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Officers Meeting Minutes 8/9/10
                                                              COLCHESTER HAYWARD FIRE DEPARTMENT
Monday    August 9, 2010
MEMBERS PRESENT: Chief Cox,  DC William Standish, 1AC Don Lee, EMS Capt Evans,  HSO Capt Dan Rowland, Lt Dave Barnes, Lt Steve Morris, Eng Babineau, Lt Cwikla, Lt Brown, Lt Reid, Capt Papp, Capt Guidice, Rosemary Coyle - BOS
Chief Cox called the meeting to order @ 19:00hrs, Post Incident Review of Rt. 2 MVA to follow.
Approval of Minutes: re:  July 14, 2010: Change: career staff – “Lt Lee” should be changed to as  “AC Lee has asked for exit interviews for any member requesting to leave service, to find out WHY they are leaving.”
 Motion to accept;  AC Lee:, seconded by DC Standish
Citizen’s Comments:  Audrie Evans :  workout room – note re: turning off air conditioner at end of session. If temp is high recommendation to keep AC on. Will add note to KEEP DOOR CLOSED.
Budget Issues : FY 2011: hose testing 8/30/10:  new ET hose is here, laid out, stenciled by staff, ready to be tested. 8/31 all fire apparatus pumps to be tested by Fire One.  Ladder 128 – had failure of waterway and seals – to be sent out to be repaired.  Our master stream & ladder is out of service. To be used as rescue only.
Squad 128 off line EOM July – temporarily  using Forestry 128 – equipping for medical response. Recommend changing reference name to Service 128.
R128 – at Atlantic Detroit for repairs. Still shuddering, may need additional repairs. To watch.
Amb 528: RF issues- 3 control panels replaced, returne-warranty work.. Radios OK
Career Staff/Personnel:  Capt Jones still re-couperating, A. Cwikla had surgery on foot. Cptn McManus home from hospital.  Heidi Palmes mom passed away. Sue Dubb back.
Aug. 2 :  trial period of 16 hr shifts w/ night shifts & day crew – Dombrowski & Knowles [Wed./Fr.]/Fischer & DeAngelis [Tu./Th.]. AM/PM ambulance coverage has been worked out.
Training: AC.Lee – Schuster Pk – Friday August 13 – to be crane day, permits, transportation, etc was donated.  2 addtl trailers may be donated. 1000 gall. propane trainer will be there for liquid & gas training. Jess McMinn donated his time, & staff , greatly appreciated.                            
Letter in for company meeting: AC Lee will be in Train the trainer Hazmat training.
Gary Allen 9/26 – entire day for EMS Hazmat.
Post incident meeting tonight after this meeting.
EMS :.Oct refresher all set. 12,14,16,17,19,21 Less hrs.  Will fast track driver training for forestry (to be changed to Service 128):  Utility body to be added soon.  Is it a registered R1 vehicle? Yes.
2 engineers to be re-assigned.  Standish moved to call forestry Service 128, 2nd by AC Lee
Jumpsuits in, collecting old gear to be passed down to those in need.
Plaque for Gary Avery added to side of new ambulance.
Captain’s Reports: 
Fire 1 –  .Capt Papp –  Ladder 1 speedometer? – waiting for computer program @ fleet yard. Landscaping : Carl Albert & Steve Shorts, D.Barnes & others- thanks. Accountability tags – will compile list of people who need them. Some guys want to put together a recruitment drive. May need advertising $
Company 2 – Capt Guidice :  Service 2 back fully. Water softener for well? – need quotes. Filtration system does exist, filters in place – taste & odor.  May need change of filter for iron. Will retest water quality.
Rescue : Capt Knowles :  2 quotes for utility body on hand.  Troop calls – avg 20-30 minutes staging. Exhaust system off 90% of time. ET2 does not work – goes on / off by itself.  Arrow sticks – still being used as trucks roll out of here.  AC Lee thinks it is an added safety feature.  Left / right flasher needs to be monitored. Saw, 450’ rope,  swivels for rope here. Pagers won’t be fixed for free anymore.  Replacement to be discussed.  $150 for alphas.   ?? on LFIRS. NFIRS & charts should cover all info.  Phase out  as of today. Green sheets & call logs not being filled out. Name, time of call. Friendly reminder : officer in charge responsible.
Fire Police Capt. Jones –  nothing to report
Safety – D. Rowland –  post incident review to be followed up. (Last Wed. evening: traffic control safety vehicles – before 8:00 pm – MVA – vehicle over guard ralls – 2 near misses 1 w/ tractor trailer – in breakdown lane – ET2 w/ lights on in that lane.   20 mins later – 2nd car struck from behind by speeding vehicle almost into fire police. What can be done to prevent it in future, etc.

Chief Officer’s Reports  NOTE: blue light permit of one member had been revoked.

DC Standish-.July NFIRS out. Thanks to Royce. Alpha pagers not getting out. Spoke w/ Rich Grocki – pagers don’t work at Backus, have to be done upon return.  Pt denial – resolved.
1 AC  Lee –  .nothing to add
2nd AC McKenna –  absent – email from Kevin McManus. Recommend a weekly email broadcast – combine all officers notes, events, apparatus updates, minutes, convention or parade minutes, vacation. Per diem openings. 
Presidents Report:   -  absent, letter read by Chief Cox:   Has agreed to above recommendation.
-         sent in – company represented at Bridgeport w/  Pres.Martin, AC Lee, Nick Fischer.
-         Flag pole work nice, pride & ownership alive & well at both stations.
-         Schuster Pk – close to completion
-         8/27 fill the boot
-         8/28 fill the boot
-         8/28 – Hebron
-         Federal committed for parade
-         Hebron Fair – 9/09-12 –
-         Ct FF convention 9/18 at E. Lyme HS
-         9/19 parade – need marchers.
-         Next CHVFCo meeting Thurs. 8/12 will be held at Company 1
-         57 Fest is 9/25
Lt. Morris - ? mid yr reviews – will happen w/ assignment by Chief officers
Adjourned at 7:45 hours.   2nd Wm Standish motioned, 1AC Lee seconded
Respectfully submitted,
Jean Walsh , Admin. Asst.