Colchester Commission on Aging
Regular Meeting Minutes
Monday, September 14, 2009 – Colchester Senior Center
Members Present: Chairman Jean Stawicki, Vice-Chair Clara Erickson, Bernie Erickson, Sue Maikshilo, Betty Ann Oppelt, Barbara Warden, Theresa Hendricksen
Members Absent: Bill Wagner
Others Present: Patti White, Rosemary Coyle, Priscilla Clesowich, Linda Orange, other citizens
1. Call Meeting to Order: The meeting was called to order at 1:05 p.m.
2. Minutes: Sue Maikshilo motioned to approve the regular meeting minutes of 7/13/09. Theresa Hendricksen seconded. All other members present voted in favor. MOTION CARRIED.
3. Financial Report: Bernie Erickson reported that the senior center collected $272.00 in July from bus transportation. Of that, $107.00 was for out of town trips. $527.35 was collected in August and $118.00 of that was for out of town trips. Barbara Warden motioned to approve the Financial Report. Sue Maikshilo seconded. All other members present voted in favor. MOTION CARRIED.
4. Guest Speaker, State Representative Linda Orange: Frances Duka asked Rep. Orange about the “Notch” victims. This refers to those born between 1917 and 1926 who are getting about $3,000 less in Social Security than they should. She heard that there is a settlement pending of $5,000, payable over time. She questioned the letters she’s been getting asking for money to resolve this issue. Rep. Orange said that this is a Federal, not a State issue. The letters asking for money are from lobbyists and you can go directly to your congressmen for help.
Jean Stawicki entered the meeting at 1:13.
Rep. Orange addressed the changes to ConnPACE. She related that the asset test has been eliminated and there will be no more estate recovery as of 1/1/10. Also, the change in Medicare savings program shifts people into categories with better benefits, so some may see an increase in Social Security benefits. The State budget will not be affected by these changes as it has shifted to federal responsibility.
Rep. Orange reported that Dial-a-Ride has not been affected by the budget. And although the budget was put into law, they will still be dealing with mini budget issues that may come up.
The State Commission on Aging’s budget was cut in half. Their costs are mostly administrative fees as the commissions are made up of volunteers.
Members of the Colchester Commission on Aging thanked Representative Orange for coming to the meeting and making her report. Rep. Orange left the meeting at 1:42.
5. Chairman’s Report: Jean Stawicki reported that she spoke with Cathy Russi regarding funds that were earmarked for certain purposes. She documented Cathy’s information and passed it on.
6. Senior Center Director’s Report: Patti White reported that Carefree offered to donate the gazebo for outside the senior center. Bacon Academy Board of Trustees gave their approval so it is now in the building permit process. The grant from KBE will fund this project.
The center was awarded the grant from Brookdale. This grant, in addition to the one from the Older American’s Act, will fund the Making Memories program. They will advertise for a coordinator soon and hopefully get up and running this fall.
Summer Bingo is back through the month of September.
There have been three applicants for the open positions on the Senior Center Study Group and the other Commissions have voted to recommend participants. The Board of Selectmen did not begin interviewing yet. Rosemary added that they like to interview applicants in the same time frame.
Patti reported that Donna has done more Renter’s Rebates this year than ever. The Energy Assistance Program will begin taking appointments on October 1st.
Maggie Cosgrove will attend the next Commission meeting to give an overview of the senior center budget and financial position.
Make a Difference Day is on October 24th. This year they will target families in need in Colchester and will coordinate with social services. Collections will be taken between October 19th and 23rd.
AARP is hosting a “Meet the Candidates” day at the Senior Center on October 27th.
The Senior Resources Agency has offered to provide a shredder in the center’s parking lot for seniors who don’t have access to one. This service is provided for seniors so they can destroy personal papers to help prevent identity theft.
Clara Erickson motioned to approve the Senior Center Director’s report. Sue Maikshilo seconded. All other members present voted in favor. MOTION CARRIED.
7. Old Business: Jean Stawicki talked about finding a new project for the Commission on Aging. There was discussion about advertising programs offered by the center as well as creating an outreach program for seniors in need. Patti related that the Saybrook center has a similar program and offered to ask if they would come to a future meeting to describe it.
8. New Business: No items were reported.
9. Adjournment: Clara Erickson motioned to adjourn the meeting at 2:28 p.m. Sue Maikshilo seconded. All other members present voted in favor. MOTION CARRIED.
Respectfully submitted,
Michelle Komoroski