Colchester Commission on Aging
Meeting Minutes
Tuesday, October 11, 2011 – Colchester Senior Center
Members Present: Chairperson Rose Levine, Goldie Liverant, Marilyn Finnegan, Rob Gustafson
Members Absent: Vice-Chair Theresa Hendricksen, Jean Stawicki, Betty Ann Oppelt, Sue Maikshilo, Herb Davis
Others Present: Patti White
1. Call Meeting to Order: The meeting was called to order by Chair Rose Levine at 1:07 p.m.
2. Minutes: Marilyn Finnegan motioned to approve the regular meeting minutes of 9/12/11. Goldie Liverant seconded. All other members present voted in favor. MOTION CARRIED.
3. Financial Report: Patti White reported that $343.00 was collected for transportation in the month of September. 0f that, $139.00 was for out of town trips.
4. Chairman’s Report: Rose Levine reported that the ‘Caring for a Loved One with Alzheimer’s Disease or Any Other Dementia’ program on September 27th was very successful. They had about 37 attendees. Rose and the RN were then invited to speak at Yale at one of their Lunch and Learn programs.
5. Senior Center Director’s Report: Patti White reported that AARP presented a very educational forum on topics such as the DSS home care program for elders, potential changes in Medicare and the observe vs admit issue.
The center hosted the volunteer luncheon on September 27th. They had about 90 people attend. The entertainment was performed by staff and clients and was very well received.
The Taste of Thursday is going well. They had 27 people whereas the typical lunch attendance is about 10.
6. Senior/Community Center Building Committee Update: Patti White reported that Theresa Hendricksen submitted her resignation to both the building committee and the Commission on Aging. Rose Levine read her letter of resignation which the Commission agreed that they accept with regret. There was discussion regarding how her position will be filled since the Senior Center Study Group recommended that she or a designee from the study group should be on the building committee. Patti also expressed that the Commission on Aging should have a liaison attend the meetings.
7. Senior Resource List: Marilyn Finnegan presented some research she did regarding possible headers to include in this compilation. The group agreed that it should focus on resources available to Colchester residents. There was discussion on what to include, how much detail to offer and who to contact. Marilyn offered to work further on it. Rose suggested holding a contest at the center to come up with a catchy name.
8. Handyman Project: Rob Gustafson presented some ideas that he came up with for this program. They talked about how it should be run, liability, grants available, how to publicize it. They need to decide if it will be a free service or if there will be fees associated with the labor. Rob will try to meet with Herb Davis to hammer out some of the issues.
9. Old Business:
A. Bylaw Review: Tabled until next month.
10. New Business: No items were reported.
11. Adjournment: Goldie Liverant motioned to adjourn the meeting at 2:25 pm. Rob Gustafson seconded the motion. All other members present voted in favor. MOTION CARRIED.
Respectfully submitted,