Colchester Commission on Aging
Regular Meeting Minutes
Monday, April 12, 2010 – Colchester Senior Center
Members Present: Chairperson Jean Stawicki, Vice-Chair Clara Erickson, Bernie Erickson, Theresa Hendricksen, Barbara Warden, Rose Levine, Sue Maikshilo, Betty Ann Oppelt
Members Absent: Bill Wagner
Others Present: Patti White, Rosemary Coyle, First Selectman Greg Schuster
1. Call Meeting to Order: The meeting was called to order by Chair Jean Stawicki at 1:01 p.m.
2. Minutes: Sue Maikshilo motioned to approve the regular meeting minutes of 3/8/10. Clara Erickson seconded. All other members present voted in favor. MOTION CARRIED.
3. Financial Report: Bernie Erickson reported that dial-a-ride collected $304.50 in March from bus transportation. Of that, $52.00 was for two out of town trips. It was questioned why this amount was reported and Rosemary Coyle related that she then reports it to the Board of Selectmen. Barbara Warden motioned to approve the Financial Report. Theresa Hendricksen seconded. All other members present voted in favor. MOTION CARRIED.
4. Chairman’s Report: No items were reported.
5. Senior Center Director’s Report: Patti White reported that the senior center was asked to present additional cuts to the 2010-2011 budget. She was able to find about $6,800 in cuts that have been approved by the Board of Selectmen and will be presented at the town meeting. That amount is for items such as contractual issues with bussing that Patti said she and Priscilla can make up and the cost for Patti joining NCOA, which will be covered by fundraisers.
Patti stated that the Senior Center Study Group met last week and had a lively discussion. They are continuing with site visits this month to Glastonbury, Tolland and Groton. They are also sorting out how to go about the decision making process. The purpose of the visits is to learn about stand alone senior centers versus senior centers housed in community centers and how that relates to population.
The Making Memories program has a new leader. There are 11 people attending.
Patti contacted the Long-Term Care planning group to see if someone could come to a Commission on Aging meeting to report their findings and recommendations regarding this issue. They are currently looking for volunteers to do this as their budget has been slashed. They think they will be able to provide this service after the state budget is approved in May. There was discussion regarding sending a letter, but members decided to wait until after they get a representative to speak to them before deciding what to write about.
Patti said she understands from the state that the Municipal Matching Grant that funds out-of-town transportation is secure for the remainder of this year. This is the 5th year of a 5 year grant.
The senior center will hold a tag sale on June 13th, the same day as the tag sale on the green. The Busy Bee will report more about this.
Sue Maikshilo motioned to approve the Senior Center Director’s Report. Betty Ann Oppelt seconded. All other members present voted in favor. MOTION CARRIED.
6. Old Business:
A. Visitation Program: Patti will attend training during the 3rd week of April.
B. Long Term Care Need: There was more discussion about sending a letter to the Colchester representatives, and members decided to wait until after a rep was able to attend a Commission meeting. It was suggested to publicize it so members of the community could also come to get educated and ask questions.
C. Out-of-Town Transportation: This item was covered in Director’s report.
7. New Business: Patti reported that legislation will be presented to the State Representatives for a vote in May to exempt senior centers from Freedom of Information rules. This means that senior center staff would not be required to provide information, such as addresses and phone numbers, about the older adults who use the centers or services. It is important to note that this is one way that the State Commission on Aging represents senior citizens.
8. Adjournment: Sue Maikshilo motioned to adjourn the meeting at 1:29 p.m. Clara Erickson seconded. All other members present voted in favor. MOTION CARRIED.
Respectfully submitted,
Michelle Komoroski