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officer's meeting 5/9/11
Monday, May 9, 2011 
MEMBERS PRESENT: Chief Cox, DC Don Lee, 1st AC Ken McKenna, 2nd AC. Royce Knowles, Capt. Paul Giudice, Capt. John. Jones, Capt. M. Gordon, Lt. S. Morris, Eng. R Morris,  Eng.Brown, Eng. K. McKenna,  Eng. J Babineau, Eng. B.Knowles, Eng. K. Erickson, Lt.. J. Tucker, A. Cwikla, ISO McManus, Capt. D. Rowland, Eng S. Brown
Called to order 1900 hours.
Approval of minutes: The April Officers meeting minutes were read. Motion to approved: by  1st AC McKenna – seconded by DC Lee ..
Citizens Comments: none (civic students visiting)
Budget Issues: have 8 wks left to current budget. All officers must look at needs to determine if it can be ordered. FY 2012 budget vote tomorrow at town hall 6am-8pm 5/10/11
Career Staff / Personnel:  EMT Kevin Dalton had letter of reprimand put in his file after internal and external complaints at recent medical call concerning interaction with patient. Interview process done. Further conversation w/ officers and member.
Cadets and advisors held meeting re: bylaws. Compromise re: wording. Alex Howard interested in becoming a cadet advisor. “ I am closer to their age, and can maybe add something to them.” Have not met w/ current cadet advisors but will. No objections.  DC D. Lee motioned to accept him as cadet advisor,  2nd  AC Knowles .  Carl Albert requested that Mary Miraglia bring issues expressed to her, back to the other advisors for action-this process to be discussed amongst advisors.
Proposal re: Captains & Lts. – presented by Captain Giudice – each AC Chief has 2 captains.
Fire Captain is currently working well -will remain that way for rest of year.  New org-chart proposed :
 Option 1 – changes to 1 Fire Captain,  (total of 4),  Two designated Fire Lt. spots – duties to be arranged  to share burden of responsibilities.
Option 2:  1AC- Fire Captain- two Fire Lt.         2AC- EMS, Fire Police, Rescue Captains.
Option 3: Two Fire Captains
2nd AC Knowles – Option 1 is fine. NO bylaw change needed. Lt can be appt. at any time by officers.
1st AC McKenna – likes Option 1 the best w/ span of control between the 2 captains
DC Lee – motion to adopt Option 1 w/ spelling correction.
Chief – does this need 90-day trial? Or go to end of yr as probationary trial period. Will work w/ bylaws to reflect any needed changes.  2nd by 2AC Knowles. Granting of radio car still to be discussed / decided on later.
Did institute change in part-time hours. Sat./Sun. shift begins 2 pm ends – midnight.
Captain Jones: Rich Eifler – fire police – just resigned. All gear returned.
Other gear – Daniels returned. Outstanding : ?
M. Novac – still has pagers & laptop.  S.Morris will try to get in touch.
?? adjust medical aspect from rescue captain requirements. Now has full EMT requirement. It could be addressed w/ MRT. – to be discussed.
Training:  .1st AC McKenna – training calendar filling up. Out thru July. 1st live burn done. 3 more coming. Big Hazmat drill that will fulfill everyone’s requirement 7/17/11. Two category 4 members still in category 4.  Every one passed EMS refresher (1 yr time frame after expiration).  Recommends taking all re-certs in house. Captain Jones questioned how long will she be required to teach for free – but she is required to do it for her own certification and she meets all her training requirements for the year. Fair policy for compensation to be reviewed.
TOC paying $4000 to host class for 7 outside students – checks to put toward PO balance.
DC Lee – update on training facility – Wed. 5/12/11 80 loads of millings to come to Schuster Park. Sat. 5/14/11 – Schuster Park – 11:00 a.m. grand opening & dedication. Looking for people to assist w/ demos.  Food will be there. Friday night will have a dry run.
June fire school coming up. Openings available.
5/22 Police signal 54 Class.
Friday night national weather service Sky Warn 7-10 pm class.
Lt. Brown – recommends one calendar. Who addresses company calendar after meetings and approved items? A.Babineau will post the night of meeting. Could have a centralized location.
Company 1 :. Capt. Giudice –  Lt. Morris – list of outstanding discrepancies to apparatus. -  will look into.    Any action on SOP’s from last month? – duty officer w/ mutual aid,-further discussion needed.
EMS : Capt. Reid –  R. Stepp reported NOTHING. Aaron Harris – recommending setting up an EMS bike team.  “lead by example” – helmet safety,  can be used at in-town events. Wants to get approval to establish team, set of SOP’s, report to EMS Cptn. – some requirements re: physical testing. Members to use their own bikes. May require a bag for gear, and uniform members. DC Lee – go back and draft rules / regs.  How it fits into current organization, them bring forward full recommendation. Suffield EMS has a current program, as well as Manchester Emerg. Mgmt.
Rescue : Capt. Gordon –  have a procedures & policy drill on 5/16, extrication drill on 6/2 at Reliable Oil.  Want to put vests back on Rescue 1 (floatation vests – PFD). Rope classes in fall.
Fire Police – Capt. Jones – need repeater in service3. FP shed has plow, etc. – truck forced to back in at angle. It needs to be cleaned out. 1st VP of Ct. Fire Assoc – Jeff Tucker. 5/5/12. Need 42”Cones missing.
Health & Safety – Captain Rowland – physicals list still posted. If name is up there – contact Dan or Jean to make sure your paperwork is in order. SOP on backing guidelines – tomorrow night safety committee meeting – to re-educate on SOP. Last updated 2002.
Chief Officers:
1st AC McKenna –  Recruitment & Retention officer : capstone presentation on line K-misc, have 29 recommendations. Would like feedback. Some already were being worked on prior to report. Copies can be provided to strategic planning group.
2nd AC Knowles -. Cadets being emt’s : state labor board 16-18 yr olds can be emt but not back of ambulance alone – cannot be a lead tech. Cannot be R-1 either. ?? – would we then have to limit what type of calls the cadets could go on? They could make up a crew, but not perform lead.  Tim Joseph class detail needs to get to chief officers.
Past members getting re-qualified on apparatus – being told different things by different officers.
Lights being replaced on apparatus. Strobes on ET1 replaced w/ LED,  lights on front also being replaced w/ LED.  Radio upgrades individual charges replacing bank.  Fleet sync capability, 33 mhz for Ser- 1, Ser- 3, utility
EMS week – things planned:
Rob Brown letter to be sent out re: responding with proper gear issued by CHFD.
Response times over last 3 yrs – going down by full minute.
DC Lee –  water under stairs to be used after major incident. Thank you all for your participation on Norwich Ave Burn.  Ladies Aux put out a good breakfast.  Mill St. – is still scheduled.  NOTE – increasing number of vacant properties n town. Standish Rd, Norwich Ave, Mill St.,
Chief –replacing doors at company 1and 2.  PW came here to look into replacing front driveway.
3 ordinances going forward : Knox boxes, alarms and hydrants.
Lincoln Lake Lodge – mass gathering – looking to Company for parking accommodation.
20 reserved seats to Worcester Cold Storage Fire seminar Sat 5/21. – Glastonbury FD.
Strategic Planning committee meets monthly.
Area Officers Meeting: Lyme 5/18/11 WJJS middle school; CES Fun Day – need ambulance/firetruck with crews.
Marvin Road, Brainard Road, Shailor Hill Road, Chestnut Hill Road to be milled over summer.
President Martin:  absent
Officers meeting adjourned @ 20:45hrs.
Motion made by 2nd AC Knowles, seconded by 1st AC McKenna
Respectfully submitted,
Jean Walsh