Economic Development Commission
Regular Meeting
Monday, September 21, 2009– 7:00 p.m.
Colchester Town Hall
MEMBERS PRESENT: Vice-Chairman Bruce Goldstein Steve Cohn, Paul Catalano, Tom Crotty, Andreas Bibiskos,
Kele Issa
MEMBERS ABSENT: Jeffery Koonankeil, Cathy Pompei, Kevin Burzycki
OTHERS PRESENT: John Malsbenden, BOS Liaison, Adam Turner, Town Planner
1. Call Meeting to Order: Vice-Chairman Goldstein called the meeting to order at 7:07 p.m.
2. Approval of the July 20, 2009 Meeting Minutes: T. Crotty motioned to approve the July 20, 2009 meeting minutes,, second by S. Cohn. All members present voted in favor with K. Issa abstaining. MOTION CARRIED.
3. Additions to the Agenda: K. Issa motioned to add Item 6b. C-Tip Recipient Focus Stats, seconded by S. Cohn. All members voted in favor. MOTION CARRIED.
4. Public Comments: None
5. New Business:
A. Downtown Redevelopment and Landscaping: A. Turner shared with the commission what work is being done in redevelopment. The Federated Church is having a new driveway and parking area put in. There will be major landscaping. Bacon Academy Trustees have received a grant to refurbish the building. There is discussion of some town offices moving to Old Bacon Academy once the renovation is done. The old firehouse is currently being worked on. The two outer bays have been removed and the building restored to the original size. The former Jack’s Chevrolet will have landscaping added along Rte 85. The town will be doing the work.
Other towns have volunteers that are very active in gardening of the town. A. Turner would like to see such a group in Colchester.
He continues to think that Rte. 85 is a barrier for connecting Main Street with the businesses on the other side of the green. Cars are traveling too fast to be able to comfortably cross the street.
B. Commercial Project Update: There are four major commercial developments.
1. Stop and Shop: An expansion of the current building as well as the additional building being built. The developer has asked for a reduction in the parking space requirement. Studies have shown that on the average the parking lot is 40% full.
2. Settler’s Green: A mixed use development. Having a mixed use is important to receive financing.
3. Lake Hayward/Rte 85: Site across from the Lake Hayward commuter lot. The lot is 22 acres and a 25,000 sq. ft retail center is being proposed. Possibility of specialty stores as occupants. There are wetlands in the back of the property but is still a good site. The developer would pay for a portion of the sewer and water which would need to be extended.
4. Parum Road: Has gone to court again. Town has made changes in the regulations. A 200,000 sq. ft. development plan is expected to be submitted to Planning and Zoning next month. The developer will contribute to the expense of extending sewer and water to the property.
C. Commercial Occupancy Study-determination of vacancy rates: Galaxy plaza still has empty space. The rent
is high. The owner would like to come in and speak to the commission. Quiznos will be opening.
Overall vacancy in the town is low.
6. Old Business:
A. Stat Information for Website- Update: The stats to go on the website were distributed. Commission members
are to let A. Turner know of any changes that should be made in order to finalize at next meeting.
B. C-Tip Recipient Focus Stats: S. Cohn interviewed four past C-Tip recipients. S& S Worldwide was busy and
no one available that was familiar with the C-Tip. M & G Enterprises, Aurora – McCarthy Funeral Home, and
John Gagnon’s Pet Resort answered questions on how the C-Tip application helped and their opinion on
Colchester. The feedback gathered can be placed on a brochure promoting the C-Tip application.
Vice-Chairman Goldstein expressed gratitude to S. Cohn for all the time and work he had put in to gathering this
7. Adjournment: T. Crotty motioned to adjourn, seconded by K. Issa. All members present voted in favor. MOTION CARRIED. Vice-Chairman Goldstein adjourned the meeting at 8:15 p.m.
Dawn LePage, Clerk