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Officers Meeting April 8, 2013
April 8, 2013
1900 hours
MEMBERS PRESENT: Chief Cox, DC Lee, 1st AC McKenna, 2nd AC Giudice, Capt. Morris, Capt. Babineau, ISO Joseph, Capt. Jones,  Fire Capt. Papp - absent
Eng. Rioux, Eng Babineau, Eng Howard
Called to order:  7:00 pm
Addition to Agenda: none
Approval of minutes:  The March 11 , 2013 Officer’s  meeting minutes were read.   Motion to approve made by 1st AC McKenna seconded by DC Lee
Citzens Comments:  none
Budget Issues: FY13 pump replacement for Ser -128 – (1987 skid mounted) – cost for new pump $6450.00
8 cadet EMR reimbursement @ $150 each
FY 14 – BOF approved budget as presented.  4/24 Wed Town meeting –  Tue 5/7 referendum:  $52 million total proposed budget – we generate$ 475,000  + in ambulance billing/fees for service.
Capitol line – paving/milling Co1 / bay doors. New entry door w/ energy audit
Town may look into lease purchase for Rescue 128
Incentive Program continuation for volunteer  members
Please GO OUT AND VOTE   May 7, 2013
Career Staff / Personnel: union negotiation went into mediation. Union will be voting on contract tomorrow.
Received letter from Kevin McManus re: daytime training – to be looked into
Wayne Rioux –submitted letter for LT of Company2 (Chief read letter of interest) -  Motion by DC Lee to appoint. No concerns expressed.  AC Giudice seconded-W. Rioux appointed.
Hebron FD – to Colchester Communications – Hebron will no longer fill RIT team services
DC Lee – no easy fix on moving around FAST response groups – quickest solution : to add Yantic FD as FAST back up.
Asking for next due RIT will this change our responses to other towns?
2nd due assignments have to be reviewed , as well.
MOTION – DC Lee – put Yantic FD – temporarily / permanently for all CAD vacated by Hebron - in until structure can be finalized. All in favor.
PT custodian – M/F – big difference in conditions ! kitchenette upstairs not being cleaned by members.
Dave Barnes –( surgery)-granted medical leave. 3/18/13 effective date.
FOB on Co1 rear door replaced.
Rescue 128 – problem  w/ reset button – it is a manual reset for hydraulic tools
Company 1 (svc 128) – ;pump will put it back on line
Company 2 –water filtration system to be replaced soon.
Gator 128-  fully in service
Salamander ID cards – NIMS training needed first. ICS 700/800, 100/200
Cadets: discipline – addressed by advisors
Matt O’Connor- status of eng. Position?.
Training: 1AC Ken McKenna- 33 members attended safe driver class.
2 Q class on going.  1st departmental live burn 4/28 ;  Tony Skut – to coordinate train safety class in Coventry 5/15 – sign up sheet in radio room.
EMR class in July 2014.
June fire school  - 4/29 training committee meeting – to coordinate who will be considered.
On line training up / running 
Rescue on going. Class 2 coming up
End of 1st qtr. – all members at Cat 3 – discussion – all members have been cleared. Cat 1 ( 1 member) EMS only cleared.  (Two members) in Cat 4
Kevin McManus – letter submitted re: work schedule conflict.  No guarantee we can provide training during day / week.  All items listed in letter have never been submitted to training for credit. Training committee never approved items listed as qualified training. Will meet to come up w/ solution.  April 2013 Training Officers Report stands.
ISO Joseph-. Highway / member safety issue from last month:  National
Data- 85% of accidents are due to semi-trucks. Recommend shutting down highway until scene is cleaned up. Capt. Jones agreed . Chief – we need to limit our exposure time.
Capt. Babineau -  EMS -  emergency response plan in progress – working with J Lillipopp .  waiting to hear from Fred Potter re: lift assists – J.Lillipopp – any public assist : we should not send ambulance – that way there is no need for run report /; chart. If ambulance rolls – a PCR / refusal must be generated.  Those personnel on scene – if a medical transport is deemed necessary – ambulance rolls  / cancelled en route – still required pcr / run rpt / refusal. (spoke w/ state DPH atty)
Standardizing lift assist calls : R1 – no rpt. – all other runs require pcr w/ patient contact for legal reasons.
Door access – 36 Broadway Apple Rehab – now key padded.  Can access code be included in alpha page when dispatched?
Fred Potter – update on trauma criteria
L&M Hospital- under construction
(state level) – new pt. care requirements re: use of tourniquets . Don’t  know if we will be allowed to use that, as well as spinal immobilizations.-
Met w/ Telrepco – possible  replacement lap tops in works. No date specified. ??? may not apply
Ambulance staffing incentive program Payroll every 4 weeks; posted-  4/27 end – pay sheets due 4/28
Every EMR Cadet – part of Incentive Program ( proper crew assignment/town application)
Can IAMRESPONDING be changed? – EMT vs EMR driver (add driver ONLY) and need to change Company 1 R2.
Capt. Papp – Fire - absent
Capt. Jones- Fire Police – everything going well. Recent drill.
Lt Morris - Rescue-  Paratech needs modification – change from side loader  to central strut.
Approve payment for modified load rings.

Chief Officers:
2nd AC Giudice: - recent cadet issue discussed( action was taken).  50th Anniversary Muster June 2013.
All NFIRS submitted (1st Quarter). Jan / Feb discrepancies reported
All medical calls to be coded 321.
1st AC McKenna:  -Pres. Martin’s birthday today !
DC Lee   - brush fire pump has been shipped today. Svc 1- plow & frame in bad shape.
Utility 128 for sand blasting / painting to stop salt corrosion.-town garage.
Emergency Call Incident reports – missing info. Make sure all info is there / especially white
Chief Cox –KX RFP - update will come as information  comes in.
Thanks to all who are participating – Ambulance Staffing Incentive Program.
Town FY14 Budget Meeting – Wednesday April 24, 2013.
Please VOTE on proposed budget- Tuesday May 7, 2013.
President Martin:   - no report (Happy Birthday !)
Motion to adjourn @1940 hours
Motion by 2nd AC Guidice, seconded 1st AC McKenna
 Respectfully submitted,
Jean Walsh