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Economic Development Commission Agenda 02/16/10

Economic Development Commission
February 16, 2010 – 7:00 p.m.
Colchester Town Hall
127 Norwich Avenue
•       Call to Order
•       Approve last meeting minutes
•       Citizen Comments
•       Old Business
•       Discuss/Review Economic Development Coordinator role interviews and budgetary data
•       Share and review list of town web sites
•       Kele and Steve to share CT’s ED Forum impressions from 1/25
•       Sewer and Water update (Marc Decker will attend our March meeting):

                                                              i.      From Marc Decker (2/2/10): The infrastructure project is critical to the development of the commercial properties on the southern side of the town.  We issued the RFQ about a month ago and are opening the qualification submittals today at 2:00 and will begin reviewing them very soon. 
                                                             ii.      If the number of meetings and calls I’ve had from consultants is any indication, we should have a good number of respondents.  I would expect it will take us much of this month to go through the packages and then schedule interviews.  I expect we will have a consultant on board in late March (we need approval from DEP and BOS before negotiating a scope and fee and then need to go back to them for ultimate approval of a contract). 
                                                           iii.      (My attendance for the EDC) March meeting will be more timely because we will probably be in the scope definition stage. This project is unquestionably something that will take a considerable amount of teamwork to develop and pull off and the EDC will play a key role
•       New Business
•       Tom Marano from NU Economic Development Team to present slideshow
•       Other
•       Other Business for the EDC
•       Adjourn