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Monthly Officer's Meeting 5/10/10
                                                                   COLCHESTER HAYWARD FIRE DEPARTMENT
Monday    May 10, 2010
MEMBERS PRESENT: Chief Cox,  1AC Don Lee, 2nd AC Ken McKenna Capt Papp, Capt. Giudice, Capt Evans,  Capt R. Knowles, Capt Dan Rowland, SO McMinn,  Lt Dave Barnes, Lt Steve Morris, Eng. Erickson, R. Morris,Babineau.
Chief Cox called the meeting to order @ 19:05 hrs. (slight delay due to 2 prior emergency calls-(MVA/CO):EMS Capt. Evans, Fire Police Captain Jones on emergency calls.
Approval of Minutes:  April 5, 2010:.   Motion to accept: 2nd AC McKenna, seconded by 1 AC Lee, seconded by 2nd AC McKenna.
Citizen’s Comments:  none
Budget Issues :  referendum to vote tomorrow Tues: 5/11/10,  2 items:  1)Town  2)  BOE
Polls open 6:00 am to 8:00 pm only at 127 Norwich Ave-all members
- this current fiscal year , 7 wks left,  fuel / vehicle repair – pretty much expended, will only be getting emergency items,   and physicals[medical exams] have been suspended.
BOF accepted the $9480 transfer for the 3 modules at Schuster Park from Training to buildings. Site work still has to be done.  Hebron Fire Dept has offered to help w/ future installation.  Permit for modules is drawn up, and will be going forward this week[J.McMinn]
Career Staff/Personnel:    Safety Officer and  Ops. Officer interaction at emergency call. last week:  Safety Officer has full authority to stop or alter scene if deemed unsafe..  Operations officer placed on Administrative leave. Incident resolved by Chief Officers 5/7.
Vehicles – LAH – all vehicles must have blue lights facing backwards. POV’s discouraged.
Mutual Aid response-personnel to station to man apparatus.
Altering of equipment – ISI HUD[mask] is NOT to disconnected, costing $250 to replace.   6 repairs done over the last 18 months.  Anyone caught altering safety equipment will be immediately disciplined, potentially dismissed from Company.
Next week – Chief taking classes at CFA- all hazards incident management-May17-21.
Secondary explosives devices- 1st responders targeted-must be aware.
Terrorist – explosive devices –1 AC Don Lee invited to join FBI bomb blast reconstruction school in 2 wks. Understanding debris for origin-.May 24-28.
Training:.  Task Force 57meeting on Thursday Glastonbury FD- going for a grant for a driving simulator trailer.
-May 15- MCI drill in Lebanon,   new member orientation,  Touch a Truck, 
- press release for new ambulance put out this week. (see attached)
2 AC McKenna : deferred to Capt Papp for personnel in category 3 – short on training : notified they must attend all mandatory, and 25 % of all due :  deadline 4/15 :  4  members in default : Terrance Clark,
DC Wm Standish, Tony Skut, Rich Harmon (none of these have done on-line training, if they do they will be removed from this list)  unable for any further points until resolved: - letter to go from training division
From EMS division – Dawn Bohaslaw,  Tony  Gallicchio, Kyle Laguidice, Rick LaGrega,
(medical leave does not provide a waiver from requirements)
More training still coming : at fire academy – some for June school
May 1-Live fire training in Lebanon – good attendance/drill-no injuries to report.
EMS refresher – Sunday refresher,  testing following Sunday. MCI drill still needs a driver.
Propane company picked up 500 gall propane tank to be altered for trailers. Help needed.
Regional fire schools- state budget reductions, includes a potential price increase, double FFI & II classes.
-May15th – Eastern Ct Fire School  FFII class – noon  (class room / live burn)-flashover at Schuster Park.
SOP #008 –Ice & cold water rescue –motion to accept: Lee / McKenna. Will hand out Thursday.
Captain Jones – training on Service 328 will be taking place this week. Class one of 6 for rope
anchoring next  6/3-lead to confined space refresher.
EMS:   week is 5/16 – 5/ 21            Sat 5/15  EMS dinner (Fred Potter) 6:00 pm, speaker, Bozrah Moose Lodge
Need participation.
-          EMS charts – conflicting issues – will be scheduling a meeting w/ Jean Walsh, Audrie Evans, Ken McKenna, Kevin McManus, and Shared Response
-          Lacking fast track paper work from 4 career staff members, outstanding  6 drivers
Captain’s Reports:  .
Fire 1 –    new ambulance – tire pressure / air bag pressure to be checked.. Rescue 128 had fuel line/tank issue, and gage sending uni not working – must check fuel line weekly.  Recognize Royce Knowles and others.
ET 328 new springs
ET 228 – 1” lift for new springs
Trade in ambulance gone
Capt. Papp – readiness of apparatus in question: some engineers have stepped up to oversee it, wash it, etc: FF Fitzgerald wants hose tender, Lt Steve Morris – ladder, Engineer Gordon wants Engine 1 & 3,  engineer Babineau,   Berkman every Sunday.
5/27 work party – prep for Memorial Day parade – put yearly coat of wax on things.  Mid-year review to be done w/ Lt’s.
- missing foam submitted, article to newspaper, insurance claim to finance
Fire 2 – Guidice –. Parade – cleaning supplies needed.  Primer on Service 2 needed.  Transfer switch for ET 2 stuck in pressure.  Job descriptions being finalized.    Company 2 sign up.
Fire Police Capt. Jones – (by McKenna) – looking for approval for paint for police bus. To be painted ;need 4
Rescue Captain – Knowles –. No report
Safety – D. Rowland -  5/17 meeting   - meeting w/ Dr. Laporte’s office 3rd wk of May.                                                      
Chief Officer’s Reports
DC Standish- not present
1 AC  Lee –  all covered above 
2nd AC McKenna – recommend every one vote!
Chief :  call volume 652 +,  Pres Martin provided info on parade:  Bozrah 29th,  60 yrs celebration:
 Sunday 30th Colchester,   31St  - Salem
Sr. bus may be available for transportation for cemetery tour.
5/19 officers – area officers – in Lebanon FD
5/27 – Hebron invited all officers for general idea exchange – 7:00 pm
May 15 Touch a Truck – new ambulance; Rabies Clinic
May 27th –Red Cross blood drive – room must be cleared out of tables / chairs
Sept 17-19 New London State  FF Convention & parade.
Sept 25 – 57th fest
Presidents Report:  D. Martin not present
Adjourned at 19:50 hours.   2nd AC McKenn motioned 1AC Lee seconded
Respectfully submitted,
Jean Walsh , Admin. Asst.