MEMBERS PRESENT: Chief W. Cox, Asst. Chief W. Standish, Asst. Chief R. Esteve, Asst Chief T. Clark, President D. Martin, Fire Police Capt. J. Jones, Safety Officer J. McMinn, Fire Capt. K. McKenna, Fire Capt. P. Giudice, EMS Capt. A. Barnes, Lt. G. Papp, Lt. S. Brown, G. Avery and Sec. J. LaGrega.
Chief W. Cox called the meeting to order @ 0700 hours.
Approval of Minutes: The December Monthly Officers Meeting minutes were read. Motion by W. Standish to approved, 2nd by T. Clark, approved.
Citizen’s Comments: G. Avery spoke on FOI concerns.
Budget Issues: 2008-09 Budget is now being worked on.
Career Staff: Discussed work day issues, i.e. Co. 2 checks, AM/PM coverage. R. Knowles and R. Dombroski will be going to Florida for a vehicle safety program on January 18th.
Training: Member training records are up to date. Thank you to everyone who helped with training this year. Training committee meeting is scheduled for Monday, January 7, 2008 @ 1830 hours. Mark I Kit Training will be provided during January. All members are asked to attend.
EMS: EMS Charts are being worked on, training needs to start for all EMS personnel. The MCI Smart tag system has arrived, training will be scheduled.
Fire Police: Would like to have training on Public Relations. Round table discussions are going to be held periodically.
Safety: Meeting this Tuesday evening.
Fire: 4 members starting FFI class, SCBA training needs to be done. The generator on HT is back in service.
Chief Officers: Thank you to Chief Rob Esteve for all his hard work and dedication. NFIRS for December 2007 are complete and have been submitted. DMV Authorizations are in the radio room for members to fill out. January 23rd Area Chiefs meeting is here. Please use blue lights responsibly.
President: Thank you to everyone for a great year. The quartermaster needs to inventory all officer uniform gear.
Meeting adjourned @ 0805 hours.
Respectfully submitted,
Janice LaGrega