Officer's Meeting minutes 11/9/09
MONDAY, November 9, 2009
MEMBERS PRESENT: Chief Cox, DC Standish, 1AC McMinn, 2AC McKenna, Capt Evans, Capt. Giudice, Capt Jones, Lt. O’Connor, Lt. Brown, Lt. Barnes, Rosemary Coyle, Gregg Schuster
Chief Cox called the meeting to order @ 19:00 hrs. Minutes of 10/5/09 . AC1McMinn approve/ DC Standish 2nd.
Citizen’s Comments: G. Avery: training notes – re: reprogramming of transmissions. Some cannot be reprogrammed. We should just have new training. Drive too fast, etc. We need to refocus on issues. Safety : we need to check night time visibility. Poor headlights / wipers. Need improvements re: new technology for headlights. Safety : ladder downshift . Too harsh. Needs to be reprogrammed (issue from 5th to 4th)
Concern re: island on Rt 16 may cause traffic issues. May require addtl training.
Recommend some kind of acknowledgement to Babineau/ Evans for mowing, etc.
-PPE- on appropriate proper attire to be worn at incidents. Will be addressed.
Ambulance Bid Status – Ambulance bid status : Horton module $ amount $127,794 includes $15,000 trade in on road rescue.
Budget Issues: FY 2010 . Upgrade (code #) 47417 water distribution system. Looking into installing a high pressure, high flow hydrant at RT. 354/85. Looking into costs / labor. May include interference w/ local businesses, so work will be done in evenings. Will accommodate future businesses near Lake Hayward.
Career Staff/Personnel: Don Lee on vacation. Using per diem fill ins. Capt. Jones : Bill Clark has possibly 2 more treatments. On-going chemo treatments. Doing better.
Ms. Squires doing better. Frank Gadzicki mother passed away.
Norm’s wife doing well.
Capt. Papp – thoughts re: new personnel re: weekend staff? Weekends are getting more difficult to fill a crew for a call. (from noon on….)
R1 call to Hebron, after midnight. Hebron did not have a crew. Kevin Dalton agreed to be driver. It was an ALS call. Jackie Langdon went along. Went to Backus. Windham medic. ?? what is medical protocol? – Cptn Evans said : other techs have ridden w/ us to make a crew. Will check w/ Fred Potter for proper action. Letters to Apple Rehab (and Harrington Ct) re: issues w/ facility staff on scene. (J Walsh to call facilities to set up meetings) .
Training : AC McKenna – month is posted. Will be entered on line. on line program will be shutting down 11/24/09, or attendance by 11/15/09. If it is not completed it will require : going back to the beginning of training point system. 11/24 last day to accept outside training points as well. Each division leader reviewed matrix training point system. There will be a roll out in Dec.. The numbers are set by state, some areas will be revamped for numbers requirements. It is recommended all members review the new numbers to make a decision if they would like to change divisions. Capt Evans is now an EMS-I now. Will assist w/ re-certs etc…congrats from chief officers.
Will be incorporating driver training. It will not add to overall hrs.
Capt Papp – suggested a way to minimize burden on members : post incident reviews to count for training time. Officer to document who was there, time, etc.
McMinn agreed to p.i. review time. Wm. Standish agreed.
Credit for training hours require p.i. attendance. – at discretion of officer if training value is involved in call. A limit will be set, as to # of hrs a member can accrue this way. This will require a bylaw change.
Capt Jones – Training incident last Sunday. officers encouraged to get involved w/ cadets. Great opportunity to recognize the new talents.
Smart tag mass casualty/NAAK refresher forthcoming.
EMS: 11/11 – 8:00 – 21:00 doing ems gear , bags, etc inspections, calibrating blood pressure cuffs (need annual calibration) , new card system to track such things. 1/1/10 OEMS – all certs from initial to refreshers will go to a 3 yr certs. MRT > EMR, EMT-B> EMT EMT-I> AMT > paramedic
Regional report- suicides on the rise in cars.
Captain’s Reports: Capt. Guidice – S- 228 primer broken again. ET 2 – air compressor for brakes leaks in neutral position. (have Capt Rowland check)
All tile removed from bathroom, kitchen, hall. Floor to be replaced by next week, all new cabinets (donation).
Co. 2 well: water dpt reviewed it. Outside containment area must be replaced. Could put a new sleeve on it w/ a new cap. Conversations still on going. NEED Cap for right now.
Capt. Jones – fire police: svc 328 down for brakes. 11/17 gear check mandatory meeting.
Capt Papp – rapid intervention team: SOP has list of names – training of career staff 16 hrs, is supposed to be done during daytime. Career staff has not met the 16 hr requirement.
Vehicle discrepancies: sq. 128 – shut off in middle of response (power steering / brakes) – ignition switch has been replaced.
ET 1 brakes acting up again. – checked again 11/9/09
Ambulance being repaired,
Hardware is aging. ET3meter out of service, ET1 meter having issues. Use 2 meters to verify accuracy.
Recommendation for new career staff: requires training on apparatus.
Chief Officer’s Reports:
AC McKenna – nothing further to reports except the monthly meeting issues : 12/5 Holiday home on the green. Will be looking for help from staff. Recommend membership donate the cans & bottles to Rob Esteve’s son eagle scout drive. Guidelines for use of dept vehicles going to training: when can town vehicles be used? Qualified driver – permission at discretion of chief officer.
AC McMinn – Emphasize the policy form for people “renting” rooms here. ID badge w/ auxillary next week, and cadets the following week. What was the count for new members? Could we put something in paper? Volunteer safety videos for POVs, need SOG for use of POV’s. Blue light permit issued only if safety check done (in PA – check for insurance, proper license, bald tires, lights)
DC Standish – NFIRS –Oct. 156 calls, 14 incomplete.
Chief Cox – reapplied FPS grant for public safety education trailer.
Co. 1 for Solo heater (modines)
Ward Diesel to install vehicle exhaust.system 11/16. Blue Light permit list on going. DMV check to begin soon.
N1H1 clinic on 11/4 at BAHS – MRT’s and EMT.
Hiring process – 13 candidates scheduled to tested at oral boards 11/19 and 11/20 Townhall.
10/28 safety committee meeting was held.
area officer meeting scheduled for 11/18 CHFD to host.
Thanks to kitchen committee for recent dinners. NLCFCA and Officer Rich Duval benefit.
Presidents Report:. Pres. Martin: - not in attendance (read by Wm Standish): letter read – thanks for members attendance to meet candidate meeting. Disappointed at turnout. Cptn Guidice will report on Company 2 sign. Use of facility on weekends: not fair to ask volunteers to unlock facility, and watch children. Recommend paid staff-town custodian.
Adjourned at 8:00 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Jean Walsh
Admin. Assistant