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MEMBERS PRESENT: Chief W. Cox, Dep. Chief W. Standish, Asst. Chief J.
McMinn, Asst. Chief T. Clark, Fire Capt. K. McKenna, EMS Capt. A. Evans,
Eng. J. Babineau, Lt. S. Brown and Sec. J. LaGrega.

Chief Cox called the meeting to order @ 0705 hours.

The minutes from the September Officer’s Meeting were read with corrections.
Motion to approve by J. McMinn, 2nd by T. Clark, approved.

Citizen’s Comments: Welcome to our First Selectman, Linda Hodge.  Invitation
to a meeting on October 20th at 1900 hours with the BOS, BOF and BOE to
discuss CIP.  The grant for the old firehouse is being worked on and will be
submitted by the end of the month.  Thank you for what you do.

Budget: The bill for ET328 was over $34,000, it is back in service.
Discussion on what areas of our budget are going over.  Fire gear has been

Career Staff: A letter was received regarding the appointment of Lt. Papp to
ET128.  The appointment stands.  Request for the by-law committee to meet
regarding removal of the qualifications for appointed positions.

Training: Posted.  Burn drills are in progress.  Those who need live burns
need to get them done now. Regional Hazmat Drill coming up on October 18th.
This will count as our Hazmat Ops refresher.

EMS: Jump suits will be ordered.  Scott Thompson from Zoll has given us a
CPR board to try for 6 months.  All EMS personnel must be trained for use.
See Capt. Evans.  Discussion on EMS Charts, we are going live on January 1,
2009 and need to get the remainder of our EMS personnel up and running.
There was an issue with a presumption and Medical Control, it was resolved,
and members are asked to make sure they present all pertinent information
when calling for a presumption.  If there is an EMS crew here and a patient
is waiting, send the crew.

Captain’s Report: A. Ewings resigned at Lt of L128 and M. is appointed and
Lt on L128.  T128’s jet dump is out of service and we are trying to get
parts to get it fixed.  The upstairs bathrooms have been painted and the
shower room soon will be.  The radio room is finished and looks great.
Thank you to Don Lee and all those who helped.  Inventories are being done
on all vehicles.

Chief Reports: The outside door at Co. 2 is being looked at for
repair/replacement.  Discussion on repairs that need to be made at Co. 1.
Working on a trailer towing certification class.  NFIRS are caught up
through August and working on September.  Members are asked to make sure
that all run information is put away properly and in a timely manner for
HIPAA reasons.  57th Fest is rescheduled for Friday, October 10th.
Discussion on the Safer Grant and what will be reimbursed.  Today is
National Fallen Firefighter Memorial Day.

President’s Report: Thank you to all those who helped with the Mailout, it
went very well and responses are coming in.  We won the Best Appearing
Handdrawn Trophy at the State Convention.  Good job!!!  Open house is
Sunday, October 12th.  Congratulations to the Ladies Auxiliary for 50 years
of service.  Good time at the banquet. We appreciate all they do.

Motion made by T. Clark to adjourn the meeting adjourned @ 0830 hours, 2nd
by W. Standish, approved.

Respectfully submitted,

Janice LaGrega, Secretary