Monday, December 06, 2010
MEMBERS PRESENT: Chief Walt Cox, 1st AC Don Lee, 2nd AC Ken McKenna, Capt. Paul Giudice, Capt. R. Knowles, Capt. John. Jones, HSO Dan Rowland, SO Jess McMinn, Lt. Dave Barnes, ISO Kevin McManus, Lt. Sandy Brown, Lt. S. Morris
Chief Walt Cox called the meeting to order @ 1905hrs.
Approval of minutes: The November Officers meeting minutes were read. Motion to approve; AC Lee, 2nd by AC McKenna
Citizens Comments: None
Follow-up to Nov.2010 Citizens Comments: Townhall looking into social media format and town policies concerning this issue. CHFD members may be interviewed by townhall.
Budget Issues: Paperwork has been started to transfer money from Cadet line item to purchase alpha pagers. program up and running in current FY 2011. Firemans Fund Grant applied for Fire Prevention/Public Ed robot; submitted by Royce Knowles.
Career Staff / Personnel: Letter submitted to CHVCo on Rich Harmon waiver from Chief Officers. D. Fitzgerald update- positive. Discussion on per diem vacancies and upcoming holiday schedule. CPR field save on 11/16- emergency response personnel on-scene to be recognized for their efforts. Discussion on appropriate response involving department members-CHFD to provide manpower resources as needed for mutual aid. Jackie Rowell has requested transfer from fire police to EMS division-to be acted upon at Dec. CHVFCo meeting.
Training: AC McKenna – posted/drills scheduled for December. PIR for Mill St structure fire scheduled for Sat. 12/11 0830 hrs. S&S burn drill postponed. 1st drill at new facility at Schuster Park was a success [Hazmat/propane]
EMS: EMS Roundtable –discussion on Lead Tech Program. Local EMS Plan submitted to OEMS/DPH by A.Babineau
Captain’s Reports: Safety Committee meeting prior to this officers meeting held at 1800 hrs.
HSO Dan Rowland – working on physicals/ medical program to start in the near future. Discussion on CHVFD driving/safety program. HSO Rowland to put together accountability kits.
Fire Police: Capt. J.Jones reports status of division is good. Spoke to J. Rowell.
Company 1- no report
Company 2 – Capt. Giudice-ET 2 update; request for apparatus Knox Box; discussion on water filter system at Co.2; need for additional traffic safety vests. SOP discussion on evaluation policy.
Rescue Captain; R. Knowles-Tax abatements/Fuel comp reports for year submitted.
Chief Officers: 2nd AC McKenna – discussion on membership input into company officer selection. 1st AC Lee-discussion on upcoming burn drills/Schuster Park update/PIR for Mill St. Fire.
DC Standish – not present
Chief Cox- Thanks to all elected and appointed officers who have served this department in 2010. DC and 2nd AC positions are up for 2011 elections in January. Time to complete DMV and Blue Light permits for 2011. Members to use caution when arriving in POV’s to emergency scenes-complaint received concerning this issue at Mill St. fire. Discussion on UCONN Capstone program to look at volunteer recruitment and retention-member input concerning interviews, survey and focus groups starting in January 2011. Draft policy/directive on social media networks and cell phone/camera in progress.
President: Spoke on D. Fitzgerald incident- great effort by all involved/good support system.
Discussion on upcoming holiday dinner/xmas tree sales. Chief Officers and President to meet on by-law changes to Cadet Division. Hand Tub Muster at Zagray Farms scheduled for July 16, 2011.
Officers meeting adjourned @ 2015hrs.
Motion made by 2nd AC McKenna, seconded by 1st AC Lee
Respectfully submitted,
Walt Cox