MEMBERS PRESENT: Chief W. Cox, Dep. Chief W. Standish, Asst. Chief R. Esteve, Asst. Chief T. Clark, President D. Martin, Co. 2 Fire Capt. P. Giudice, EMS Capt. A. Barnes, S.O. J. McMinn, S.O. D. Rowland, Fire Police Capt. J. Jones, Lt. J. Greenman, Lt. G. Papp, Sec. J. LaGrega, G. Avery, L. Hodge and D. Giles.
Chief Cox called the meeting to order at 0725 hours. Welcome to the First Selectman Candidates Linda Riley-Hodge and Diana Norton-Giles. Introduction of Department Members.
The minutes from the September Officers meeting were approved as read.
Citizen’s comments: None
Budget Issues: The budget was approved at the last referendum. HT128 repairs are complete and the bill was in excess of $20,000.00. The town will be reimbursing the vehicle repair account for that amount.
Career Staff/Personnel: none
Training: October is posted. Live burns this month and an extrication drill. On-line training will come off –line on November 8th; those who need to get it done must do so before that date. Chief Cox will be scheduling a class mandatory class for all fire department instructors regarding protocols. We will be offering a fire extinguisher class to a local business. 4 CHVFD members are going to a leadership training program in New Hampshire in November.
EMS: EMT class is going well, they will be looking for ride time. Refresher is complete, everyone from our department passed. R-2 schedule is posted through the end of the year, please sign up. The D-Fibs are now on-line to print reports. Gator 128 and a crew will be assisting East Hampton on October 20th at Hurd Park.
0755 – Meeting interrupted for an MVA.
Captains Reports: Rash of burglaries in town, a couple of our member’s vehicles were broken into and portables and other equipment were stolen. A report was submitted to VFIS for reimbursement. Emergency response training is ongoing. Work party this Friday evening to get ready for fire prevention week. The bay heaters at Co. Two still need to be installed. The Chief has spoken to Greg Plunkett, Facility Manager for the town about this issue several times. By-law change proposal regarding Engineers and Lts will be brought to the membership at the October meeting. Pump testing was done this week and ET328 failed it’s test. The vehicle was taken to Firstline and repaired on Friday.
Chief Officers Reports: Fire Prevention week is here. Open house is the 14th, lots of help will be needed. Resident State Trooper Kewer has resigned; the new resident trooper is Shane Hasset. Still working on the Emergency Response SOP. Thank you to everyone putting time in regarding training and the work that has been done around Co. One. Thank you to everyone who helped with 57th Fest. The Company will be reimbursed for expenses incurred that day. Chief Cox will be attending A reception on honor of Chief Michael Varney from Ellington on the 14th, Chief Varney was honored as 2007 Vol. Fire Chief of the Year. Chief Cox will be discussing the deployment of air-packs from vehicles with the safety officers.
President Report: Old Timer’s meeting this Thursday. Co. Two will be used for voting in November. Firefighter Memorial Service at the Fire Academy on Sunday, October 21st.
Motion made and approved to adjourn the meeting @ 0855 hours. Presentation will follow.
Respectfully submitted,
Janice LaGrega, Secretary
Colchester Hayward Fire Department