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Officers Meeting minutes August 8, 2011
MONDAY   August 8, 2011
1900 hours

MEMBERS PRESENT:  DC Don Lee,  2nd AC Royce Knowles; Capt Guidice; Capt. John Jones,  Lt Morris, Lt Barnes; Eng B. Knowles, Eng. R. Stepp, Eng. McKenna III , Lt Cwickla, Eng Babineau, Lt Morris
Called to order:  1900  hours
Approval of minutes:  The July Officer meeting minutes were read. Motion to approve made by:  AC Knowles, seconded by 1st AC McKenna.
Citizens Comments: Eng Knowles – mentioned condition of apparatus of post response is horrendous.
Mr. Joseph : Would like a meeting w/ chief officers to conduct a cadet meeting.
Budget Issues: All receipts must be given to Jean – can be put in box. Packing slips are also needed. Any prior purchases must be reviewed by her as well, for money verification.
Career Staff /  Personnel:  . Ken McKenna III has been offered a full time position w/ the Town of Stratford pending some issues.  End of Sept. could be the ending date of his tenure here.
Training: AC McKenna – month of August is light – only major classes scheduled. No regularly scheduled drills. Last Training committee meeting – reviewed all members that were category 2 from last yr – found several members short of requirements: Rich Harmon – full member; Rob Brown – failed mandatory driver training – needs to be removed from calendar; Lauren Cupper – is on “unofficial” leave but did not put in official paperwork based on advice of EMS captain and her availability. She is only missing Hazmat – may be able to pick it up w/ new member orientation. Issue to be reviewed w/ EMS Captain and training Chief. She must get back up to date.
Captains – letter from fire academy – if we are interested in posting any classes – it is due by the 15th. Hosting = 4 free seats.
Pending for Sept – Fedus property burn – 85 Amston Rd.
57 Fest weekend
Sept 18th is convention
Burn drill – Sat. 7/30/11 Mill St – feedback from BOS & BOF – excellent job. We made a good showing. CAFS was a good demo. Thanks to all. Positive notes by citizens and other FD’s there.
Training opp – Thur 8/18 – Chief Scan (Bozrah) – will be presenting 2 hr program – ICO fire ground decisions made within the 1st 20 minutes, etc .  Sign up sheet will be posted n radio room.
Yantic Fire Comp – 11/5/11 - $30 – re: Firefighting Ops in Garden Apts & Townhouses
Cptn Jones mentioned issues raised w/ members on the floor: hazmat drill held last week occurred w/o training committee knowledge and posting. Career staff will be having training classes every Tues & Wed – will be melded in the future. 
DC Lee – said Trng Chief knew, notice was put out on all-call. Have obligation to meet our mission statement.  R. Stepp asked for a notice in email / newsletter / not just alpha page.  If more people knew about it more would have come.

EMS –  Cptn Reid – gear quote being worked on. # sets of gear we could get, what kind – non-structured, dkr blue, will establish a sense of pride w/ name on back. Intent is gear to be worn whenever person wants, and mandatory at motor vehicle accident, & working situation.
Jared Szuba – EMS administrator ? – status? – motion to appoint – ok – AC McKenna, no by AC Knowles.  Ok ‘d by DC Lee.   11-32 public act – effective 11/1/11 – all Emergency responders must have a photo ID displayed on their person at a scene. All members must contact DC Lee to get updated ID if needed. Lanyard will be provided.
Ambulance condition #528– on 8/8/11 backboard missing from ambulance, no collars, and oxygen canister was empty, and the 2nd one from the trauma pack was also empty. This past weekend a defib was left at nursing home. We have lost pulse ox’s around, little blue bags lost.  People (driver & crew) will be held responsible if found they are responsible for conditions, or missing equipment.
ISO McManus –. Via AC Knowles – newsletter?
Fire Police –  Capt. Jones – service 3 needs AC – one is on order.
Safety – Rowland –. Vacation – reported thru AC Knowles – masks not being serviced and put back in bags. I AM RESPONDING to be primary next week.
Safety – McMinn – had meeting – backing guide ; Lt Brown wants driver course to be mandatory w/ new members.  EMS – constant finding of dirty gloves found dropped. Hazardous. Personally scheduled to leave area w/in the next 3 mths.
Company 1 – P. Giudice:  ET1 – waiting for First Line work. 3/2009 issue – front intake, etc.  Work to reviewed. Serv 1 primer is not working well. ET2 lettering ? Hebron Fair – EMS & fire coverage will be asked for. Postings to come. Duty Officer program reviewed & signed. Procedure to be changed to Guideline for FAST / RIT – small typo, changes – but all 4 chief officers have signed.

Chief Officers
2nd AC Knowles –. Issues w/ cadets – have limitations re: what is allowable, etc. A cadet is supposed to tell you if they can or cannot do – change SCBA bottle, etc. must listen to them. They want $250 to build a locking closet for gear & supplies upstairs. Directed to meet w/ Chief re: alterations for 2nd floor. 
1st AC McKenna – 8/13 company pig roast ,  Sunday 8/14 – Reggae fest at Lincoln Lake Lodge – need help w/ parking.
DC Lee – Reggae fest anticipation is BIG due to high advanced sale, rain or shine. Same incident action plan will be in effect day of festival. 8/13 – P&R baseball game.
 Letter from Hebron FD – 10th yr anniversary of 9/11 attack – Sunday 9/11 Fair Grounds 1:00 pm.
Sunday 8/14 – after noon – benefit here for Rose Daniels. Tue 8/16 evening – Ct Fire Chiefs Assoc meeting – here
Hose testing completed. Lost $3700 worth. 23037 tested.
Safer grant checks to come. If delinquent on physicals or other issue – checks will be withheld.
Ct State Police Cadet fair – 8/27/11 – looking for FD to support w/ safety programs we sponsor – want truck & ambulance for display..
Chief – absent.
President Martin: off premised old firehouse committee meeting tomorrow night. Company meeting Thur 8/12.     PA  sister city FD reps to be here, will stay upstairs overnight.  Last event was just covered by Chief officers, and hope more people will be willing to help. Next mth – Hebron Harvest Fair w/ Dunkin Donuts.  9/11 event – one being worked on at Mohegan Sun.  Could we do one locally as well?
Motion to adjourn – motioned AC Knowles. 2nd AC McKenna
Respectfully submitted,  Jean Walsh