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MEMBERS PRESENT: Chief W. Cox, President D. Martin, Dep. Chief W. Standish,
Asst. Chief J. McMinn, Asst. Chief T. Clark, EMS Capt. A. Evans, Rescue
Capt. B. Knowles, Fire Capt. P. Giudice, Fire Police Capt. J. Jones, Lt. G.
Papp, Lt. J. Babineau, BOS Rep. R. Coyle, R. Esteve, and Sec. J. LaGrega

Chief Cox called the meeting to order @ 1900 hours.  Welcome to our Liaison
to the board of selectman, Rosemary Coyle.

The minutes from the August monthly officers meeting were read.  Motion made
by J. McMinn and 2nd by T. Clark to accept the minutes, approved.

Citizen’s Comments: none

Budget: Rob Esteve had drawn up a proposal to change the tax abatement to
include shift points.  This will be going to the Board of Selectman for
their consideration next week.  Thank you to Rob for his work.  Motion made
by J. McMinn, 2nd by T. Clark, approved to move forward.  The 07-08 budget
year is now closed out.  Budget issues for the current year are being
addressed.  Truck repairs and building repairs will be issues this year.  A
CIP has been written and submitted to the town for the fire department by
Chief Cox.  Includes Co. 3, replacement trucks, equipment, paving issues,

Career Staff / Personnel: Asst Chief T. Clark was involved in an incident on
his property and the Town has decided this is a private meeting and will not
be addressing the issue.  Georg Papp has been appointed as Lt. on ET128.
Eng. Dave Barnes has requested to be Lt. on R528, approved.  R628 is open
and needs a Lt/Eng.  EMS Lt. position is also still open.

Training: Interior training will be coming sometime during the end of the
month.  57th Fest is the 27th.  Please check the board for the schedule.
Lots of new drivers.

EMS: We will no longer be covering EMS for the Cougar Football Program.  We
do not have the manpower to stand by there for 8 – 12 hours in a day
throughout their season.  Zoll came in and demonstrated a CPR board.  Gear
quote is in, 8 EMS members are in need.  There will be a workshop held to
discuss gear options for EMS and fire this Friday, the 12th @ 1900 hours.
Job descriptions have been proposed for the EMS division and have been given
to the chief officers for review.

Fire – The side door at Co. 2 needs to be totally replaced.  This will move
forward.  Motion to accept Art Standish’s resignation from ET228 and Dave
Wilcox is appointed at Eng for ET228.

Fire Police – Gas tank was replaced on S328.  Specifications need to be
worked on regarding for S328.  Storage cabinets are needed for the Fire

Rescue – Equipment ordered.  Everything is good.

Chief Officers: More Alphanumeric pagers are coming in.  There has been no
progress on the status of repairs for the old firehouse.  There is not a
venue for swelling the old SCBA on eBay, suggestions welcome on what to do
with them.  Dave Martin has suggested donating; this will be discussed with
the town.
Thank you to those who helped with the Hebron Fair and the Dunkin Donuts
Booth.  The hose testing is complete.  Our old hose was donated to the Water
Dept and Highway Dept, Salem Fire Dept and Eastern Fire School.  ET328 will
be back soon.  The floor is being done in the radio room.  Lots of help will
be needed with the 57th fest.  Meeting will be held on Friday after the gear

President:  This Thursday will have a memorial tribute for 911.  Mailout
starts next week. Help will be needed.  Convention coming up.  If you want
to go, please talk to Dave.  Shailor Hill is doing reconstruction work and
we have given permission for a tanker to be parked at Co.2 for a donation.
Our members from Colchester England are here this week.

Motion made by Chief Cox and 2nd by Dep. Chief Standish to go into Executive
meeting @ 2030 hours to discuss a personnel issue.  Rosemary Coyle was
invited to attend.

Executive session ended at 2100 hours.

Meeting adjourned at 2100 hours.

Respectfully submitted,

Janice LaGrega, Secretary