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Officer's meeting minutes 11/9/10
MEMBERS PRESENT: Chief Walt Cox, Deputy Chief W. Standish, Asst. Chief Ken McKenna, Capt. Paul Giudice, Capt. G. Papp, Capt. John. Jones, Safety Officer Dan Rowland, Safety Officer Jess McMinn, Lt. Dave Barnes, ISO Kevin McManus, Eng. R. Morris, Lt. Sandy Brown, Lt. S. Morris
Chief Walt Cox called the meeting to order @ 1908 hrs.
Approval of minutes: The October Officers meeting minutes were read.  Motion to approve; DC Standish,2nd by AC McKenna
Citizens Comments: McManus :Facebook threats – making disparaging comments re: white hats & paid staff.. Wants appropriate action to be taken. (see attached)
Budget Issues:  W.Standish – cadet advisors want $ from gear allocation to be reallocated to buy alpha pagers – 6 ea.   ?? – can they use them? What are guidelines re: regular pagers in school? Recommend checking into rules. Hand me downs are not well taken care of,  maybe 16 yr olds or up;  Cost $1500+ ?.
Personal protective gear for FF. – expires Friday 11/12/10.  Can be $800 / yr base fee, 300 yr for addtl calls. 1100 max per yr. – recommend getting officers etc to use. Recent use waning. WiFi signals could be programmed to show up in apparatus. In favor : McKenna, Standish, Cox. Will check budget for available $$.
Career Staff / Personnel:  Due to gravity of certain emergency calls -members are allowed to take time off as needed to deal with situation. As such they come up short on points. Membership has to trust chief officers in making determination re; points, renewal, etc.  Consequently sometimes they fade away. EAP also available.  Info on board is being taken down: training, notices, etc.  No one should be taking things down w/o authorization.  Officers should report these actions. Could do it electronically.
Policy on cell phone, video cameras: looking at other depts. In state.  Pictures of patients, license plates, etc – but could be a problem. Policy to be developed.
Medical exams – letters out to 14 people. Waiting for info from Sparrow Commons. – they have problems w/ partial physicals – legal counsel also recommends stopping drug testing. Pro health cannot coordinate other items billing.  Will only do physicals on their own patients.
New paid guys: non-volunteer guys – w/o set training – are they allowed to go along on runs when not on duty?  Chief Cox –if at station prior to shift.– yes.
Chief on vacation 11/10-11/14
New engineers on truck: McKenna & Lyons do not have assignments? Lyons is willing to take different vehicle. McKenna is engineer on S-128.
Performance appraisal – draft form for SOP – for DC thru engineer. (Guidice) based on state & town forms.

Training:  AC McKenna – posted – disappeared, but on line. Tentative drills scheduled into December.  On-line is shut down for year. Final report to come. Deadline passed for outside training. People looking for more hazmat 12/2 at Schuster Park planned. Glitch in program for entering training – w/ multiple disciplines attending said trng – program pulled printed heading on spread sheet for credit. has been corrected.
EMS: had information meeting Friday  re: billing.  De-fibs on ET2 program is off, needs updating.
Captain’s Reports: Safety – Dan Rowland – working on physicals.  Next mtg scheduled for December.
Fire Police – recent drill, Thursday 11/11 presentation to be made by
Company 1- some problems w/ staffing, no shows
Company 2 – ET 2 update – spotlights need upgrade, breaker upgrade, some equipment on b/o, should be done by end of month, Marcus needs to come an fix some things. 8 hr class meets requirement. By end of month should be ok.
Chief Officers: McKenna – winter weather warnings-be safe.
DC Standish – no news
Jess McMinn - use of facility lease – found for Chief Lee.
Chief Cox:
Salamander ID cards – will hand out at company meeting for scene id.
Beneficiary cards need to be filled out. Here to be passed out.
Rescue is now ambulance 528, 628 is now ambo. 628, 128 & responder 228 at KX
VFIS – 4 hr class Westfield fire district, 11/20.
Wet down ceremony – went well. Thank you.
Thank R2 crews for BAHS football, and EMT’s covering Cougar football..
Letter sent to Norwich Bulletin re: how we do billing. Sent to town web site.
President : letter read/ 11/11 is monthly meeting - old timers meeting. Aux frosty fair will need help w/ set up.
New members
Wants to be informed when ambulance billing is on agenda for input.
Thursday- D. Rowland will be going to Stop & Shop for extinguisher training.
Officers meeting adjourned @ 1950hrs.  Motion made by DC Standish; 2nd by AC McKenna
Respectfully submitted,
Jean Walsh