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Building Committee Minutes 02/06/12
Town of Colchester
WJJMS/ Community Center/ Senior Center Building Committee
Special Meeting
February 6, 2012 – 6:30 PM
William J. Johnston Middle School - Media Center
Members Present: Thomas Tyler, Anthony Tarnowski, Joseph DeLucia, Joseph Ruiz, Paul Picard
Members Absent:   Pam Scheibelein
Others Present: Director of Facilities Greg Plunkett, Senior Center Director Patti White, Board of Education Liaison Brad Bernier, Superintendent Karen Loiselle, Goldie Liverant
1. Call to order:  Chairman Tyler called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m.
2. Citizens Comments: None
3. Architect Interviews:
 Tecton Architects was interviewed.  The following were presenters for Tecton:
  Jeffrey Wyszynski, AIA
  Marco Tommasini, RA, LEED AP
  Craig Saunders, AIA, LEED AP
  Ann Melite, NCIDQ
 The Lawrence Associates was interviewed.  The following were presenters for The Lawrence
 Anwar Hossain, AIA
 Douglas Lajoie, PE, LEED AP – Consulting Engineering Services (CES)  
 4. Citizens Comments: None
5. Adjournment:  P. Picard motioned to adjourn, seconded by J. Ruiz.  Vote was unanimous.    MOTION CARRIED.  Chairman Tyler adjourned the meeting 8:44 p.m.

 Submitted by,
 Dawn LePage, Clerk