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SUNDAY, March 09, 2008

MEMBERS PRESENT: Chief W. Cox, Asst. Chief W. Standish, Asst. Chief J. McMinn, Asst Chief T. Clark, President D. Martin,  Safety Officer  D. Rowland, Fire Capt. K. McKenna, Fire Capt. P. Giudice, EMS Capt. A. Barnes.

Chief W. Cox called the meeting to order @ 0705 hours.

Approval of Minutes: The February Monthly Officers Meeting minutes were read.  Motion  to approve, 2nd by T. Clark, approved.

Citizen’s Comments: G. Avery of Standish Road spoke on budget and safety issues with training..

Budget Issues:  Line items addressed PPE- current budget issues 07-08.   2008-09 Budget is now at level 2-Co1 at $838,341-up 3.8%. Co2 at $14,298-down 5.6%. The CHFD is scheduled to meet with BOF Monday night.

Career Staff:  daytime staff meeting now scheduled for Tuesday mornings after monthly officers meeting-0930 hrs.-subject to change.
Training: Request for utility company to do training on electricity. All requests for training dates and scheduling need to be approved through training officer McMinn with notification to Jan LaGrega.
Recent NFIRS training proved informative.

EMS: EMS Charts program is being worked on, training will continue for all EMS personnel. Personnel to attend EMS seminar in Cromwell on Thursday. Liz Johnson from DPH/OEMS recently inspected both ambulances-both passed. Entry level cost for EMT submitted. Sue Dubb spoke on the changes in legislation to the Ryan White CARE Act. A draft letter to Congressman Joe Courtney was read. Further action may be taken to voice the opposition to the changes made in the legislation concerning exposure issues in regards to the emergency-response provisions of that act.  

Fire Police: none present. Entry level cost for FPO submitted  

Safety: Dan Rowland spoke on Hypres air fill station-decibel level. Training on use to follow. Thank-you to Dan Rowland , Gary Avery, Tony Skut for their time and effort installing air fill station. Discussion on no longer in use Bauer air fill station.

Fire: Paul Giudice spoke on Co2 issues-generator trailer, S-228 pump oil/filter, winter damage from plowing. Ken McKenna spoke on Co1 issues-hose inventory and storage, format of apparatus checks, purchasing paint, o.o.s. computer/stuff clutter. Discussion on reserve status.

Chief Officers: Asst. Chief Clark requested executive session to follow. Asst. Chief McMinn discussed the following: officer tone from KX, Salamander ID tag system funding, fire apparatus inspection from DMV, apparatus response matrix, members response while at station, cat-in-tree policy, Rescue 128/water rescue equipment, mock car crash at BAHS-May 22. Deputy Chief Standish discussed R1/R2 response from members at station . Chief Cox discussed SAFER grant 07-pending, AFG grants 08-exhaust removal system /replacement of ET-228. Firemans Fund grant still pending. Mark 1 training classes complete-finish with CPD. SMART tag kits to be placed on R-128, R-528, R-628. Salem FD to host next area officers meeting on March 19. Chief Cox to serve Jury Duty on March 25.

President: Discussion on recent FOI meeting with Tom Hennick.  Report on Ladies’ Nite. Discussion on generator motor/parts located outside rear Co1 building. Discussion on the condition and information contained on all the bulletin boards in the station.

Motion made by Asst. Chief Clark to go into executive session to discuss lieutenant positions- 2nd by Asst. Chief McMinn.  

 Officers Meeting adjourned @ 0900 hours.

Enter into executive session –return 0930 hours

Public vote- unanimous by Chief Officers to approve Station Lt., Lt. with engineer responsibilities and apparatus engineer job descriptions. Also approved - Lt. Position posting.

Respectfully submitted,

Walter Cox