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Economic Development Commission Minutes 01/11/10
Economic Development Commission
Monday, January 11, 2010 – 7:00 p.m.
Colchester Town Hall
MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Steve Cohn, Vice-Chairman Bruce Goldstein, Paul Catalano, Tom Crotty, Andreas Bibiskos, Kele Issa
MEMBERS ABSENT: Jeffery Koonankeil, Kevin Burzycki
OTHERS PRESENT:  First Selectman Schuster
1. Call to Order:  Chairman Cohn called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m.
2. Review last meeting minutes:  T. Crotty motioned to approve the minutes of the November 16, 2009 meeting, seconded by A. Bibiskos.  All members voted in favor with P. Catalano, A. Bibiskos, and K. Issa abstaining.  MOTION CARRIED.
3. Citizen Comments: None
 (B. Goldstein arrived at 7:05 p.m.)
4. Old Business
a. Adam Turner to present current status of Lebanon Avenue revitalization project and EDC goals/deliverables moving forward: A. Turner was unable to attend. The Lebanon Avenue Task Force was  a one year duration. Grants will be needed to begin the revitalization process.  First Selectman Schuster said that Larry Wagner is familiar with various grants and how to obtain them.  Mr. Wagner believes that obtaining a Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) will be difficult.  Focusing on grants for side streets, such as Hammond Ct., could be viable. 
b. Discuss/Review Economic Development Coordinator role as mentioned by First Selectman during November meeting: Chairman Cohn has spoke with East Haddam and Killingly about the various forms in which an Economic Development Coordinator (EDC) can take.
His concern is that neither of the towns he spoke with was able to say that the coordinator in which they hired is responsible for any specific growth in the town. First Selectman Schuster would like for a coordinator to start internally.  He has heard  concerns that procedures in certain areas are too lengthy. P. Catalano said he believes that is the case in all towns and wonders if the money could be better utilize saving for  more long-term projects instead of on the hiring of an EDC.  He does not believe that it makes sense to seek businesses if the proper infrastructure is not in place.  Mark Decker, Public Works Director, will be invited to come and speak with the commission to provide insight into the possible water and sewer extension.  The master plan that was developed for the town several years ago will also be reviewed by the commission in effort of gaining a better indication of where an EDC could be best utilized. K. Issa felt strongly that a forecast of sorts that includes expected accomplishments and their target dates should be  prepared to serve as a the positions goals and objectives. S. Cohn, T. Crotty, and K. Issa will contact other towns with an EDC in place to obtain additional information on what is an appropriate for those positions would be.
c. Main Street Survey status updates: P. Catalano believes that the data collected from the survey is with A. Turner.  The overall feeling of the Main Street business owners when surveyed, in P. Catalano’s opinion, was that they were not interested in forming a coalition.
5. New Business
a. DEP Stream flow Regulations-Steve to brief on data from 12/17/09 Board of Selectman Regular Meeting: Chairman Cohn attended the meeting.  He does not feel that the Commission needs to be involved in the regulation changes.  Mark Decker appears to have the matter under control.
b. Review and discuss possible goals and priorities for 2010
i. Economic Development Coordinator role description: Previously discussed under Item 4b)
ii. Lebanon Avenue: Previously discussed under Item 4a).
iii. EDC Corner/Public Awareness/Publicity: The purpose of this will be to reaffirm why economic development is good.  It was suggested a question be placed on the website each month to provide continuous  feedback from citizens. First Selectman Schuster would like this budget season to be used to educate people on how economic development would affect the tax burden.
iv. Sponsor/Co-Sponsor events on The Green (Fire Truck Show, Farmers Market, Craft Fair, Taste of Colchester): The use of the old firehouse is still not certain.  There have been a multitude of suggestions. The Commission agreed that something that will drive the community and bring in visitors to Colchester would be ideal.
v. Additional EDC Members: There is currently one vacancy.
vi. Main Street Survey/initiatives: Previously discussed under Item 4c).
vii. EDC Section of Web Site: Commission members will view other town’s website and gather a list of sites and ideas that would be useful to add to Colchester’s site.
viii. P&Z and public meeting participation: Chairman Cohn would like to have representation from the Commission at Planning and Zoning meetings. 
On January 25, 2010 from 6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. the Department of Economic and Community Development will hold a CT Economic Strategic Forum in Norwich.  The purpose of the forum is to gather input from towns on Economic Development. 
Northeast Utilities has their own EDC.  Chairman Cohn has asked them to come and speak with the commission.
ix. Awareness of all commercial development:  First Selectman Schuster encouraged the Commission to serve as an informal business concierge by stopping in and introducing themselves to area businesses.  To alleviate some of A. Turner’s workload, Chairman Cohn, suggested that when A. Turner receives a phone call asking for information on Colchester he could refer them to one of the Commission members. 
x. Other:  A. Turner will be working on revising Planning and Zoning Regulations.  He will present the Commission with sections for review.  This will become a regular agenda item during the ongoing process.
c. Goal selection, prioritization and championing: The Commission will continue to work on goal selection. 
6. Other Business for the EDC: None
7. Adjourn: B. Goldstein motioned to adjourn, seconded by K. Issa.  All members present voted in favor.  MOTION CARRIED.
Chairman Cohn adjourned the meeting at 8:35 p.m.

Dawn LePage, Clerk