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Monthly Officers Meeting
Sunday, December 9, 2007

Members Present: Chief W. Cox, Dep. Chief W. Standish, Asst. Chief R. Esteve, Asst. Chief T. Clark, President D. Martin, Fire Capt. K. McKenna, Fire Capt. P. Giudice, EMS Capt. A. Barnes, Safety Capt. J. McMinn, Fire Police Capt. J. Jones, LT. G. Papp, Lt. S. Brown, Capt. D. Rowland and Sec. J. LaGrega.

Chief Cox called the meeting to order @ 0700 hours.
Citizen’s Comments: None

Budget Issues: Unexpended money from the 06-07 in the amount of $19,500.00 transferred into the vehicle repair budget to offset the cost of the HT repairs.  Fire hose and a gas meter have been ordered from equipment reserve.

Career Staff: Personnel will be taking time off during the holidays, please be aware that help may be needed during the day.

Training:  Paperwork has not been submitted for outside departments to use the flashover simulator, should have been in on Friday, will hopefully be here on Monday.  Training winding down for the year.

EMS: D-Fib has a cable missing.  There is a high school student from East Haddam looking to do some internship time here, he will meet with Chief Cox.  Smart Triage kits are here, training to follow.  EMS roundtable went well, lots of issues addressed.  EMT class is doing better.  Electronic run forms are moving forward, training should be starting in January.  The ambulances are not being fueled properly.  Please make sure you fill it at ?.  Gear fittings will be on Monday evening.  Dirty Backboards are to be put either in the shower to be cleaned or cleaned and put away.  Do not leave out.

Safety:  Burn drill went well yesterday.  Use caution when driving, icy conditions are out there.  Safety light Switches are being replaced on the trucks.

Fire 1: Hose testing is being worked on.  Help is needed, please see Capt. McKenna.  Generator on the HT is still being repaired.  Issues with new call tones will be addresses with KX.
Fire 2: Co 2 hose has been tested.  Repair items need to be purchased, prices are being worked on.

Fire Police: Training Signs need to be replaced, 4 will be ordered.  Fire Police truck spare gas tank problem needs to be addressed.  Looking at getting power to the portable garage in the back.  Portables need to be programmed.  Training needed regarding dealing with public relations.

Apparatus Qualifications are being worked on.  Thanks to D. Lee, S. Brown and A. Ewings for all their hard work with the pump class.

Chief Officers: A Career Staff person will be going out to Co 2 once a week to check buildings and vehicles.  Request to discuss with the membership the problems with the new tones.  Discussion on whether to send a letter  to KX for their meeting on the 18th.  NFIRS are up to date.  Grant for compressor was approved.  D. Rowland presented proposals from different manufacturers, we will move forward with Hypres from Brigham Industries.  
Thank you to everyone for their hard work and dedication.  Area Chiefs meeting will be here on 1/23/08.  

President’s Report:  Thank you to those who are manning the Christmas Trees, lots of help is needed.  Holiday Dinner today, record number to attend.  By-law proposal will be addressed at this membership meeting.  

Meeting adjourned @ 0830 hours.
Respectfully submitted,
Janice LaGrega, Secretary