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SUNDAY, April 6, 2008

MEMBERS PRESENT: Chief W. Cox, Asst. Chief W. Standish, Asst. Chief J. McMinn, Asst. Chief T. Clark, President D. Martin, Capt. A. Barnes, Capt. B. Knowles, Capt. J. Jones, Lt. J. Greenman, G. Avery

Chief W. Cox called the meeting to order @ 0700 hrs

Approval of minutes: The March Monthly Officers Meeting minutes were read. Motion to approve W. Standish, 2nd by T. Clark, approved

Citizens Comments: None

Budget Issues: Discrepancy of gloves ordered has been resolved. Defib ordered from Physio Control will be here end of month. There will be a staff meeting in the near future with Chiefs and Captain to address the process of ordering equipment. List of proposed cuts requested by Linda Hodge and has been submitted. Capital expenditures have been frozen for the 07-08 fiscal year.

Career Staff / Personnel: Hearing that was to be held on Friday postponed, Incident at training episode at Salem FD. Both members have been spoken to by Chief officers and an apology has been made by each party to the Salem FD. Further issues of the incident are still being worked on. A complaint was made about a member and his vehicle a certified letter was sent to inquire of the issue, no response has been made. Issue was brought up of the decontamination of backboards, it will be address during a staff meeting with the career staff and a final, the department was awarded $60,000 for member recruitment and retention to be used at $15,000 a yr over a 4 yr period. Jan is at Harrington Ct. and doing well, asking for visitors

Training: Hazmat class underway with good turn out so far. Looking a t setting up a strategies and tactics class for fulfill officer training requirements as well as a fall Fire 2 class. Mark I kits are here and will be stored in apparatus shortly in a secure location. SMART triage kits will also be placed in service. Signal 54 class tentatively being held in May.

EMS: EMS Charts training posted and will be on going through the month. 4 sets of gear will be ordered

Rescue: Boating class will be held next month by DEP free to the department. Spare stretcher has been moved to the special OPS trailer for storages. Will be moving the marine units and gator to Co.1 for the season.  

Fire Police: Discussion of the SOG in regards to response of Service 3 to MVA. Capt. Jones will look into revising the document to show it should be at the discretion of the driver whether or not to respond with lights when not on LAH with the approval of the Chief officers.

Chief Officers: Chief Standish asked that captains drop off their pagers to be upgraded with an officer tone. Chief McMinn – Have finalized the Fire Lt. and Station Lt. job descriptions and appointments. Chief Cox – An in vehicle exhaust system is being looked into it is transferable between apparatus when upgrades are made.

President: Congrats on recruitment and retention grant. Capt. Rowland is putting together some items to display at the library for in a case for the month of April. Fisherman’s breakfast much help will be needed and appreciated. The Town Clerk will be on hand for fishing license.

Officers meeting adjourned @ 0800hrs.

Respectfully submitted,

Audrie Barnes
CHFD EMS Captain