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Economic Development Commission Agenda 03/15/10

Economic Development Commission
Colchester Town Hall
Monday, March 15, 2010 – 7:00 p.m.
  1. Call to Order
  1. Acceptance of last meeting minutes
  1. Citizen Comments
  1. Old Business
  1. Marc Decker presentation and review of last comments
                                          i.    Quick review: From Marc Decker (2/2/10): The infrastructure project is critical to the development of the commercial properties on the southern side of the town.  We issued the RFQ about a month ago and are opening the qualification submittals today at 2:00 and will begin reviewing them very soon. 
                                         ii.    If the number of meetings and calls I’ve had from consultants is any indication, we should have a good number of respondents.  I would expect it will take us much of this month to go through the packages and then schedule interviews.  I expect we will have a consultant on board in late March (we need approval from DEP and BOS before negotiating a scope and fee and then need to go back to them for ultimate approval of a contract). 
                                        iii.    (My attendance for the EDC) March meeting will be more timely because we will probably be in the scope definition stage. This project is unquestionably something that will take a considerable amount of teamwork to develop and pull off and the EDC will play a key role
  1. Tom Marano, NU ED presentation
  2. Web site discussion and next steps
  3. Economic Education discussion and next steps
  1. New Business
  1. Other Business for the EDC
  1. Adjourn