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Commission on Aging Minutes 09/10/07

Colchester Commission on Aging
Regular Meeting Minutes
Monday, September 10, 2007 – Colchester Senior Center

MEMBERS PRESENT:  Chairman Bernie Erickson, Vice Chairman Ann Smyk, Clara Erickson, Bill Wagner, Jean Stawicki, Sally Carbone

MEMBERS ABSENT:  James Cunningham, Regina Saparo-Hunt

OTHERS PRESENT:  Cathy Russi, Rosemary Coyle, Betty Ann Doucette (Treasurer of the Westchester Village Resident’s Association)

1.      Call Meeting to Order:  Chairman Bernie Erickson called the regular                                       meeting to order at 1:04 p.m.

2.      Minutes of 6/11/07 Regular Meeting:  It was incorrectly recorded in the 6/11/07 minutes that Rosemary Coyle seconded the motion to accept the Chairman’s Report.  She cannot make motions because she is not a member of the Commission on Aging.  Clara Erickson seconded the motion to accept the Chairman’s Report for correction.  Clara Erickson also motioned to rescind the vote from the 4/16/07 meeting to appoint Jean Stawicki as Treasurer, as there is no treasurer on the Commission on Aging.  Ann Smyk seconded the motion to rescind the vote.  All other members present voted in favor.  MOTION CARRIED.  Ann Smyk motioned to otherwise approve the regular meeting minutes of 6/11/07, as well as the informational minutes of the 7/9/07 and 8/13/07 meetings.  Jean Stawicki seconded.  All other members present voted in favor.  MOTION CARRIED.

3.      Treasurer’s Report:  Bernie Erickson suggested that the Treasurer’s Report should be renamed as a Financial Report beginning with the October Agenda.  There was no report on bus collections this month.  The Senior Center collects money from the bus trips provided, along with cans and bottles and donations for bread and vegetables.  These funds are deposited into the town accounts under petty cash and Cathy uses this money for programming, memorials and for those that can’t afford to participate in events on their own.  

4.      Chairman’s Report:  No items were reported other than that Regina Saparo-Hunt is in the hospital and should be released shortly.  

5.      Friends of the Senior Center Report:  Bernie Erickson reported that the next meeting for the Friends of the Senior Center will be on September 27, 2007.

6.      Senior Center Director’s Report:  Cathy Russi reported that September is Older Americans Month and the Senor Center is doing something special each day.  This week’s focus is Cultural Diversity where the country of India is highlighted.  The movie Ghandi was shown, a sarong was demonstrated, seniors made a huge elephant with the help of Irene and discussed how important these animals are to the culture.  There will also be a guest speaker from India as well as food preparation and meals.

Cathy questioned whether the Commission should ask members who have had long absences if they plan on continuing to serve on the board.  Cathy feels that the Commission could provide added support to her at the town budget meetings, the next of which is on September 17, 2007.  She expressed that if the budget is to be cut further, she will need help finding the cuts to make.  As it is now, there are no new initiatives, only $750 for programming and funds for the new front door have been cut.  Further cuts may mean closing down for a time, or even layoffs.  She reiterated that the Senior Center provides valuable services to the elderly such as aid in completing renter’s rebates and circuit breaker program forms which provide needed relief to the seniors as well as meals, transportation, etc.

Rosemary Coyle explained that the issue is the budget vs. revaluation.  Revaluation is a state law designed to evaluate all homes in the same manner.  The budget is at 0 mil increase right now.  The education budget is 70,000 less than the state money that we received this year - the town received 1.4 million from the state which means that the Board of Education is not raising taxes.  The Selectman’s budget has been cut everywhere also.  The reval problem will not be solved by defeating the budget again.  What will happen is that services will be shut down by the town.  The Board of Selectmen has set up a commission to look at elderly tax relief.  Rosemary has contacted the CT Conference of Municipalities and CT Conference of Small Towns and asked them to send information about all of the programs that exist for elderly tax relief.  However, nothing can be accomplished until a budget is passed.  

Cathy has compiled some statistics regarding senior services that the center provided last year.  There were 7,121 café meals provided, 2,454 meals on wheels, 223 people who utilized transportation, 14,745 one way rides, and 8,051 direct services provided (this number is incomplete) which would include anyone who has used services provided at the senior center.  These numbers show how many different people the senior center supports.

Cathy went to training program for the Choices Program which is a statewide program to help people with insurance issues for Medicare parts A, B and D.  Both Cathy and Donna are certified in this program.

Cathy will attend the Municipal Agent Training in Montville on September 22nd.  She has been designated as the Municipal Agent for the town of Colchester.

Donna and Cathy will be attending a CL&P quorum on October 10th.  This will provide them with all the information for energy conservation and energy assistance programs and any added programs that could be piggybacked to the TVCCA’s programs.

The Senior Center will be helping with the Business Showcase on the 18th.  

Cathy is starting a program with Cathy Maher at the high school on Life Span Development.  There are some seniors who are willing to share their life experiences which interestingly can parallel high school development.

On October 5th, there will be a Hawaiian Luau hosted by the Greater New London County area Senior Center Directors at Port and Starbird.  It is a regional event social program.

Irene will be serving as the senior center liaison with the town Health and Safety Department.

Information on the Scandinavian trip will be available on Thursday of this week and Friday will be grocery shopping bingo where the prizes will all be groceries.

There have been a lot of calls for out of town transportation for medical appointments.  Trying to find a driver has been difficult.  Noella only drives on Thursdays and Fridays.  Karen is driving now, but will be leaving for a few months in the fall and Sherri has to cut her hours down.  Cathy spoke with Stan Soby regarding a new per diem driver so that has been posted at town hall.  This is not a new initiative; it is all covered by a grant.

There are three new cell phones on the way to replace the old one that they had been using.  These phones all fit within the current budget.

Cathy has been working with Jane to increase the number of meals served at the Senior Center, although meals on wheels are still going strong.  They have asked for feedback with surveys in the newsletter, with a drawing for respondents for a grocery store gift certificate.  Clara Erickson suggested that the commission eat once or twice a month at the senior center.  There are soups being offered now such as clam chowder, corn chowder, chili beef and chicken curry with rice.  Not only would it benefit the senior center, but there are lots of seniors who just like to visit.  Suggested donation is $2.50, but there are envelopes at the desk for confidentiality so if you can’t afford that, you can put whatever you can in.  

Cathy would like to continue the intergenerational program entitled The Gift Goes On, run in conjunction with Kim Waltmire at the elementary school.  However, she feels some changes need to be made.  She would like to see the seniors get the credit that they have worked for as this is a very valuable program for them.

The gardening program was very successful this year.  The gardens looked lovely.  It is a wonderful partnership that teaches not only about gardens but about health issues, taking care of your skin, washing your hands, washing the fruit, cooking and crafts.

Maureen Shelto was profiled in the Norwich Bulletin for all the work she’s done under the auspices of Easter Seals.  Everyone is so proud of her for all her work and this honor.

Cathy has been working with a reporter at the Norwich Bulletin to get some positive information out regarding senior centers and all the services that they provide, above and beyond meals, transportation and bingo.  She wants to let people know that she oftentimes works in collaboration with other senior centers for ideas as well as helping each other out.

Cathy is open to suggestions for new programs.  Irene has been getting ideas for new classes and has done a lot with jewelry.  The pool tables are uncovered and available to use.  There are also art classes offered by Irene.

The Senior Center will have a table at the 57 fest for children to make bead necklaces.  Volunteers are needed.

Make a Difference Day for the National Day of Caring will be held on October 27th.  All four schools are again committed.  The senior center will be open in the morning and will hold a mini tag sale to raise funds for postage.  CES is collecting school supplies, JJIS is collecting new underwear, WJJMS is collecting paper items and toiletries and BA is collecting items for the troops.  Last year the supplies were divided up between Colchester social services, Lebanon Pines a drug abuse center, Madonna Place in Norwich, Iraq, a senior center in Tennessee which distributes to children in Appalachia, and another senior center in Florida.  Cathy does the final packing, uses the money from the tag sale for postage and sends it all off.  This is truly a community partnership.  

AARP is doing a program on advanced directives and how changes have been made on the 1st Tuesday of the month at 2:00 p.m. at the senior center, regarding scams aimed at seniors.

Health Net is offering an exercise program to senior centers.  They provide the instructor and liability insurance.  Cathy has talked to 3 other senior centers who all feel it is marvelous.  She also talked to Stan and will get all the paperwork to him regarding this program.

Ann Smyk motioned to accept the Senior Center Directors Report.  Jean Stawicki seconded.  All other members present voted in favor.  MOTIONED CARRIED.

7.      Old Business:  No items were reported.

8.      New Business:  No items were reported.

9.      Any Other Business Deemed Necessary:  No items were reported.

10.     Items of Interest:  No items were reported.

11.     Adjournment:  Bill Wager motioned to adjourn the meeting at 2:10 p.m.  Motion seconded by Sally Carbone.  All other members present voted in favor.  MOTION CARRIED.

Respectfully submitted,

Michelle Komoroski