Town of Colchester
WJJMS/ Community Center/Senior Center Building Committee
Special Meeting
February 14, 2013- 7:00 PM
WJJMS – Media Center
Members Present: Thomas Tyler, Anthony Tarnowski, Joseph Ruiz, Irene Malsbenden, Joseph DeLucia, Paul Picard, Pam Scheibelein
Members Absent: None
Others Present: Director of Facilities Greg Plunkett, Architect Marco Tommasini, Principal Chris Bennett, Vice-Principal Dr. Jennifer Olsen, Superintendent Jeff Mathieu, Board of Education Chairman Ron Goldstein, Board of Finance Chairman Rob Tarlov, Citizen Ken Biega
1. Call to order: Chairman Tyler called the meeting to order at 7:04 p.m.
2. Additions to Agenda: None
3. Citizens Comments:
a) Discussion of Correspondence Received: Three new emails were received. Chairman Tyler has responded to them.
4. Approval of Minutes
January 24, 2013: P. Scheibelein motioned to approve the minutes of the January 24, 2013, seconded by J. Ruiz. Vote was unanimous. MOTION CARRIED.
5. Discussion of Cost Estimate and Tri-Board meeting:
> The general consensus at the tri-board meeting was that the project will not be ready for the May referendum date. Ron Goldstein will see if another special exception can be granted to allow for the project to be submitted to the state in November. He expressed concern as to if a November date is even feasible. Members feel they were still not given direction.
> The architect shared cost estimate comparisons of two schools with similar square footages as well as an independent estimate. The costs were similar to that of the estimate provided to town on the project.
> Rob Tarlov told the committee the taxpayers will need to know all alternatives, everything from the full project at the $62.8 million to just doing the minimum number of repairs and updates to the school.
> The architect submitted a quote of $6,250 for cost analysis and value planning (“Menu List”).
P. Picard motioned to accept the quote and present to the Board of Finance and Board of Selectmen, seconded by I. Malsbenden. Vote was unanimous. MOTION CARRIED.
6. Citizen Comments:
7. Adjournment: J. Ruiz motioned to adjourn, seconded by P. Picard. Vote was
unanimous. MOTION CARRIED. Chairman Tyler adjourned the meeting at 8:23 p.m.
Submitted by,
Dawn LePage, Clerk