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Commission on Aging Minutes 11 09 09
Town of Colchester, CT

127 Norwich Avenue, Colchester, CT 06415
ph: (860) 537-7200
fx: (860) 537-0547
Commission on Aging Minutes 11 9 2009

Colchester Commission on Aging
Regular Meeting Minutes
Monday, November 9, 2009 – Colchester Senior Center
Members Present:  Chairman Jean Stawicki, Bernie Erickson, Clara Erickson, Sue Maikshilo , Theresa  Hendricksen, Betty Ann Oppelt,  Barbara Warden.                    
 Members Absent:   Bill Wagner
Others Present:  Patti White, Rosemary Coyle, Norm Dupuis, First Selectmen elect Greg Schuster, Susan Mendelson.
1.      Call Meeting to Order:  The meeting was called to order by Jean Stawicki at 1:03 p.m.
2.      Minutes:  Jean Stawicki asked the members to move forward the informational only minutes from the October meeting at which there was no quorum.  No formal motion required.
3.     Financial Report:  Bernie Erickson reported that the senior center collected $388.00 in September from bus transportation and of that $152.00 was from out of town shopping trips.  In October the amounts were $519.31 and $102.00 respectively.  Bernie reported that the month of October’s numbers were high because we had received donations by check from family members of some of the individuals who use the transportation.  These donations were made to support more than one month’s service. Betty Ann Oppelt motioned to accept the Financial Report.  Clara Erickson seconded.  All other members present voted in favor.  MOTION CARRIED.
4.  Chairman’s Report:  Jean Stawicki stated that she had no report to make at the time.
5. Senior Center Director’s Report:   Patti White reported that the November flu clinics were cancelled because the provider, the VNA of Middletown was unable to secure the vaccine.  Patti stated that she had been informed that if they get the vaccine by the end of November the Health Department would likely schedule another clinic at the Center in December.
Patti reported that the Senior Center Open House went well and Clara Erickson echoed that summary.  Clara said that approximately 120 people attended the event and that the food and programming was very good.  Clara and Bernie stated that they had brought some of their friends who are younger seniors to the event to interest them in participating more in the activities of the center.   A discussion followed on the various challenges that senior centers face in attracting the baby boomer generation.  Patti reported that other centers and Groton in particular have a very good program that is drawing a substantial number of individuals from that population.  Jean Stawicki questioned how a senior center can serve those under 60 and Patti said that it depended on the individual town’s policies, demographics and funding sources.
Patti informed the group that she had hired a pt. time recreational therapy coordinator for the Making
Memories program and stated that she was off to a good start doing research on best practices for the program to replicate in developing policies and eligibility requirements.
Patti said that the Senior Center would host a “Shred It” Day on Wednesday December 2 from 9-1
for those interested in shredding their personal documents.  A bus/truck would be in the Senior Center parking lot at that time.
Patti updated the group on the formation of the Senior Center Study Group.  Rosemary stated that the
first meeting would be called through the First Selectmen’s office and that the group would elect a chairman and decide on a meeting schedule.  Greg Schuster stated that he would work with Mike Caplet to set up a first meeting.
Clara Erickson stated that the Golden Glow singing group had a number of upcoming engagements.  Bernie informed the group that they would sing in Marlborough on December 7, at the Hartford Atheneum on December 12, and in Norwich on December 21.
Clara Erickson motioned to accept the Senior Center Director’s Report.  Sue Maikshilo seconded.  All other members present voted in favor.  MOTION CARRIED.
 6.      Old Business:  A. Outreach Program:
Patti reported that she had set up a meeting with the volunteer coordinator of the Saybrook Senior Center’s outreach program, the Friendly Visitor.  Patti said that the meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, November 10 and that she would report back to the commission at the December meeting.
Jean Stawicki discussed past ideas/projects that the commission had considered doing including, improving the marketing tools currently used by the center, glazing the windows of the center and developing donation policies for the center.  The members of the commission stated that they wanted to work on one issue at a time.
Norm Dupuis suggested that the commission pursue the facility component of an accreditation process.  He stated that the current building is not safe for staff at night and that the fire and safety policies, or lack thereof, should be addressed. 
Patti White said that she had been discussing some of these safety issues with Chief Cox and the staff.  Greg Schuster asked if the Commission would like for him to bring the Fire Marshal to the next meeting of the commission.  Patti stated that she would work to minimally get a fire drill in place before the next meeting.
7.     New Business:
8.     Adjournment:  Sue Maikshilo motioned to adjourn the meeting at 2:05 p.m.  Sue seconded.  All other members present voted in favor.  MOTION CARRIED.
Respectfully submitted,
Patti White