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RE: Economic Development Commission Minutes 11/16/09
Economic Development Commission
Regular Meeting
Monday, November 16, 2009– 7:00 p.m.
Colchester Town Hall
MEMBERS PRESENT: Vice-Chairman Bruce Goldstein,  Steve Cohn, , Tom Crotty, Kevin Burzycki MEMBERS ABSENT: Jeffery Koonankeil, Cathy Pompei, Paul Catalano, Andreas Bibiskos, Kele Issa
OTHERS PRESENT: First Selectman Schuster,  Adam Turner, Town Planner, Mr. Federiewicz
1. Call Meeting to Order:  Vice-Chairman Goldstein called the meeting to order at 7:04 p.m.
2. Approval of the September 21, 2009 Meeting Minutes: S. Cohn motioned to approve the September 21, 2009 meeting minutes,, second by S. K Burzycki.  All members present voted in favor with K. Burzycki abstaining. MOTION CARRIED.
3. Additions to the Agenda:  T. Crotty motioned to add 2010 Meeting Dates to the agenda under New Business, seconded by S. Cohn.  All members present voted in favor.  MOTION CARRIED.
4. Public Comments: Mr. Federkiewicz discussed possible ideas for businesses that he feels could be successful in Colchester.  Examples included Rent-a-Office, Craft Coop, Craft Center, and Rent-a-space.  Vice-Chairman Goldstein said that while the commission cannot establish a business if one of these types of businesses would like open in Colchester the EDC would do their best to support it in any way they could. 
First Selectman Schuster asked the commission to what extent they would like to be involved in the hiring of an Economic Developer Coordinator.  Vice-Chairman Goldstein said he felt that the commission should be involved and that more direction for the commission is needed.  First Selectman Schuster suggested the members contact the Economic Developer Coordinator from East Haddam to get a sense of what one could offer.  He also asked the commission to research the pay scale for such a position.
5. New Business:
  • Acceptance of resignation from Cathy Pompei:  The resignation has already been accepted by the Board of Selectmen.  Vice-Chairman Goldstein did wish to recognize all that  Chairman Pompei contributed to the commission during all her years as a member. 
  • Nomination and possible election of new chairperson:  T. Crotty motioned to elect S. Cohn as the new chairperson, seconded by K. Burzycki.  All members present voted in favor.  MOTION CARRIED.
**Vice-Chairman Goldstein turned the meeting over to Chairman Cohn.
  • 2010 Meeting dates:  B. Goldstein motioned to accept the 2010 meeting dates as presented, seconded by T. Crotty.  All members present voted in favor.  MOTION CARRIED. 
6. Old Business:
  • Discussion of ongoing commercial projects: The church parking area and old fire house will be completed soon.  The Stop and Shop expansion has been approved by Planning and Zoning.  An application has been received for a 250,000 sq. ft. structure and another larger structure application is expected soon. 
  • Discussion of the statistical profile:  The revised statistical profile, as presented by A. Turner, was reviewed.  He will be presenting it to the First Selectman for his outlook.
  • C-Tip recipient focus:  Item was not discussed.
7. Adjournment:  B. Goldstein motioned to adjourn, seconded by K. Burzycki.  All members present voted in favor. MOTION CARRIED.  Chairman Cohn adjourned the meeting at 8:35 p.m.
Dawn LePage, Clerk