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Officers Meeting 4/11/11
Monday, April 11, 2011 
MEMBERS PRESENT:  DC Don Lee, 1st AC Ken McKenna, 2nd AC. Royce Knowles, Capt. Paul Giudice, Capt. John. Jones, Capt. M. Gordon, Lt. Dave Barnes, Lt. S. Morris, Eng. R Morris, Capt. Reid, Eng.Brown, Eng. K. McKenna,  Eng. J Babineau, Eng. B.Knowles, Eng. K. Erickson, Eng. J. Tucker, A. Cwikla, ISO McManus,
Called to order 1900 hours.
Approval of minutes: The March Officers meeting minutes were read. Motion to approved: by 2nd AC Knowles, 2nd  by 1st AC McKenna – as amended to correct Lt Reid to Capt. Reid in EMS.
Citizens Comments: none
Budget Issues:  Chief Cox is as budget meeting tonight, and there will be one tomorrow. You are encouraged to attend tomorrow. Our budget is increased from 866919 to 936806. Increases due to safer grant payroll (3rd yr), utilities, fuel, electricity. Moved money around : ex: from training to per diem to cover career staff training at new facility.
Career Staff / Personnel:  Lt Morris – last month gave proposal re: division LT’s being assigned car numbers, etc.  AC Lee : all issues are on hold until budget is complete.
Training:  Training calendar for April & May posted.  Not enough days for all training that people want to hold. Will be moving outside for more hands on type training.  National Fire Academy last weekend – everyone was very positive about it.  Good interaction. Next yr it may be opened to any members interested in attending. Bylaws : category 3 training 2010 (failed to meet mandatory training,  and more than ½ of required training – had to be completed before 3/31 - ) this has been delayed to 4/3/11. List was reviewed.  Some members will be put in category 4, all were contacted given till tonight to come back up to speed, leaving 2 members that cannot attend any emergency calls : John Greenman, Todd Szoka.  Will be reviewing on a monthly basis to see if they can be returned. Name will not be entered into NFIRS, and will be asked to leave scene. Will be notified by phone, and letter. Lt Brown – this is a safety issue, not a discipline.
AC Lee – update on training facility – past weekend had aggressive work party – 35 items to finalized, down to 24. Vinyl siding on, numbers on doors, all interior swing walls, change wall, doors on, painted. May 14 official ground breaking / ribbon cutting.  Dedication, walk through, food,   11:00 am. Start.  Donation thank you letters going out. BOF, BOS
Draft copies of facility use policy – burn use –
- training grounds – operational policy (11 pgs)
- appendix A – flow calculations for that building (3 pallets / ½ bale of hay)
- appendix B – live fire trng check list
- appendix C – pre-ignition role call policy – can be stopped at any time
- live fire matrix is based on # of ff’s
# of students dictates # of training scenarios.
- Org chart
- Environmental conditions for extreme weather: need oxygen kit, rehab, etc.
- Pre burn heart rate and blood pressure taken of all participants.
- Site control officer on scene when other depts.. using our facility. (training program coming – paid positions) – other depts.. will be providing liability insurance, etc
Company 1 :. Capt. Giudice –  contacted Marcus Communications for ET2 – (knox box issues also) and need to re-wire unit, and wire the pump panel. Only cost should be labor. RIT policy has been updated for review. Duty officer – verbiage updated, and required areas for them to read. Call sign clarified.
Programming issue. Need to add Glastonbury frequency.
EMS : Capt. Reid –  IM Responding – still using: reminder for ambulance to call in. Ambulances need to be kept clean, filled up w/ gas. Want to thank Royce & Bobby for ordering supplies.
Rescue : Capt. Gordon –  trying to get training days 6/4 – car extrication,
Fire Police – Capt. Jones – 5/22 – signal 54 class scheduled, 2 yr certification.  FP response to calls may be effected by price of gas per gallon. 82 can be used on repeater. (R.Knowles to look into)
Safety Capt. – K.McManus – nothing to report. Capt. Jones recommended re-review of backing into barn policy for safety. (given to safety committee for training)
Chief –  absent
Chief Officers:
1st AC McKenna –  nothing more to add
2nd AC Knowles -. Rob Brown responded to our calls w/ Salem gear on.  May need to get registered letter from Chief. Mentioned to him, and he was spoken to by Chief.
In January – some members were voted out, letters went out requesting pagers, equipment be  returned, given 15 days to comply:  M. Novak: voice pager & alpha pager; E. Ezold – voice pager & gear;  K. Loguidice – voice pager & alpha pager; T.Daniels – voice pager & gear & med kit
DC Lee –  class showed how far ahead Colchester is from many other CT organizations. Officers will no longer allow members to participate in live burns in Lebanon or
Chief –.. absent\budget hearing
Capt. McManus – class idea – public information, education & relations initiative (P.I.E.R Program). Will incorporate into Recruitment & Retention committee for Strategic Planning committee. Could include : student education yr round, “off to college”, adult ed, citizens fire academy, regular press release info.
 Recall all radios and do a fleet re-sync of all radios and man-down front line radios. OK – date to be determined.
Colchester web site does include a link w/ description / expectations of job.
Capt. Jones – class was very informative.
Capstone mtg on 4/29/11 – at Uconn.  *** will be doing a presentation at town hall 5/5 and CHVFCo  5/6.
President Martin:  out of state due to death of his mother.
Officers meeting adjourned @ 21:05hrs.
Motion made by 2nd AC Knowles, seconded by 1st AC McKenna
Respectfully submitted,
Jean Walsh