MONDAY, January 5, 2009
MEMBERS PRESENT: Chief W. Cox, Dep. Chief W. Standish, Asst. Chief J. McMinn, Asst. Chief T. Clark, Fire Police Capt. J. Jones, Fire Captain McKenna, Fire co 2. Capt. P. Giudice, EMS Captain Audrie Evans, Lt. S. Brown, Lt. M. O’Connor, Lt. J. Greenman, Lt. R. Berkman, Lt. M. Gordon, Lt. D. Barnes, Eng. J. Tucker, President D. Martin and Secretary J. LaGrega.
Chief Cox called the meeting to order @ 1900 hours.
Motion made by T. Clark and 2nd by J. McMinn to approve the November minutes, approved.
Citizen’s Comments: Gary Avery spoke regarding concerns about town written job descriptions for elected volunteer officers.
Budget Issues: Vehicle maint and building repairs are near or over drawn. Explanation of potential CIP Plan. Federal grants being worked on. The new budget process is beginning. Will be a difficult year.
Career Staff/Personnel: The EMS incident that occurred is still being investigated by OEMS, could take quite some time. Janice LaGrega has resigned as Administrative Assistant to the Fire Department effective January 30th.
Training: The new Stryker stretcher is in R628, all EMS personnel need to become familiar. ASA is back on line for EMS. See Audrie for the test that needs to be completed. EMS protocols need to be done. Thank you to the training committee for a good job. Thank you Rob Esteve for his assistance. The final training report is complete and will be posted for the members. SOP for Training of Company Officers and members with Town funds is presented to the officers for a reformalizing. Motion made by W. Standish to readopt, 2nd by T. Clark, approved. SOP for Training Requirements presented to the officers and explained for all divisions. Motion made by T. Clark, 2nd by W. Standish, approved. List of members who are lacking in training
requirements is presented and letters will be sent out.
EMS: Waiting for our ASA approval. EMS Charts are online effective 1/1/09. Mandatory training will occur on Tuesday, 1/27/09. All EMS personnel are expected to attend.
Captain’s Reports: Thank you to the Lts for their work this year. Reminder to apparatus drivers to have all their gear with them in the truck. ET228 needs an arrow bar. Problem with the arrow bar on S328, not working properly.
Chief’s Reports: Discussion on issue as to when we can safely release a scene to CL&P and /or State Police. This will be addressed with the Troop. Thank you to the Captains and Lts and Engineers for a job well done this year. Great need for a strong budget this year. Will take a united effort for the membership.
Job descriptions will be written for all divisions.
Presidents Report: Request by Dunkin Donuts to sponsor a blood drive here, approved to go to the membership.
Motion made by J. McMinn to adjourn the meeting @ 2000 hours, seconded by T. Clark, approved.
Respectfully submitted,
Janice LaGrega, Secretary