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Officers Meeting minuets Feb. 7, 2011
Monday, February 7, 2011
MEMBERS PRESENT: Chief Walt Cox, DC Don Lee, 1st AC Ken McKenna, 2nd AC. R. Knowles Capt. Paul Giudice, Capt. John. Jones, HSO Dan Rowland, EMS Capt. Reid, SO Jess McMinn, Capt. M. Gordon Lt. Dave Barnes, Lt. S. Morris, , Lt Cwikla
Guests:  Gregg Schuster – First Selectman, Mindy Johnson
Chief Walt Cox called the meeting to order @ 1900hrs. – Moment of silence for Patricia Olsen, Past Chief of Intercounty Ambulance.
Mr. Schuster – congratulations to new officers. Thank you all for doing a great job. Community recognizes the hard work.  Strategic plan for dept. will be kicked off soon. Due to multitude of equipment, etc requires input by people. Change may come out of it. Be open to it, and contribute to process. This weekend will be camping out on green – for donations to fuel bank.
Mindy Johnson – citizen – called Dave Martin 1 wk ago: retired recently; teaches babysitting course. Can the course be held here in firehouse, w/ dept as sponsor? 5-6:30, 25 per class, m,w, or th. (show of hands in favor, still must be brought to membership). 860-558-4240
Approval of minutes: The January Officers meeting minutes were read.  Motion to approve; DC Lee, 2nd by 1st AC McKenna
Citizens Comments: none
Budget Issues:  FY2012 – moving $ from trng to per diem to allow for daytime trng w/ career staff. Cadets want to move $ from turnout gear to alpha – numeric pagers;  need door replacement in bldg;  increase mandatory testing;  shared infrastructure w/ water dept requesting to be increased.  3/7 BOF meeting.  – (company 2 needs a door)
Career Staff / Personnel:  Chad Molochnick has taken a full time job. We will be filling in w/ per diem. FD town web site has a new recruitment link. Application on line.  Capt Guidice questioned : 2nd part-time should be qualified to drive all apparatus, etc. (FF/EMT)
Training:  update on structural burn drills : end of March, and late spring.  13 apps went in for training in Washington in April for officers. EMS training / conferences open. 1st AC McKenna –– ice rescue drill held. Used E.Hampton sled. Calendar for feb. is posted. No fire police input. Feb has a lot of ems trng.  Hazmat drill coming to meet needs for requirement. Gary Allen contacted. Fire instructor class may be in house. On line trng is not back up yet – exam ??’s were extraneous.  On line exam ??’s being re-written. Shuster Pk progress. Capt. Gordon is looking for a vehicle extrication course, maybe combine w/ hybrid class. (before summer)
EMS:. Capt. Reid – encouraging first responders. 1st – in bags will be distributed. Contact us for Cromwell EMS conference.  Psych calls – always respond cold. POV’s wait for ambulance first. PPD test, and bp cuff calibrations.
Captain’s Reports:  Safety Committee  HSO Rowland: physical program back on line. Will be putting up list of people that NEED physical.
Cptn McMinn – safety committee mtg tomorrow
Fire Police: Capt. J.Jones reports .FP doing great. If hwy dept is out a truck will be out at scene. 4564 not being monitored at incident command. A call to them will ensure a truck goes to scene.
Experiencing a lot of ice. 
Company 1-. Capt. Giudice – ET 3 bay door needs work. PPV fan being ordered. Ladder 1 master stream – working. ET 2 knox box – no update. Could be ordered.  Low voltage on charger.  Marcus working on things.  Official attire to be addressed. Recent mutual aid dept left our facility a mess. Guidice / Morris – meeting w/ engineers to discuss goals, etc
EMS Lt Reid –  see above
Rescue – Capt. Gordon – getting adjusted.
Chief –  now have a 9’toboggon to be used for patient transport, on Rescue.
Chief Officers:
1st AC McKenna –  nothing to add, on vacation 2/12-2/19.
 2nd AC Knowles -. ?? do we need to keep drivers logs? Should be archived (7 yrs ). Had an EMS mtg – recommended pulling gear from non-responders. List of gear that needs to be returned by inactive members for enforcement. Sexual Harassment class for cadets being looking at. More fire police are calling in on 82. Only Capt. Jones should be on that radio freq..
DC Lee –.thank everyone for turnout. Propane leaks recently reinforce a need for caution/safety. Follow protocol for distance, meters, etc. Gear at calls should be turn out gear. Accountability – tag in.  FF Esteve – will we be getting new meters?  (they are tested mthly) cost for new? Will get a tech to come in to look at them.
Flooding to come. Unit 214 logs to take care of multiple like incidents. Time/staffing/length of call.  Acquired 2 20 gall /min. pumps.  NOT to be loaned out.
Chief – want to thank everyone for roof work, hydrants, etc.  UConn Capstone group asked for info. Strategic plan committee needs members. Will be sitting down w/ first selectman re : contract w/ Company & Town.
Met w/ BOF re ambulance billing – status quo.  Ability to pay problem – to be taken into consideration.
This bldg has ice on it. Watch overhead.  Leaks in roof. Carport got stressed. Struts may be replaced. Put in request to DOC for prisoner help to open hydrants.
President Martin:  absent
Officers meeting adjourned @ 2015hrs.
Motion made by DC Lee,1st AC McKenna
Respectfully submitted,
Jean Walsh