Town of Colchester
WJJMS/ Community Center/Senior Center Building Committee
Regular Meeting
April 26, 2012 - 7:00 PM
WJJMS – Media Center
Members Present: Thomas Tyler, Anthony Tarnowski, Joseph DeLucia, Paul Picard, Pam Scheibelein, Joseph Ruiz
Members Absent: Irene Malsbenden
Others Present: Tecton Architect associates Marco Tommasini and Jeffrey Wyszynski, Board of Education Chairman Ron Goldstein, Board of Finance Liaison Art Shilosky, Board of Selectman Liaison Rosemary Coyle, Board of Education Liaison Brad Berneir
1. Call to order: Chairman Tyler called the meeting to order at 7:03 p.m.
2. Additions to Agenda: None
3. Citizens Comments: R. Goldstein spoke to Senator Daily. The request to submit the application after the June 2012 required date will be added to a bill that is expected to past.
4. Approval of Minutes
* April 12, 2012: P. Picard motioned to approve the minutes of the April 12, 2012 meeting, seconded by A. Tarnowski. Vote was unanimous. MOTION CARRIED.
5. Architect Report: Marco Tommasini indicated he had met with all constituent groups from the school and the town. Based on the data he obtained from them he has been working to determine how the programs might be fit into the building. Two conceptual design drafts were presented and reviewed. It was emphasized that the designs were to demonstrate how the space required by the programs which will occupy the building can be met. In addition a tentative site layout was presented and discussed. It was emphasized that these ideas are tentative and may change at any time.
6. Review and Possible Changes to Timeline: No changes.
7. Payment of Bills: Chairman Tyler presented the following bill for payment
Vendor Invoice Amount
Tecton 1 $4,275.00
A. Tarnowski motion to approve the bill as presented, seconded by P. Picard.
Vote was unanimous. MOTION CARRIED.
8. Citizens Comments: None
9. Adjournment: J. Ruiz motioned to adjourn, seconded by J. DeLucia. Vote was unanimous. MOTION CARRIED. Chairman Tyler adjourned the meeting at 8:29 p.m.
Submitted by,
Dawn LePage, Clerk