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Officer's Meeting Minutes 1/11/10
see attached minutes for the Officer's meeting held 1/11/10.

                                                                COLCHESTER HAYWARD FIRE DEPARTMENT
MONDAY, January 11, 2010
MEMBERS PRESENT: Chief Cox, DC Standish, 1AC McMinn, Capt. Papp, Capt Evans, Capt. Giudice, Capt Jones, Lt. Barnes, Lt. R. Morris, Lt. Cwikla, Steve Morris
Chief Cox called the meeting to order @ 19:00 hrs 
Absent:  2AC McKenna
Approval of Minutes: none necessary Dec. 2009 meeting no quorum
Citizen’s Comments: G. Avery: thanked Jess McMinn for time given as 1AC.  Company 2 weather stripping on doors / re-circulating fan. This building needs to be reviewed for air gaps. Would like to recommend all officers bring forth a list of goals, and each officer go through an assessment process.
Budget Issues:
Chief Cox reported 1st Selectman Schuster has released FY2011 budget process schedule. Public Safety will be emphasized. Current year budget issues: new Modine heaters here. Dave Martin mentioned 1/27/10 open forum on budget at Bacon Academy. Should be posted for membership info and participation.
Career Staff/Personnel:  On-going medical issue- Jess McMinn reports to be ok.  Don Lee had surgery doing ok.
Training:  hours of training: each person mandated to perform training. Condition of officer position: hours of training/current physical/drug testing on file.  Recent incident at Troop K –ambulance crew experienced an unacceptable situation with released/processed prisoner on transport to Backus [which was not made known to the crew].  It was investigated, and discussed w/ Troop K.
Audrie Evans reported for 2AC.McKenna:  set up class w/ Chief Kanterman for 2/7/10. NFFF-Courage to Be Safe/Everyone Goes Home.  Also possibility of Leadership Excellence program.
CIRMA training drill on defensive driving 3/25/10. (no charge) New drivers must have this. 
Cpt. Jones questioned HAZMAT training deficit. Will not be held against anyone-previously answered by 2AC McKenna.
Training hours entered today for NAAK/Smart Tag refresher by 2AC McKenna.
EMS:     Audrie Evans – cannot act as EMS liaison for NLCFCA convention parade. Looking for replacement. Membership heads-up-on the rise –hydrogen sulfide- chemical suicides in vehicles.
EMT classes Mon, Wed, and Fridays through March-daytime Co.1
Stryker cots being shipped to Miami Ambulance, $2000 credit toward purchase of additional stair chair.
Captain’s Reports:  Capt. Jones – thanked people in Fire Police division.
Capt. Papp – thanked members for hard work.  Deferred to Eng.Morris – reported members are looking for a change in Lt./Eng. job descriptions/responsibility . More discussion to follow at Fire Company meeting. Capt.Guidice – Company 2 – Service 228 – primer still out of service. Get quotes to Jean.  S-228  ball joints – locked hubs, pulls badly to the right. Radio room and batteries quotes together.
Chief Officer’s Reports 1AC McMinn – wants a few minutes with chief officers re: personnel issues.
DC Standish –another tough year but members followed through..  NFIRS being addressed.
Jean Walsh reported continuing issues w/ EMS Charts, 48 incomplete as of this writing, estimated value of billing $36,000; order of pages on run reports out of order, missing KX reports, missing information.
Credit from Ct. Fire Academy $1200 – should be earmarked immediately, or risk losing it.
Chief Cox – thanks to all officers who served this past year.      Radio Room protocol – conversations/topics/tone overheard . Behavior will not be tolerated. Especially between 8:00 am – 4:00 pm or anytime a visitor/public in building.
New hires started this week –Nicholas Fischer, Seth DeAngelis, Chad Molochnick, Michael Kuchyt- please make them welcome-training/orientation daytime January-start overnight February, they are flexible to work with all R1 & R2 crews.
Bemers topped off propane tanks today/regulator issue repaired. Fluorescent light fixture in bay replaced R528 went to Alison for transmission issue-returned 01/06  Tanker dump valve replaced.  Squad 128 – electrical issue repaired.
Firfighter accountability rings will be re-instated on pre-connect attack lines-at nozzle.  ET-128,228 328 to start.  
Chief Cox, Dave Martin, Greg Plunkett meeting: re: use of facility.
Old fire house – we were given one bay.  No flammable storage. Maybe use for special ops trailer?.
Gregg Schuster will be here Tues. 1/12 for tour of facility Co. 1. (and maybe company 2)
Presidents Report:  Pres. Martin: - working w/ John Knapp to reprint plaques around firehouse. Helen Gay portrait will have notice of her position here. With informational plaque. Committee appointments needs assistance by chief officers.7:30 am Sunday 01/17.
Rob Esteve – thanked officers for support for his son’s Eagle Scout project dinner, and recycled cans, for fundraising efforts.
Adjourned at  1950 hours.    1AC McMinn motioned,  DC Standish seconded.
Respectfully submitted,
Jean Walsh
Admin. Asst.