Members Present: Chief W. Cox, Pres. D. Martin, Dep. Chief W. Standish, Asst. Chief R. Esteve, Asst. Chief T. Clark, Fire Capt. K. McKenna, Fire Capt. P. Giudice, EMS Capt. A. Barnes, Fire Police Capt. J. Jones, Safety Capt. J. McMinn, Rescue Capt. B. Knowles, Lt. J. Greenman, Lt. G. Papp, Lt. S. Brown, Lt. D. Barnes, Sec. J. LaGrega, G. Avery and S. Dubb.
Chief Cox called the meeting to order @ 1900 hours.
The minutes from the October officer’s meeting were approved as read.
Citizens’ Comments: None
Budget Issues: Waiting for portable radio bills in order to submit to town for payment.
Career Staff: Don Lee and Dan Rowland are both on vacation this week.
Training: Lebanon Ave burn house is postponed until further notice. Hose testing still needs to be done. Online training will stop this week. Training hours are up to date, if a question contact Chief Esteve. EMT class will be performing practicals at the Town Hall on Saturday; all members are invited to attend.
EMS: The electronic runforms are not online yet. Training will be set up. Round table on 11-19-07 to discuss current EMS issues. Proposal submitted for an EMS Educational Program. On November 7th Backus Hospital will be a Level III Hospital. Life Star will not transport to Backus, but will still be housed there. Discussion on protocol for Emergency Psych. Calls. We will be in contact with dispatch to go over our protocol. There are equipment changes on the Squad, please take notice. Oil leak on SQ128 is getting worse; this will be looked at immediately. Please be more observant when obtaining refusals, things such as age are being missed.
Safety: Meeting to be scheduled.
Fire Police: Portables have been ordered. Working on a training matrix. New vests have been ordered.
Fire Co 2: Air Hose and manifold needed for the Fast Team, will be ordered cost of $750.00. 2nd means of Egress will be needed by next year per the Fire Marshall and Building Official. Gear will be ordered.
Rescue: Confined space class went well. Rope needs to be replaced.
Fire Co 1: Work Party this Friday to get ready for Frosty Fair. Tables are needed; a motion will be needed at the monthly meeting. Hose testing will start on Tuesday, help will be needed.
Chief Officers: The Admin office has been locked down due to security issues. Captains no longer have access. Captains should have keys to the key box. We have several trucks that need Lieutenants, if there is interest, please talk to a chief officer. The trucks are not being checked properly due to the lack of personnel and are in need of care. Cadets will start taking care of one truck per month. Limited Access Highways have been received from the state. Thank you to those who helped with Fire Prevention Week. The catch basins in the back have been repaired/replaced.
President: We closed on Schuster Park on Friday, it is officially ours for less that $21,000.00. Thank you to Chief Norm Gustafson for all his help. Proposed by-law change regarding associate members will be introduced at the monthly meeting. The tables and chairs will be locked up and we will not be allowing them to lent out. The attendance at the Holiday Dinner has been lacking in the past years. Please make the effort to attend with your family, sign up early.
Motion made to adjourn into executive session @ 2020 hours to discuss personnel issues. Back into session for adjournment @ 0930 hours. Discussed matter will be handled by the Chief.
Respectfully submitted,
Janice LaGrega, Secretary
Colchester Hayward Fire Department