Members Present: Chief W. Cox, Dep. Chief W. Standish, Asst. Chief J. McMinn, Asst. Chief T. Clark, Pres. D. Martin, EMS Capt. A. Barnes, Capt. Co. 1 K. McKenna, Fire Police Capt. J. Jones, Sec. J. LaGrega, Eng. J. Greenman, Eng. J. Babineau, EMS Admin. P. Mendlinger, G. Avery, R. Esteve, J. Didato, D. Marvin, J. Knapp and G. Papp.
Meeting to order: Chief Cox called the meeting to order @ 0735 hours.
Approval of Minutes: Motion made by T. Clark and 2nd by K. McKenna to approve the minutes from the January Officers meeting. Approved.
Citizen’s Comments: G. Avery has questions about the 2008-09 budget, they will be addressed during budget issues.
Budget Issues: Fire, EMS and Cadet gear needs to be ordered. The 2008-09 budget changes and increase requests were discussed.
Career Staff: Staff meeting was held last week.
Training: The February schedule is posted. Any use of the building rooms need to go through Asst. Chief McMinn so that schedules don’t conflict. Cadets that go out for any training must notify a chief officer and a cadet advisor of their whereabouts. The town has agreed to purchase the remaining SCBA units.
EMS: An email list is being put together to be able to get information out. EMS Charts training starts today. All EMS personnel must be trained. An EMS refresher has been scheduled for March. Discussion held on recruitment ideas.
Fire Police: Are working on rewriting the fire police training matrix. Working on several new training ideas, such as street knowledge of out town as well as surrounding towns and public relations.
Fire: The new compressor is being installed. Apparatus check sheets have been rewritten. Motion made by J. McMinn and 2nd by T. Clark to move forward with the new check sheets. Approved. A mock MVA is being worked on with Bacon Academy. There is a radio problem in R128.
Chief Officers: Discussion on doing CPR courses for business people in town. Judi and Debi will be setting up classes, more details to follow. Radio room needs to be painted. Discussion on setting up a committee to make improvements upstairs. Discussion on capitol budget issues. Discussion on ways to cut down on the amount of paperwork we do for calls. Discussion on training for grooming members to be officers. The department working rules need to be reworked as soon as possible. Discussion on the fact that separate training should occur for towing trailers with emergency vehicles, agreed that will be made clear to members getting trained. Rough draft has been worked out for the Lieutenant job description and submitted to the officers for review. Reed Gustafson will be asked to
present a NFIRS training session.
Apparatus drivers are reminded to walk around the vehicles to check readiness status before responding to calls. We received an invitation from a resident to pursue a fire grant, a meeting will be held here tomorrow. DMV checks are being done. The blue light has gone to DMV, if you have not submitted yours for approval for 2008, it is too late. Remember to have it signed by the Chief before the end of January every year.
President: Members are urged to be educated on the town’s budget process and are invited to attend town meetings. A Freedom of information class will be held here, Thursday, March 6th @ 1900 hours.
Meeting Adjournment: Motion made by T. Clark and 2nd by W. Standish to adjourn the meeting @ 1000 hours. Approved.
Respectfully submitted,
Janice LaGrega, Admin. Asst.