Town of Colchester
WJJMS/ Community Center/Senior Center Building Committee
Special Meeting
April 1, 2013- 7:00 PM
WJJMS – Media Center
Members Present: Thomas Tyler, Joseph Ruiz, Irene Malsbenden, Joseph DeLucia, Paul Picard,
Members Absent: Anthony Tarnowski, Pam Scheibelein
Others Present: Director of Facilities Ken Jackson, Architect Marco Tommasini, Principal Chris Bennett, Board of Finance Liaison Art Shilosky, Board of Education Liaison Brad Bernier, Board of Selectman Liaison Rosemary Coyle, Citizen Jeffery Duigou
1. Call to order: Chairman Tyler called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
2. Additions to Agenda: None
3. Citizens Comments: None
a) Discussion of Correspondence Received: None
4. Approval of Minutes
March 14, 2013: I. Malsbenden motioned to approve the minutes of the March 14, 2013, seconded by P. Picard. Vote was unanimous. MOTION CARRIED.
5. Presentation and Discussion of Architects Options: Architect presented revised cost estimates. Option 1 primarily included to the school portion: Deletions of 4 classrooms, elimination of renovation to gym B, reduction of parking, eliminating resurfacing of existing parking lot, and of playing fields. The Senior Center and Community Center renovations would be minimized, elimination of renovation to gym A, and modify entry to Senior Center. The revised estimate included an approximately 3% increase on the school portion due to the one year delay. The elimination of four classrooms would require the reduction in teams; or labs would need to be used as classrooms. Reduction of teams would result in the loss of 90 hours of art instruction per year. J. DeLucia does not want to see classrooms
eliminated at this time only to see a shortage of space in years to come, referring to the current situation at Bacon Academy.
Enrollment predictions were discussed. Principal Bennett said having the use of two gyms is absolutely crucial. Members agreed to the elimination of the enclosure on the Senior Center entrance but felt the loop road should be kept in the project
Option 2, the cost to only renovate the existing building and would not include Senior Center or Community Center, would have a higher cost to the town than option 1 due to state reimbursement level. The revised estimates will be presented to the Board of Finance at their April 3rd meeting as well as upcoming Board of Selectmen and Board of Education meetings.
6. Citizen Comments: Jeffery Duigou expressed concern on the cost for hazmat.
7. Adjournment: P. Picard motioned to adjourn, seconded by I. Malsbenden. Vote was
unanimous. MOTION CARRIED. Chairman Tyler adjourned the meeting at 8:47 p.m.
Submitted by,
Dawn LePage, Clerk