Colchester Commission on Aging
Regular Meeting Minutes
Monday, July 12, 2010 – Colchester Senior Center
Members Present: Chairperson Jean Stawicki, Barbara Warden, Sue Maikshilo, Rose
Levine, Betty Ann Oppelt, Theresa Hendricksen
Members Absent: Vice-Chair Clara Erickson, Bernie Erickson, Bill Wagner
Others Present: Patti White
1. Call Meeting to Order: The meeting was called to order by Chair Jean
Stawicki at 1:04 p.m.
2. Minutes: Sue Maikshilo motioned to approve the regular meeting minutes
of 6/14/10. Barbara Warden seconded. All other members present voted in
3. Financial Report: Patti White reported that dial-a-ride collected
$390.00 in June from bus transportation. Of that, $186.00 was for out of town
trips. Patti explained that this money comes from donations made by people who
use the bus transportation. Theresa Hendricksen motioned to approve the
Financial Report. Sue Maikshilo seconded. All other members present voted in
4. Chairman’s Report: Jean Stawicki reported that she went to the Town
Clerk and found 4 different sets of bylaws. Jean suggested reading through them
then deciding as a commission what needs to be changed. Patti added that the
State Commission on Aging provides bylaw templates that local centers can use.
Theresa Hendricksen noticed that the composition of the commission differs from
that outlined in the bylaws. Jean asked all attending to take the copies and
read through them so they can continue next month.
5. Senior Center Director’s Report: Patti White reported that the Senior
Center Study Group met last Thursday and will hire a consultant to help
facilitate the research and decision making process.
Patti related that the senior center again received the grant funding the Making
Memories program. She is also applying for additional funding through the
Brookdale Foundation.
The new bus is in and will be on the road shortly. There are beginning efforts
to consolidate in-town trips for budgetary purposes. For example, grocery
shopping will be on Tuesdays with a set schedule.
Patti also explained that the town has told her they will get 3 computers for
seniors to use at the center.
Betty Ann Oppelt motioned to approve the Senior Center Director’s Report.
Barbara Warden seconded. All other members present voted in favor. MOTION
6. Old Business:
A. Visitation Program: No items were reported.
B. Long Term Care Need Issue: There was discussion regarding how to move
forward with this issue and what role the Commission on Aging could take. Rose
Levine talked about different groups and how they have addressed these issues,
including a non-profit group in Noank called OSHCA. They are modeled after the
Beacon Hill Project in Boston whose philosophy is based on neighbor helping
neighbor. The Commission decided to host a seminar aimed at potential
caregivers. It will take place on Wednesday, October 20th at the Colchester
Senior Center from 7 to 9 pm. Topics will include issues aimed at keeping
seniors at home such as shopping, rides to doctor visits, dog walking,
insurance, elder law, etc.
7. New Business:
A. Bylaw Review: Item discussed in Chairman’s Report.
8. Adjournment: Barbara Warden motioned to adjourn the meeting at 2:17
pm. Betty Ann Oppelt seconded the motion. All other members present voted in
Respectfully submitted,
Michelle Komoroski