictures at scene – you can be criminally liable.
Lincoln Lake Lodge – plan for emergency response to events. Mass gathering needs to be registered with Backus.
President Martin:  LLL – overflow pkg at Schuster Pk - $5 per car, or have LLC staff  it. Today’s paper re: law firm offering free will planning for 1st responders. Formal proposal to be presented to take over new fire house. Contract has not been re-negotiated yet.
Officers meeting adjourned @ 20:40 hrs.
Motion made by DC Lee , seconded by 2nd AC Knowles.
Respectfully submitted,              Jean Walsh