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Monthly Officers Meeting Minutes
                                                                                                                                COLCHESTER HAYWARD FIRE DEPARTMENT
Monday    April 5, 2010
MEMBERS PRESENT: Chief Cox, DC Standish, 1AC Don Lee, Capt Evans,  Capt R. Knowles,  Lt Dave Barnes, Lt Sandy Brown, Capt Rowland, Lt. Reid, Lt Russ Morris, Eng.. Rick Berkman
Chief Cox called the meeting to order @ 19:05 hrs.
Approval of Minutes:  March 8, 2010: Error – Lt Lee should be 1 AC instead of Lt. Under Career Staff section, second paragraph.   Motion to accept:        1 AC Lee, seconded by DC Standish.
Citizen’s Comments:  none
Budget Issues : watching physical exam line item – medical exam program will restart 7/1/11.  Check w/ Capt Rowland for compliance issues.  Jean Walsh reported the line item is virtually spent.  Two people without any thing on record – 2 yrs out.  Warning letters will go out that they need to follow up w/ requirements. 
1 AC Lee asked if a suspension should be given out if they are not compliant in 30 days 8/1/11, seconded by DC Standish.
Training – we are embarking on a fire training simulator - $9480.  First trailer in Schuster Pk, site work is pending. This will help us w/ NFPA and rescue training.  The convenience of such a unit will facilitate our training. All chief officers approved this process.
Upcoming fiscal year: Company 1 $869,058- reduction from 7.4 to 2.97 %
Town side $200,000 reduction ($37,290 FD)
Company 2 – stands at $14,309.
Career Staff/Personnel:    no report
Training: fire training simulator program is in best interest of members and dept. 
Capt Georg Papp letter : ‘regarding training posted calendar – efforts will be made to post in sufficient time in advance, with all requirements listed.  Any training opportunity that is available elsewhere can be brought forward for information distribution and cross training credit.’ Alpha page info will be distributed so all members can participate in any drill. 
4/11 – Chief Kanterman will be here. 
EMS:   Fred Potter email – expressed a few med patch issues – females in labor – he has requested we get the info ahead of time.  Vitals also must be dispatched. This is different from Middlesex protocol. EMT / EMR refresher has been approved 5/16, 20, 22, 23 – taught by Captn Evans (title replaces MRT title). From expiration date : 90 days to practice;  up to one yr before renewing license,  after 1 yr prior to expiration to refresh w/o any repercussions.   Have 2 yr window to refresh.
List of EMS charts – guidance document to provide detail list of items page by page for all members to follow.
MCI drill in Lebanon – in May – there will be additional classes available – to be posted. Should be full day classes. Eng. Berkman has approached Captn Evans re: replacing CO2 tanks – what level they should be replaced at :  it comes down to a training issue: currently different standards of what levels bottles are replaced at and at what level they are set at.   1) pick alarm set point to change out bottle, (sb 250), 2) should rotate primary bottles identified by hanging tags in glove compartment, 3) policy must be posted for all to see change
 4) train members to read lowest read and use that one.  (see attachment B). To be posted as a draft. To be clarified – it is the responsibility of ambulance crew to fill bottles -   ?? is 1000 psi enough??,  and should paid staff have different standards?  If is at 250 it should be changed.
Water pump went on Rescue 628 on Sunday night 4/4/10 – during a medical run. – now back on line. Fuel tank strap on Ladder 128 is causing delay to repair.   ET1 springs to be replaced Wed. 4/7/10. We have a used bus from the senior center to be used by Fire Police.
Captain’s Reports:  .
Fire 1 – Papp – absent,  at Lebanon Fire Dept – helping with a “test” burn of the new live burn building. (see training comments- read by 1AC Lee)
Thanked members for assistance with recent storm related runs;
Ongoing process working with Lt’s and Engineers toward goals and objectives. Further meetings to follow.
Fire 2 – Guidice – absent,  Lt Morris reported – new springs caused height to go up on gator, need drop hitch. Will get price quotes.   Well update – there is a new cap, water testing being done. Had one colony of bacteria identified during test, well was treated,.  Fisherman’s breakfast should not be effected. Water there is fine. Not considered a public water supply. Quarterly testing w/ state to be handled via Town’s water dept.  (no cost to dept).                  Radio room is complete, etc, minus punch list stuff. Most work is complete.
Fire Police Capt. Jones – absent
Rescue Captain – Knowles –. NFIRS paperwork becoming problem again. Green sheet is not being checked off at all.  28 outstanding from March, many from officers.  Last week – water rescue – saw we were without the proper gear to perform – mostly life preservers.  We either need the equipment HERE, boat in shed, possibility of storing things in old fire house.  TBD.  ??  Status of water SOP?  Tabled till next month.
Events on Mahoney Rd – had member on scene from POV, in water in structural gear, trying to get personal view of scene,  asked Salem and Gardner .Lake to assist.  This member operated outside dept guidelines for safety, etc.     POV’s drove in scene – plugged up scene for apparatus,   Fire Police did not stay back at closest cross street, radio traffic issues,   long unnecessary messages tying up radio traffic.  Original crew did not bring boats and water rescue equipment – totally incorrect for a water rescue call.  Will be discussed at members meeting Thurs. 4/8/10
Safety – D. Rowland – medical exams –                                                                   
Chief Officer’s Reports
1 AC  Lee –  wants to thank for all those who turned out to pump, and help w/ weather issues.  We went to Mystic to assist w/ pumping.  This dept made a difference in a lot of people’s lives.  Our efforts helped the citizens of the Town of Colchester, appreciation being shown through donations, etc.
Blue lights permits / plates – policy put up:  blue lights require plate for identification.
Training boxes at Schuster Pk – we will need labor assistance for site work, welding, cutting, etc to make them into a viable training facility.
DC Standish – NFIRS – monthly contact w/ people that do not do their reports – did ask night crew to pitch in, but it appears to be the same people all the time. Will be brought up at company meeting.
Chief :  Fire danger still high;  letter from Govt for grant –pub ed. safety trailer – DENIED;
Parade is 5/30,  step off 12:30 pm,   touch a truck to be held at CES 10a-3p, on 5/15,  57 Fest : 4p-8p 9/25/10
Presidents Report:  4/17 Fisherman’s Breakfast – all hands to help will be appreciated. Fund raising efforts help w/ all our issues.
Eng. Berkman – accountability form : want to provide more info on form -  proposed revision -  STATION changed to STAND BY – if nothing is done at scene is considered standby. ID # in scene or standby. UNIT is needed for NFIRS.  POV or 128, etc. OIC, fire police,etc.       Change to REASON IF DENIED.   Back of existing form has lines – now has more lines (50) for remarks.  Could be introduced at monthly meeting, and just begin using.
Adjourned at  20:10 hours.   1AC Lee motioned,   seconded DC Standish
Respectfully submitted,
Jean Walsh , Admin. Asst.